1 TIA Engineering Committees - Policies and Procedures TIA Staff
2 Introduction TIA Standards Program overseen by Technical Committee (TC), a committee created by TIA Board of Directors. The Technical Standards Subcommittee (TSSC) oversees TIA’s day-to-day standards activities. Approves newly-created or revised Engineering Committee scopes.
3 Presentation Overview Policies Procedures Meetings Standards Development
4 Policies Important Notice for Participation Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy Cooperation with other Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs)
5 Policies > Important Notice for Participation “Participation in, or attendance at, any activity of a TIA Formulating Group or any sub-element thereof, constitutes acceptance of and agreement to be bound by all provisions of the TIA Engineering Manual and permission that all communications and statements, oral or written, or other information disclosed or presented, and any translation or derivative thereof, may without compensation, and to the extent such participant or attendee may legally and freely grant such copyright rights, be distributed, published and posted on TIA’s web site, in whole or in part, on a non-exclusive basis by TIA or TIA’s licensees or assignees, or as TIA directs. Exceptions to the foregoing may be granted or permitted in writing to the Chair of the Formulating Group by TIA’s Senior Vice President, Standards and Special Projects on a case-by-case basis.”
6 Policies > Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy - 1 “Guidelines to the Intellectual Property Rights Policy of the TIA” available on TIA web site: IPR Policy makes IP available on reasonable and non-discriminatory (RAND) terms for all users. IPR in standards: – TIA is not a party to discussion of licensing terms and conditions; – TIA is not a party to discussion of whether proposed licensing terms and conditions are reasonable and non-discriminatory. – Matters arising are for resolution by parties, and are not for discussion at a meeting of TIA or any of its committees or sub-elements.
7 Policies > Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy - 2 TIA encourages – but does not require – voluntary, early disclosure of existing patent claims and published patent applications essential to the practice of a standard or any other TIA publication. TIA encourages by: – Announcement by Chair at the start of a meeting; – Notification on each ballot for a proposed standard; – Optional voluntary disclosure by source Upon voluntary disclosure – Patent Holder Statement (Annex H or Annex H.1) is submitted Disclosure is limited to the IPR necessary for the practice of any or all Normative Elements of a standard.
8 Procedures Establishment of New Engineering Committee Election of Leadership – Chairs, Vice Chairs, Subcommittee Leadership Establishment of Subcommittees and Working Groups Establishment of Formulating Group Scope
9 Procedures > Establishment of New Engineering Committee The TC Chair has the authority to create Engineering Committees, subject to approval of the Technical Committee membership. TC Chair created TR-50 with approval of the TC membership at October 30, 2009 TC meeting.
10 Procedures > Election of Leadership 1 Election to the office of Chair and Vice Chair of an Engineering Committee is a personal one, not directly tied to a person’s employer. The Chair of the Technical Committee shall appoint a facilitator for any newly organized Engineering Committee. A new Engineering Committee shall elect a candidate by the end of its second meeting to serve a two-year term, and the term of office shall begin at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. The new Engineering Committee shall forward the elected candidate’s name to the chair of the Technical Committee and TIA Standards Secretariat for confirmation. Candidates for leadership positions must have support letter from employer.
11 Procedures > Election of Leadership 2 Election to be conducted at regularly scheduled meeting of the Formulating Group. Election is to be announced, in writing, at least 30 days in advance of the meeting. Chairs of Formulating Groups are to be elected from among qualified representatives of organizations holding voting status. Interested candidates refer to section 4 of the Engineering Manual. Elections, with more than one candidate, are conducted via secret ballot. Only the ballot result is announced.
12 Procedures > Establishment of Subcommittees / Working Groups Subcommittees: formed when division of responsibility for subject matter is desired. Subcommittee Chairs and Vice chairs shall be elected by the Subcommittee Membership, using the same processes and subject to the same term limitations as Engineering Committee leadership. Working Groups: Established by an Engineering Committee or Subcommittee for specific purposes. Working Group can be a Formulating Group, in which case it is bound by Formulating Group procedures.
13 When a new Engineering Committee has been established, the elected committee Chair shall be required to submit a proposed Committee Scope, defining the technical area of responsibility, for the review and approval of the TIA Senior Vice President, Standards and Special Projects, and the TSSC. Subcommittee scopes must be within the parent Engineering Committee scope and should be forwarded to the parent committee for initial approval. Procedures > Establishment of Formulating Group Scope
14 Meetings Locations Meeting Notice / Agenda Reports Quorum Voting Procedures
15 Facilities 2500 Wilson Blvd. TIA meeting planner responsible for securing off-site (hotel) meeting space in line with TIA budget parameters, and with adequate notice. Meetings > Locations
16 Meetings > Meeting Notice / Agenda Meeting Notices (announcements of upcoming meetings) to be forwarded to the TIA Standards Secretariat at least 24 days prior to the first day of a meeting. Agendas should accompany meeting notice. Meetings that do not fulfill notification requirements can still be held, but the results of the meeting are advisory and shall be contributed to the next meeting that fulfills the notification requirements. Agendas must: – Contain Important Notice for Participation – Clearly indicate any substantive items to be voted upon at the meeting.
17 Meetings > Meeting Reports Meeting Reports are to be filed within six weeks of the meeting close date. Reviewed by TIA Legal Counsel prior to distribution. Distributed to Formulating Group membership.
18 A quorum of a Formulating Group, consisting of a simple majority of the listed voting Member companies, is required to conduct business. After the FIRST meeting of a New Formulating Group, the participants participating in the first and second meeting shall establish the quorum list. Meetings > Quorum 1
19 Meetings > Quorum 2 For established Formulating Groups, Voting Member Companies: – Must attend two consecutive meetings – voting rights are vested after quorum has been established at the second meeting. – Voting rights continue in accordance with section of Engineering Manual. Voting rights can be lost due to lack of participation.
20 Voting can be conducted at Formulating Group meetings when quorum is present at the time of the vote. Simple majority required EXCEPT in the final approval of a TIA standard, in which case consensus is required. Recommendation to publish a “TIA standard” occurs: – When consensus has been reached, AND – TIA has completed a letter ballot of the proposed standard, AND – Meeting agenda includes an item for approval of the document, AND – Letter Ballot results in no ballot comments or comments that are satisfactorily resolved, AND – No-one at the meeting dissents to the recommendation to publish. Meetings > Voting Procedures 1
21 Meetings > Voting Procedures 2 Recommendation to publish an American National Standard (ANS) occurs: – When consensus has been reached, AND – TIA has completed a Standards Proposal Ballot, AND – Meeting agenda includes an item for approval of the Standards Proposal, AND – The Standards Proposal results in no ballot comments or, if comments are received, all editorial ballot comments are satisfactorily resolved, AND – No-one at the meeting dissents to the recommendation to publish. Note: If technical changes are made to resolve ballot comments on the Standards Proposal, or for any other purpose, a reballot is required, and a recommendation to publish cannot be made at the time of the comment resolution.
22 Standards Development Types of TIA Deliverables Copyrights and Submissions Disclosure of Essential Patents Balloting
23 Standards (e.g., TIA-only and American National Standards (ANS)) Telecommunication System Bulletins (TSB) – informative only Adoption of international standards as ANS (NAIS) Bulletins Engineering Publications Input documents to other Standards bodies Other projects as authorized by the Chair of the sponsoring Division or the Chair of the Technical Committee Standards Development > Types of TIA Deliverables
24 Standards Development > Copyrights and Submissions 1 Submission - document brought into a meeting – Must be submitted in accordance with “Important Notice for Participation” – Grant of Copyright License to TIA contained in section of Engineering Manual – Submission cover sheet: Will identify the name of the source; The name of the person(s) making the submission; The intended purpose of the document; Required cover sheet statement (see section of Engineering Manual and/or Annex G)
25 Standards Development > Copyrights and Submissions 2 Contribution – Submission containing any expression in tangible form that is intended to or may be incorporated in whole or in part in any TIA Publication or the work product of any TIA Formulating Group or any sub-element thereof. Exceptions – not considered submissions: – Meeting Notices – Meeting Agendas – Meeting Minutes / Reports – Communications by committee officers in their capacity solely as such officers – Writings authored by a Third Party
26 Standards Development > Copyrights and Submissions 3 Third-Party Writings – Writings authored by third parties should not be reproduced or distributed to the Formulating Group without appropriate permission or license. – Any such writing authored by a third party shall not be incorporated in any TIA Publication without an appropriate grant of copyright license to TIA
27 Standards Development > Balloting Standards produced by consensus Balloting of TIA standards will be no less than 30 days American National Standards require 45- day Public Review
28 Thank You! TIA Standards Department Stephanie Montgomery Cheryl Blum