Geo-reference Your Documents with Laserfiche and ESRI
Cody Bettis, President DocuNav Solutions David Stephens, Director of Technology Services City of Plano Presenters
Enable quick searches to find information faster Enforce consistent records procedures Protect documents and records Improve access to public records Automate business processes Laserfiche enterprise content management (ECM) solutions:
Engineering, planning and zoning, public safety and law enforcement use Laserfiche for: Archiving, retrieving, and distributing maps, plans, inspections, etc. Fast access to records, which is vital to everyday operations Assisting with effective crisis response
ESRI and Archiving Used by most municipalities to map assets, identify districts / neighborhoods, record infrastructures, track changes, etc. Offers imaging modules, but are not ideal for archiving or linking images since maps are ever-changing ECM solutions, like Laserfiche, can attach or link images, leveraging records retention as well as managing the continuous updates/changes to the map
Integrating Laserfiche with your ESRI ArcGIS System Eliminates paper Simplifies information retrieval Maximizes the investment in both systems Simplifies business processes Enables Web-based map users to locate critical documents stored in Laserfiche directly from the ESRI map
City of Plano, Texas Case Study Migrated from custom legacy application using image enablement to MapWorks Easy transition since many departments already used Laserfiche MapWorks Laserfiche-ESRI integration: – Enhanced system performance, proving more interoperable – Streamlined business processes – More cost effective than previous solution
MapWorks Laserfiche-ESRI integration enabled: – Easy search access for users – Laserfiche as the ECM standard for records management and document management city wide – Consistent document control, security, and accessibility – Higher level of service to citizens for information sharing Implementation approach City of Plano, Texas Case Study
DocuNav is an enterprise- class Web services tool that seamlessly ties ESRI and Laserfiche together DocuNav is an enterprise- class Web services tool that seamlessly ties ESRI and Laserfiche together
The City of Plano’s ESRI and Laserfiche Integration: Georeferences documents with one click, eliminating re-indexing when maps change or update Applies geocodes so the interface is not address or ESRI driven Allows for interfaces through Google maps, i.e. health department can post restaurant scores for public viewing Google map will be placed here.
The City of Plano’s ESRI and Laserfiche integration enables users to: Quickly locate documents in Laserfiche directly from the ESRI map, without searching Display a list of applicable Laserfiche documents, without searching, by zooming or select map layers/locations
Attach Laserfiche documents within the ESRI map by simply right-clicking Automatically populate Laserfiche template fields once Laserfiche documents are attached to the ESRI Map View Laserfiche documents related to addresses, parcels, objects, etc. in a side-by-side view/window pane within the ESRI screen The City of Plano’s ESRI and Laserfiche integration enables users to:
Categorize search results by Laserfiche template data (for instance, engineers can view documents by project or subdivision) Filter results by easily collapsing categories (ex. collapse all categories and show as-builts only) The City of Plano’s ESRI and Laserfiche integration enables users to:
Use existing ESRI maps and layers along with any Laserfiche documents and templates Perform specific type searches with drop-down feature Allow for many-to-one relationships, so one document in Laserfiche can be attached to several ESRI objects The City of Plano’s ESRI and Laserfiche integration enables users to: