Ms Persaud
What Is A Lake? A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land. Lakes contain less than 1% of the world's freshwater, but they are still a very important freshwater source. Almost all of the world's freshwater is either frozen in huge masses of ice or buried underground. Lakes contain more than 98% of the freshwater that is available for use.
The Lake Habitat Lakes are water-filled hollows in the earth's surface. They are usually larger and deeper than ponds. Lakes hold about fifty times as much water as all the world's rivers. The living parts of the ecosystem are affected by minerals in the lake water and gases in the atmosphere. For example, calcium is needed for snail's shells to grow.
Lakes Questions How does the water get into a lake? –Small streams and large rivers bring water into lakes. The water they carry comes from precipitation and melted snow and ice. How long does water spend in a lake? –It depends on the lake! A drop of water spends an average of 100 years in a lake before taking its next trip in the water cycle. How does water get out of a lake? –Water can leave a lake in two different ways. It may evaporate from the surface of the lake. That’s when the Sun’s energy turns some water into a gas called water vapor. Or, water may leave a lake in a river that drains extra water away.
Which Are Lakes?
What Lives In A Lake? All kinds of plants and animals call lakes their home. All sorts of plants and animals live in lakes, including fish, turtles, and algae. Water birds rely on lakes for food, water, and a place to live. Animals that live near a lake may visit it to find food, take a drink, or cool off. People need the water in lakes, too.
Animals That Live In Lakes
What Does Not Live In A Lake?
Lakes And The Water Cycle Lakes, like oceans, are an important part of the water cycle. Water is EVAPORATED from large bodies of water. Then, water is CONDENSED into clouds. Next, water PRECIPITATES and falls back to Earth. Finally, the water COLLECTS before the cycle starts again.
The Great Lakes The Great Lakes include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake, Erie, and Lake Ontario. They are located in the USA and Canada. The Great Lakes give us the largest supply of fresh water on the earth. The Great Lakes are connected to each other by a series of dams, lakes and rivers. All of these dam, lakes, and rivers were linked together when the United States and Canada agreed to develop the Saint Lawrence Seaway which was completed in 1959.
The Great Lakes Want to know a cool way to remember the names of the Great Lakes? Try This: HOMES –H – Huron –O – Ontario –M – Michigan –E – Erie –S – Superior
World Geography Facts Highest Lake: Lake Titicaca in Peru is the highest navigable lake in the world. Approximately, it is 12,500 ft above sea level. Lowest Lake: The lowest lake is the Dead Sea (it's considered a lake but called a sea), which is in the Jordan Valley of Israel. The surface of the water is 1,340 ft below sea level. The Dead Sea is also the saltiest lake in the world. Almost nothing can survive in it besides simple organisms like green algae.
World Geography Facts (cont) Largest Freshwater Lake: Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes and it's also the freshwater lake that covers the greatest surface area in the world. In fact, Lake Superior covers over 82,000 km of land! Deepest Lake: Lake Baikal is the world's deepest lake and is located in Siberia, Russia, north of the Mongolian border. It is 5,369 ft (1,637 m) deep - more than one mile straight down.
Save the Lakes! Lakes are greatly affected by the environment around them, such as forests, industry, towns, or farmland. Avoid Pollution! Some ways we can conserve energy and waste is by conserving water. Lakes are valuable sources of water and food, particularly in poor countries. However, they are easily damaged by overuse, pollution and climate change. Changes in the sizes and shorelines of lakes are easily seen from space.
Ways To Conserve Water Ways to Save Water Indoors Check all faucets, pipes and toilets for leaks. Take shorter showers. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving. Defrost frozen food in the refrigerator. Fully load your dishwasher. Wash full loads of clothes. Ways to Save Water Outdoors Water your lawn or garden early in the morning or late in evening. Don't water on cool, rainy or windy days. Use shrubs and ground cover to reduce the amount of grass. Use a pool cover to cut down on water evaporation. Use a bucket instead of a hose to wash your car.
Standards Purpose: To develop an appreciation of and respect for all living environments. Also, to learn about different ecosystems. Object: Students should be able to identify a pond or a lake. Additionally, they should be able to identify living and non living objects in that environment. Grades 2 – 5: Procedure – Students will watch the power point presentation and discuss it with classmates. During the presentation, students will note which plants and animals live in each ecosystem. Students will be permitted to discuss and to share during the presentation. Follow Up: Students will work in groups to create a pond scene and explain the ecosystem. Dioramas will be encouraged and subsequently displayed around the class to showcase students’ work. Also, for a third lesson, students will compare ponds and lakes. Students will work in groups with picture cards from the power point presentation (copies) and compare the animals and plants that live in ponds and lakes.
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