Greek art emphasized order, balance, and proportion. Today art in this form is called classical art.
Used geometric principles Parthenon is most famous Greek Columns: Doric- no base, plain capital Ionic- base and scrolls on capital Corinthian- base and fancy capital with leaves
Name that Greek Column! Don’t forget to raise your hand before naming the “order” of column.
Phidias is most famous- sculpted the statue of Athena in the Parthenon and many of the reliefs (sculptures carved from walls)
The Greeks also built the first theaters in Europe and invented drama. Playwrights like Sophocles and Euripides wrote tragedies – stories of love, war, or hate in which the main character had a character flaw that led to his downfall. Playwrights like Aristophanes also wrote comedies.
Hippocrates- founder of modern medicine. Believed that diseases were caused naturally, not by angering the Gods Archimedes- inventor, mathematician, physicist, and engineer. Created screw pump to draw water from the ground. Archimedes Principle:
Euclid- “Father of Geometry” Wrote The Elements, which included proofs used in Geometry textbooks even today Pythagoras- Philosopher and mathematician Pythagorean Theorem
Herodotus- The Histories, a narrative of the Persian Wars, written several decades after the Persian Wars were over. Father of Modern History Thucydides- History of the Peloponnesian War