Making the Business Case for Flash Storage
What’s Inside: This PowerPoint template will walk you through putting together the numbers you need to make a business case for flash storage in your organization The accompanying Excel Calculator is designed for simplicity: It befits a feasibility-level study; more complex analyses would require a more robust model It is based on cash flow, not P&L It has no macros All data and assumptions are to be entered on one tab, the other tabs are for display only
Show Current State 1. Input current state data Simply enter in values in the green boxes The fields in yellow will be calculated by the model
Missing Data? 1A: What if I you don’t have all the data? You probably don’t, so the model will calculate the data you do have and, if you know the figure is wrong, you can correct it by entering an “override” value
Show Project Costs 2. Enter the project costs and discount rate Estimate costs based on prior experience, market scan, or vendors’ indicative pricing Discount rate can be usually obtained from CFO group
Show Target State 3. Enter in target state benefits by year Consider reduction in staff, facilities and hardware This case assumes a “magic wand” function in which all expenses are incurred and all benefits accrue immediately. Don’t feel bound by this, provide whatever runway you’re comfortable when making your business case
Show Target State Costs 3A: Review the impact in dollar terms The Excel spreadsheet will calculate these numbers automatically for you
Show Additional Costs 3B: Calculate Additional Costs of Target State These are all Year 0 costs There is no material cost for maintenance This is a cash case, so there is no depreciation No purchase beyond Year 0 is considered because 0% growth is assumed. Any new purchase would go toward new workload, no to refresh this acquisition
Customize the Presentation 4. Customize the PowerPoint to fit your needs Review the numbers in your completed Excel spreadsheet then cut and paste the exhibits into this PowerPoint presentation Follow the format of presenting the current state, project costs, target state and investment analysis
Make it Work 5. If you don’t like the answer, just change the assumptions You can always go back and change: The current state growth projections Target state reduction projections and the forecast speed of attainment The discount rate you’ll receive Created by William & Tom’s IT