Valerie Jones April 21, 2015
These can each be explained on a separate slide: Background Needs Resources Needed Resources Available
Take this information from your BonCurr Action Plan
Take this information from your BonCurr Action Plan. Make sure you include the timeline of when you will complete each action step (i.e. By September, 2015, we will…)
Analyze data well Organization skills (Include skills and dispositions that will help you succeed in this project. Look at the self- reflection that you wrote earlier and the rubric that you used to assess yourself)
Highlight key points on this slide and attach the actual letter to the stakeholder to the that you send me
McMombs, B. L., Daniels, D. H., & Perry, E. P. (2008). Children’s and Teachers’ Perceptions of Learner – Centered Practices, and Student Motivation: Implications for Early Schooling. The Elementary School Journal, 109(1), 16 – 35. McCaslin, M. (2006). Student Motivational Dynamics in the Era of School Reform. The Elementary School Journal, 106(5), (You do not need to add the summary paragraphs. A list of the articles in APA format [like above] is all that is necessary.)