2011 Tōhoku Earthquake MATHIEU, LAURENS & JASPER
General Information This earthquake was of a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter magnitude scale; 15,845 confirmed deaths; 5,893 injured; 3,380 people missing Over 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed; Insured losses from earthquake alone at US$14.5 to $34.6 billion.
Damage due to earthquake
Population & Economy Population Japan: (aprox.); Japan’s GDP per capita: $33,805, 24th highest in the world.
Preparation The ‘Earthquake Early Warning’ system, which includes more than 1000 seismometers send out warnings to the Japanese population. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) also sends out early warnings to the Japanese population Enforced buildings, designed to withstand the abrupt seismic movements.
Vulnerability of Population Japan is known to lie on numerous tectonic fault lines Population is generally well prepared for earthquakes (Evacuation procedures, structures, national aid response, etc.) Japan has witnessed numerous large earthquakes, however, a country can never be fully prepared for a disaster of this magnitude (9.0) The population could never have expected a tsunami and nuclear fallout as a result of one earthquake.
Probability of such hazards Earthquakes are very common in Japan.
Hazards occured in the past The first earthquake recorded in Japan: 684 Last recorded was the earthquake on the 1st of January earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 and over on the Richter scale have been recorded.
Tsunami impact The tsunami reached California and Oregon; Vancouver island was hit by the tsunami with waves of 1m (3.3ft); Philipines got hit by 0.5m waves; Hawaii = $3 million in damages 1,5m waves Tsunami broke icebergs of Antarctica which is 13,000km away area of Manhattan island.
Earthquake’s duration and Magnitude Magnitude = 9.0 on Richter magnitude scale; Duration = 6min
Impact The earthquake lead to a tsunami waves up to 40.5m (Japan) Both the earthquake and tsunami lead to a meltdown in three reactors in the Fukushima Nuclear Powerplant.
Responses to disaster Aid organization in Japan and worldwide responded with the Japanese Red Cross reporting $1 billion in donations. Complete evacuation of surrounding communities of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Over 200,000 people were evacuated.