Presented by Michael Brustein, Esq. Bonnie L. Graham, Esq. Brustein & Manasevit, PLLC Fall Forum 2013
Anatomy of EDGAR Administrative Rules SEAs/LEAs – Part 80 Postsecondary – Part 74 Nonprofits – Part 74 State-Administered Programs – Part 76 Direct Grant – Part 75 Enforcement – Part 81 FERPA – Part 99 2
Cost Principles SEAs/LEAs – A-87 Postsecondary Institutions – A-21 Nonprofits – A-122 3
Audit Principles SEAs/LEAs – A-133 Postsecondary Institutions – A-133 Nonprofits – A-133 4
Roadmap 1. Standards for Financial Management 2. How to Determine if a Cost is Allowable 3. Cash Management Controls and Obligations 4. Asset Controls 5. Procurement Controls 6. Selected Cost Items 7. Audits and Enforcement 5
Roadmap of EDGAR and OMB Circulars Standards for Financial Management Systems 80.20(b) (p. 112) 74.21(b) (p. 9) Allowable Costs (p. 114) (p. 15) Basic Guidelines A-87 (p ) A-21 (p. 174) Composition of Cost A-87 (p. 228); A-21 (p. 174) 6
Roadmap of EDGAR and OMB Circulars Period of Availability of Funds (p. 114) (p. 15) When Obligations are Made (p. 91) When Subgrantees May Begin to Obligate Funds (p. 91) 7
Roadmap of EDGAR and OMB Circulars Equipment (p. 119) (p. 16) Procurement (p. 121) (p. 19) Retention and Access Requirements for Records (p. 130) (p. 25) 8
Roadmap of EDGAR and OMB Circulars Records Related to Grant Funds (p. 93) Monitoring and Reporting Program Performance (p. 128) (p. 23) Enforcement (p. 131) (p. 26) Disapproval of Application – Hearing (p. 78) 9
Selected Items of Cost Appendix B to A-87 (p. 229) + Advertising (p. 230) (outreach) + Personnel Costs (p. 231) + Meetings (p. 241) + Travel (p. 244) Appendix J to A-21 (p. 190) + Advertising (p. 190) (outreach) + Personnel Costs (p. 191) + Meetings (p. 205) + Travel (p. 210) Roadmap of EDGAR and OMB Circulars 10
Roadmap of EDGAR and OMB Circulars A-133 – Single Audits (p. 294) – Subrecipient and Vendor Determinations (p. 293) – Audit Requirements (p. 299) – Report Submission + 400(d) (p. 303) – Pass Through (p. 140) – Proportionality Appendix to Part 81 (p. 145) – Illustrations of Proportionality (p. 141) – Mitigating Circumstances 11
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