(Copy assignments each day as teacher checks roll) Monday, August 11 th Topic: Demonstrate responsible organization skills Level: Synthesis Assessment: Assemble your portfolio exactly like Mrs. Sutton says ACTIVITIES Name tents Turn in packets Turn in FFA Creed Work Report news stories Check supplies Hand Out: Cover page Ag Reference Form Assemble portfolios ASSIGNMENTS Finish assembling your portfolio TONIGHT Due Wednesday: Bring one current news story about agriculture or biotechnology to share with the class.
PORTFOLIO SET-UP Cover page Syllabus on top of first tab Tabs: Notes Work Lab Quiz/Test SAE/CDE Ag Reference form behind SAE/CDE tab
CDEs (Career Development Events) Full participation includes: 2x weekly practice after school. Work with your team to learn skills and knowledge. Travel with a team to compete.
CDEs (Career Development Events) Mid-Winter Conference & Competition District = Friday, November ASU State = Friday, December ASU Spring Conference & Competition District = Friday, February ASU State = Thursday & Friday, March U of A State Leadership Conference (Summer) District = Wednesday, March Desert Hills HS State = Tues-Sat, June U of A See Ag Reference Sheet for Competitions
(Copy assignments each day as teacher checks roll) Tuesday, August 12 th Topic: How does FFA relate to me achieving my career goals? Level: Analysis Assessment: Writing response ACTIVITIES Name tents Chapter Officer Visits On a separate sheet of paper, tell what your career dreams are and explain how FFA relates to you achieving those dreams. ASSIGNMENTS Due Tomorrow: Bring one current news story about agriculture or biotechnology to share with the class.
List six proper uses of the FFA jacket. What are the 8 types of SAEs? Explain each and give examples. What are the parts of the FFA emblem? What is the FFA motto? What are the FFA Colors? Each paragraph of the FFA creed begins with? What are the four types of membership held in FFA? Explain each. What are the degrees to be held in FFA and when can you achieve them? What is the FFA mission? List the first five historical event in FFA that made a difference in FFA. By looking in the manual find what symbol each chapter officer is stationed by and why they are stationed there. What is a POA? And how is it useful for chapters? Fill in the Vinn Diagram based on the agricultural education curriculum.
(Copy assignments each day as teacher checks roll) Wednesday, August 13 th Topic: Demonstrate proper use of laptops Level: Synthesis Assessment: Practice getting laptops out/putting away ACTIVITIES Report news stories Pill Bug Lab- Scientific Method ASSIGNMENTS Bring one current news story about agriculture or biotechnology to share with the class
News Report on a separate piece of paper 1. Title and author of article 2. In 5 sentences summarize your article. 3. Why is it important? 4. Where did you find the article? (website, paper)
(Copy assignments each day as teacher checks roll) Thursday, August 14 th Topic: SAE projects Level: Application Assessment: Choose one or more SAE project(s) ACTIVITIES SAE Notes Choose an SAE project – must be started by October 1 st ! ASSIGNMENTS Finish developing your SAE ideas – due Monday
(Copy assignments each day as teacher checks roll) Friday, August 15 th Topic: SAE projects Level: Application Assessment: Choose one or more SAE project(s) ACTIVITIES Complete SAE Notes Choose an SAE project – must be started by October 1 st ! ASSIGNMENTS Finish developing your SAE ideas – due Monday