Green Partnerships Local Partnerships for Greener Cities and Regions EWG: Energy Efficiency in Buildings 4th PP meeting Sarajevo, 4-7 February 2014
Green Partnerships Arronches, July EWG Coordinator and Member EWG-EE Building Coordinator - Granollers City Council (ES): plan, monitor and report the activities/outcomes of the specific EWG; define the topics to be addressed; suggest detailed structure of the training materials contents; organise the work schedule between the EWG members; coordinates the quality control of the compiled materials.Granollers City Council -Expert on the specific thematic area to support technically the EWG task: Mr. Josep Puig i Boix Energy consultant. Project Manager at Ecoserveis (association basicallyEcoserveis focused to develop european projects on energy education). He was professor of energy at UAB-University until September Since 1974 he works as an engineer in both the private and university. He was technical advisor until the end of 1993 to Ecotècnia (which he co-founded in 1981), cooperative society operating in the fields of renewable energy, especially wind energy. Ecotècnica is more known today as Alstom Wind (Alstom ecotècnia).Alstom Wind Besides being a member of Ecoserveis and environmental NGO Green Alternative, he is member of Scientific and Technical Group for a Future Without Nuclear (organized annually since 1987, the Conference for a Future Without Nuclear and Sustainable Energy), President of the Spanish section of Eurosolar and Vice President Eurosolar - the European association for renewable energies. Secretary of the association which organizes Earth Day since 1996 Earth Fair in Barcelona.Spanish section of Eurosolar
Green Partnerships Arronches, July EWG Coordinator and Members EWG-EE Buildings Member Collect 1 best practice example per EWG area, using the template provided; Responsible to develop the assigned part of the training material for the specific thematic area to be used at the capacity building workshops; Prepare, together with the EWG Coordinator, guidelines for developing appropriate training courses, based on the outline proposed by the WP4 leader; Contribute to the quality control of the compiled materials - Granollers City Council (ES) - ENERGAP - Energy Agency of Podravje – institution for sustainable energy use (SI) - GERES - Groups for the Environment, Renewable Energy and Solidarity (FR) - HEIS - Hydro Engineering of the Koprivnica-Krizevci County (HR) - ISSP - Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses-ISSP (ME) - TUC - Technical University of Crete, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems Lab (GR)
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Main topics to be worked 1. What do we understand by energy efficiency: general definitions 2. Legal Framework a.UE, National, Regional, Local b.Technical regulations c.Public procurement: technical specifications (maintenance of electrical installations, heat & cooling, solar installations, cleaning; electricity supply; EE services) 3. Outdoor and indoor characteristics of the buildings affecting EE a.Surroundings b.Building features c.Ventilation and air renovation d.Heating and cooling e.Lighting systems f.Domestic Hot Water g.RES (solar thermal, PV, biomass, geothermal) h.Cogeneration and trigeneration
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Main topics to be worked 4. Energy management a.Smart meters and remote management system b.Energy accountancy c.Energy refurbishment of buildings d.Good practices in the use of buildings, installations and equipment 5. Energy audits and Energy Certification of buildings 6. Training and communication a.Technical and management personal b.Users and local community, in general c.Innovative projects diffusion 7. Investment Opportunities a.Institutional Calls: UE (Horizon 2020), National, Regional, Local b.EE assessment by energy agencies (regional, local) c.Public-private Partnerships 8. Case Studies
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Indicative training courses outline Target Audience - Technical and management personal - Users and local community, in general - Innovative projects diffusion Learning objectives: legal framework, characteristics of buildings affecting EE, energy management, Knowledge/Skills/Competences to be addressed - Control and monitoring energy consumptions - Decision making and realize a programme of actuations on EE in buildings - Implantation of measures, monitoring results and improving in energy savings Duration: Depending on type of course/activity Course Contents (technologies, solutions, pro’s and con’s barriers, technical considerations, economical/environmental aspects, case studies, terminology, resources/useful links) Training materials (e.g. Presentations, Handouts, Links for further resources, Best Practices library) Training approach/methods and tools: edition of best practice guidance, specific workshops on EE Buildings Facilities/infrastructure: EWG coordinator, EWG member and aside SC meetings Trainers profile: external experts, technical and management personal of EWG member, etc. Train the trainers activities (if applicable) Evaluation – Reporting (specific template)
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Proposal of task distribution Granollers City Council Preparation on all the templates of the materials Contents in charge: What do we understand by energy efficiency: general definitions Energy management Collect one case study and fulfil the template Gather all the case studies ENREGAP Contents in charge: Energy audits and Energy certification of buildings Collect one case study and fulfil the template GERES Contents in charge: Investment opportunities Collect one case study and fulfil the template
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Proposal of task distribution HEIS Contents in charge: Training and communication Collect one case study and fulfil the template ISSP Contents in charge: Legal Framework Collect one case study and fulfil the template TUC Contents in charge: Outdoor and indoor characteristics of the buildings affecting EE Collect one case study and fulfil the template
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Expected outputs PDF with important data taking into account the main topics to be worked – to support the local/regional capacity building workshops (to be implemented by WP4) PPT with general data taking into account the main topics and to be used during the capacity building workshops 1 case study per EWG Member (Granollers, ENERGAP, GERES, HEIS, ISSP, TUC) to be included in Library of Best Practices General contributions to the Step by Step Guide (to be sent to the WP3 Leader) 1 Article in EN to be translated and to be uploaded in the website Other relevant materials taking into account the agreements in SC Meetings and EWG Meetings
Green Partnerships Arronches, July Timeplan Plan and coordinate the EWG workshops to be held during the SC Meetings Prepare proposal of work plan for each EWG and send it to WP leaders 27 th January 2014 Prepare the materials for EWG work (preparation of structure of the EWG materials, initial materials, agreement on responsibilities of EWG members 31 st January 2014 Training materials development – Final Versions 4 th April 2014 Review of the EWG training materials by the Quality Control Committee 21 st April 2014 Training deliverables finalised/published 30 th April 2014 Collect all the best practices (36) and include them in the Library of Best Practices (LBP) 14 th March Upload of all Best Practices examples in the website 30 th March 2014 Prepare the final structure of the LBP – Final Version 11 th April 2014 Coordinate the tasks of all EWG (Coordinators and Members)
Green Partnerships Arronches, July THANKS ! More information at: Environmental and Parks and Garden Department Granollers City Council Tel