Emily Carr Timothy L. Coggins Emily Feldman July 23, 2011
Thanks to your contributions, volunteers created the first-ever inventory of legal materials at the state, county and municipal levels Volunteers added more than 7,000 titles The Federal Inventory launched in December 2010, and we are working with AALL members, the Law Library of Congress and NCAI on how to proceed on a Tribal Inventory
More than 350 volunteers in all 50 states and DC contributed to the state inventories This groundbreaking project would not have been possible without your contributions! Thank you!
Adjusted the template and form to fit your needs ◦ Alaska ◦ Indiana Created websites to attract volunteers, centralize inventories ◦ Connecticut ◦ Florida
Recruited volunteers from local universities, research assistants, government document librarians ◦ Kentucky ◦ North Carolina Held “parties” ◦ Florida ◦ Virginia Set “mini deadlines” ◦ Maryland ◦ Washington
Authentication: No state reported new resources that have been authenticated since the DALIC Survey Official status ◦ Since DALIC Survey: Arizona Florida Maine Missouri Ohio Wyoming
Copyright assertions in digital version ◦ 25 states, including: Oklahoma Pennsylvania Rhode Island Costs to access official version ◦ 10 states, including: Kansas Vermont Wyoming Preservation and Permanent Public Access ◦ 18 states, including: Tennessee Virginia Washington
More states making digital materials “official” Several states reported restrictions on privacy and commercial use New law in Oklahoma (as reported by Lisa Bowles and Jennifer Gerrish): ◦ All Oklahoma public bodies are to make available on their website, by January 1, 2011, the administrative rules that the public body uses to operate, any proposed rules submitted by the public body, any statutes “effecting the public body and its operations”, and any other useful statutes. Agencies and other public bodies are slowly complying.
In December 2010, AALL kicked off the Federal Inventory of Legal Materials at the Law Library of Congress Emily Carr is coordinating Volunteers from all three branches of government are contributing – but we still need more help!
When complete, the Federal Inventory will include: Legal research materials Information authored or created by agencies Resources that are publicly accessible
Executive Decisions Reports Digests Judicial Court Opinions Court Rules Supreme Court briefs Legislative Bills and Resolutions Constitution Statutes at Large
Interested in volunteering? Contact Emily Carr, Refer to the GRO Resources page on AALLNET for presentations, FAQs and a list of titles to help you get startedResources Join the Federal Working Group Google Group to ask questions and exchange information
AALL’s Digital Access to Legal Information Committee will use the data to update AALL’s reports on authentication and permanent public access We will share the data with interested parties
The inventories will remain living documents, and we hope you’ll review them periodically – e.g. for link rot State Working Groups, AALL members and chapters will help promote the “Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act” Please volunteer to contribute to the Federal Inventory