CHIIP: Background Multi-agency collaborative effort working to remove barriers to employment and self-sufficiency of people with disabilities. Since 2005, funding and activities tied to the California Comprehensive Strategy for Employment of People with Disabilities.
CHIIP Goals 1) Successful social marketing campaign. 2) Sustainable disability work incentives and benefits planning technical assistance. 3) Sustainable disability/employment tools & training. 4) Sustainable disability/youth transitions activities. 5) Improved disability/employment data systems. 6) Research and education on work incentives policy topics.
1) Social Marketing Campaign. Talent Knows No Limits aims to change social norms around employment of people with disabilities. Primary target audience for campaign includes employers and potential employees with disabilities throughout California. Secondary target audience includes youth and adults with disabilities, family members, service providers, advocates, government agencies and educators.
Meet Jeremy, who works at Starbucks. Meet Melvin, who works at Dreyer’s.
Multi-State Social Marketing A national campaign funded by MIGs to make employers aware of the business case to hire people with disabilities “Marie” “All in One Place”
2)Sustainable work incentives and benefits planning technical assistance. Core Strategy: Initially developed for California by World Institute on Disability with funding from Social Security, VR & MIG Also in Minnesota, Michigan, and New Jersey Arizona and Missouri in 2012 Tool for Service Providers Standardized info for service providers & eligibility workers Cross-training for service providers & eligibility workers Accurate set of calculators Tool for Families, Consumer Supports and Consumers
3) Sustainable disability- employment tools & training. Need for ongoing training targeting: Human resources staff & hiring supervisors Human resources staff & hiring supervisors California Model Employer Initiative (Government as Model Employer) New Perspectives in Business: Self-Employment Training Second Chance Training Series
4) Sustainable disability youth transition activities. Transitions Tool Kit: Things are About to Change Transitions Tool Kit: Things are About to Change Topics: About transition, healthcare, employment, education, social/recreation, financial, independent living Partners: CCS, CFILC, DOR, CDE Target audience: Primary: Youth with disabilities ages Secondary: Family members, service providers
Sustainable disability youth transition activities. GRADS pilot project linked to social marketing. CHIIP Advisory Group on Disability Youth Transitions To support and guide CHIIP’s efforts in the area of youth transition Youth to Work Youth to Postsecondary Education Youth to Postsecondary Education to Work Planning for other populations (e.g. foster youth).