Gender Equality in Research Women hold fewer than 20% of all higher academic positions YET Account for over 55% of all university students Mirrors broader.


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Presentation transcript:

Gender Equality in Research Women hold fewer than 20% of all higher academic positions YET Account for over 55% of all university students Mirrors broader picture

Women in Research Gender imbalance in sector not a reflection of region Projects chosen based on academic excellence & merit Issues  Greater participation in discipline  Greater participation in employment  Greater senior levels Obligation = Horizontal Gender Equality Principle Data return Gender Equality Action

Gender Equality? EEA Acts promote equal opps & eliminate discrimination for women & men Positive action to address under- representation Gender mainstreaming – integrating gender into policy-making  Consultation  Participation  Data collection  Impact Assessment  Monitoring

Horizontal Principle? Equal Opportunities is a horizontal principle for all ESF programmes This means: All programmes include indicators and project selection criteria to ensure that they are open to men and women.

Background to Horizontal Principle EU Strategy for Equality between Men and Women Improve participation in the labour market Address Gender pay gap Improve participation through WLB Targeted initiatives re women in decision-making Violence against women Europe 2020 Strategy Building EU into a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy delivering employment, productivity and social cohesion

EU 2020 Strategy Headline Targets Raise the ER 75% (men & women) Improve R&D – particularly participation of women Improve education levels – early school leaving, life long learning, educational choice Tackling poverty – lone parents, discrimination etc

Checklist Gender Disaggregated data & information where possible Description of objectives as regards reducing inequalities Presentation of specific indicators and targets for monitoring improved equality

Annual Reporting Template 1.Name 2.What actions have taken place over the last year to incorporate the principle Access Improved participation of women eg recruitment Support to organisations to develop gender equality Promotion of women as employees & managers in research Targeting resources to enhance participation Training Improved participation of women in vocational training measures especially in IT sector Improved flexibility of delivery of courses

Template contd. Question 2 Support networks of women Support mentoring activities Support Work & Life Promotion of Gender Mainstreaming Balanced participation on boards, select committees, assessment boards etc Build pool of women graduates in field Consult equality groups

Template Question 3 Indicators Gender Equality data = no. of researchers male/female Baseline position = start date Latest position = assists monitoring

Template Question 4 Taking account of the material resented under 2 and 3 above, what contribution is the Theme making to the promotion of the principle  What is the gender distribution  What new opportunities are available to women  Consultation with groups  Positive action techniques  Overcoming barriers  Set targets

Template Question 5 Identify any issues arising that need to be drawn to the attention of the Managing Authority or other Departments? Capacity to deliver Do women have different needs & preferences How do these impact on project design Advantages/Disadvantages Resources needed Future

Women and Science Fewer women choose to enter educational paths in S&T domains Fewer women in S&T leads to no role models Lack of women in networks Lack of WLB Gender pay gap Gender Stereotyping

WITS Actively promotes women in science, technology, engineering and maths Members include: 3 rd level students Senior academics Business people Involved in any aspect of science, engineering or technology

WITS Data Female science graduates = 50% in 2002 Uptake of science, mathematics & computing PhD = 50% female in 2002 Engineering studies = 17% female in % R&D personnel = female in % of senior positions on scientific boards, academics & universities = female

WITS Action Recruit – Role Model – schools to meet working women scientists, technologists & engineers – share experiences, advice on career paths, job profiles etc Return – Re-enter programme – educational, networking and mentoring for women returning to work Retain – Talent bank of senior women in S&T willing to serve on State and other Boards

Solutions Cultural and behavioural Change Work Life Balance Early Stage Career Support

Cultural and Bahavioural Change Documenting gender discrimination Monitoring the gender pay gap Keeping women’s issues in the foreground Promoting women’s integration in research Helpdesk Management Buy-in for all above

Work Life Balance Establish in-house services Info on WLB for all employees Redesign work practices beyond legal requirement

Early Stage Career Development Temporary Contracts Training on career strategies Organise career path Promote pool Establish collaboration with leaders in field, international and one-to-one peer support

Women’s Leadership in Research Promoting a database Role models Reserved funds Monitoring imbalances

Higher Education Institutions Gender balance on selection committees/assessment boards Gender equality in recruitment Existence of equality opportunity policies Application of GMS Notable increase in no. of female researchers

Enterprise Ireland Equality as a criteria for assessing application for funds Actively engaging female under-graduates in S&T and encourage greater participation

In Conclusion Fairness Legal obligation Untapped resource – fully utilise human capital Network = sharing experiences/best practice - explore Liaise with Gender Equality Division - support Patrick O’Leary Gender Equality Division Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs Bishops Square Redmonds Hill Dublin 2 Tel