Utah Power Energy Efficiency Programs May 14, 2004
2 Background Information Utah Power has several energy efficiency programs available to residential and business customers in Utah. Here in Utah, the greatest demand for electricity occurs in the summer months, and this demand continues to grow at a rapid rate We offer these options to allow customers to help use energy wisely which can help save them money now and in the future By working together, we are all making a difference in the state’s energy outlook
3 Utah Power Energy Efficiency Programs Residential customers: Cool Keeper (available along the Wasatch Front) –We will install an intelligent switch that will cycle A/Cs for a few minutes each half hour. Customers receive an annual $20 credit on bills for participating. Typically, temperatures only fluctuate about 1 to 3°F so customers remain comfortable. Cool Cash Incentive – Receive a cash incentive for purchasing a Utah Power-approved, high efficiency evaporative or central A/C system. See ya later, refrigerator – We’ll pay customers $40 to let us pick up their old, inefficient refrigerator or freezer for proper recycling.
4 Utah Power Energy Efficiency Programs Residential customers: Time of Day – This program rewards customers with discounted pricing for shifting a significant amount of energy use away from summer on-peak hours – weekdays from 1 to 8 p.m. Home Comfort Profile – Complete a short home survey and return it postage-paid to Utah Power. We’ll send you back a customized energy analysis along with energy- saving recommendations.
5 Utah Power Energy Efficiency Programs Business customers: Energy FinAnswer – Offers cash incentives to commercial, industrial and irrigation customers for making energy efficiency investments in their operations. Program services include opportunity identification services, energy analysis studies, detailed design assistance and quality control. FinAnswer Express – Offers pre-calculated cash incentives for business customers to assist them in improving the efficiency of their operations. Cash incentives are for higher efficiency HVAC equipment, motors and lighting. Self-Direction Credit – This program offers large industrial customers credits for efficiency measures they choose to implement.
6 Utah Power Partnerships Partnerships: PowerForward – Each year, we partner with the Utah Energy Office and other area utilities to sponsor energy efficiency and conservation education. This program also networks with local media to issue alerts to inform the public of electrical demand levels during the summer peak season. Energy assistance – We also work with local nonprofit agencies to offer energy education, debt counseling and weatherization projects for low-income families and the elderly.
7 For more information Utah Power has more detailed information about all of these programs and other services online at (click on Save Energy & Money). Customers can also call for a copy of our Bright Ideas energy efficiency booklet or for program brochures.