8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference1 The Questioning Board strategic thinking - responsible compliance John Little Australian Catholic University Centre for Research into Ethics and Decision-making in Organizations NOT Part of NEALS. This material is excluded from NEALS.
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference2 What prevents growth? What nurtures growth?
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference3 The structure of governance (and control) Achievement shared “The Good” Choice The Person Trust The Ground Value Fact
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference4 Short answer Long answer Who?, what?, When?, where?.. Why?, how? Is it? Will I? explanation yes, no ………data ….. (maybe) be attentive be intelligent be reasonable be responsible Questions ………. seeking answers be open and driving choice
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference5 A new template of control: a dynamic structure Sense and memory. in touch…see, hear, feel.. imagining, perceiving intelligence ideas, concepts understanding, insight reason what is true, real, fact / risk judging responsibility Change - and control deciding publicpersonal and invisible enquiry talk walk wonder
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference6 Control as compliance 1. within self 2. with others be attentive be intelligent be reasonable be responsible be open Progress if compliance Decline if not
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference7 Some questions for self - inner compliance / integrity do I walk the talk? does my speech reflect blame or responsibility? am I acting on what I judge to be correct? have I asked all relevant questions in order to assent? am I clear, accurate and complete in what I express? do I understand? have I got all the data? etc etc… am I open? be attentive be intelligent be reasonable be responsible be open
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference8 board 1. Research 2. Opportunities / possibilities choice 3. Facts / reality / risks / probabilities 4. Positions 5. Vision / mission / values 6. Policy / strategy 7. Plan / capability 8. Action on the ground Valued outcomes The School: co-operating in 8 value-adding products be attentive be intelligent be reasonable be responsible be open
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference9 Some questions as a board member 1.are we in touch with the business? 2.do we understand the industry? 3.have we assessed our risks? 4.do we hold what is given to us in trust? 5.does our mission and vision reflect this? 6.do our policies and strategies reflect our values? 7.is our capability right? 8.are we on track - and what research / evidence backs this up? 1. Research 2. Opportunities choice 3. Facts / risks 4. Positions 5. Vision / mission / value 6. Policy / strategy 7. Plan / capability 8. Valued outcomes
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference10 The heart of the school: as “the willing” of.. Rights & Responsibilities Values bishop parents children principal & staff CEO government community expressed by entrusting: capital resources powers values and reassured by: attentive intelligent rational responsible stewardship
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference11 The ‘good’ in the willing is the school’s source of values Particular goods Openness to transcendent reality Friendship Integrity Truth Beauty Achievement (in work and play) Life itselfT Daly Good order positive cash flowsustainability fulfilling work safe workplace just wage job security professional development reputation fair dealings Rights & Responsibilities The golden rule The sleep test Values personal social Personal good quality education choice and opportunity orthodoxy Catholic ethos
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference12 What stops one from asking questions? What helps one to ask questions? On a board fear lack of knowledge being put down in the past intimidation by others lack of interest lack of engagement specialist interest pressure to decide and come to agreement aggression defensiveness of others openness encouragement courage protocols in place reading board papers before meeting preparation time to reflect reduce time pressure relaxed style acknowledge that no question is off the agenda - that all are acceptable taking time to answer valuing them
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference13 some excuses for not asking a question I better not rock the boat they will not understand I am making a mountain out of a molehill I will look a fool this is not my area of expertise who am I to say anything? surely Bill will say something the Catholic Ed Off is to blame the bishop is not interested this is not my business.. I’ll just wait and see what happens
8 October 2004Catholic School Governance Conference14 In conclusion - excellence into the future is promoted....by a questioning board..which engages the heart, mind and hand of the school