UMS Information Technology Services Ad Hoc Technology Committee Meeting October 15, 2007
2 UMS-ITS Mission The mission of Information Technology Services is to maintain an integrated, efficient, sustainable and responsive program of information systems, technologies and services for the University of Maine System, K-12 Schools, Public Libraries and State Government.
3 UMS-ITS Vision Provide an IT infrastructure that provides access to information, resources and services that are available at anytime, any place and on any device.
4 UMS-ITS Who We Serve University of Maine System (All Campuses and UMS) K-12 Schools Public Libraries Non-Profits State Government Private Higher Education Research Institutions Municipalities
5 University of Maine IT Infrastructure Network (Voice, Data, ITV) Servers/ System Management Storage System wide Messaging Identity Management Desktops/ Laptops/ PDA’s MaineStreet (ERP) Database Applications Academic Administrative Collaborations Tools Security
6 Existing Network
7 Existing ITV Network
8 “An Example of Campus Services” USM’s Division of Information and Technology (DoIT) University owned computers network connections (wired and wireless) 2500 telephones 325+ networked printers 3 campuses and 7 remote locations (Portland and Augusta) 591 BlackBoard sites Spring ’06 (44% of UMS sites) HelpDesk calls annually 30,000 daily s (faculty, staff) semester data requests (internal- students, staff, faculty; external – IPEDS, surveys, etc.) ~$2M in computer equipment sales
UMS-ITS Financial Summary
10 UMS-ITS Organization FTE 86 Budget $12.5 Assets $34.2 IT Directors Group IT Planning & Policy Group Sponsors Steering Committee FTE Budget $3.9M $2.5M $3.7M $1.7M $.7M Assets $5.9M $8.0M $11 M $9.3M
11 CIO-UMS-ITS FY08 BUDGET (000’s omitted)
12 UMS-ITS IT Capital Budget FY08 MaineStreet$1.8M Regional Optical Network $3.0M Total:$4.8M
13 UMS-ITS Infrastructure Investments ( ) Software $6.0M ERP (MaineStreet)* Functional Productivity Software Document Imaging Event/Classroom Scheduling Housing Anti-Virus Fundraising Development Identity Management Campus Cards Address Cleansing Software E-Commerce Network Technology $5.0M Wireless System-Wide Telephony Network Convergence Regional Optical Network Wired Network Upgrades Servers/Storage/Video Conferencing $1.5M ERP Servers/Upgrades VM Environment Storage System Video Conferencing Video Streaming Total: $12.5M *Only includes ERP software acquisition of the $18.0M project budget.
14 IT System-Wide Infrastructure Investment Requirements Campus Network/Wiring Modernization $18.0M Campus Network Convergence $ 9.0M (Voice Video Data) Data Center Upgrades/Modernization $ 5.0M+ UMS,UM and USM Campus Desktop/Laptops 4 yr renewal $ 2.0M/ $.8M Research Computing Renewal $ 2.0M Instructional Technology Integration $ 1.5M High Priority Software Projects $ 1.5M Security/Regulatory Compliance $ 3.0M Total: $42.0M Expansion of State-Wide Optical Network $ 5.0M - $10M
15 UMS–ITS Collaborative Initiatives Identity Management Student, Faculty, & Staff UMPI UMF- Inquired Server Consolidation (UM) UMS-ITS Maine InfoNet UM Modem Pools – Outsourced Recycled PC’s UMS-ITS UMFK UMPI UM Alumni
16 Regional Optical Network TJL NIH/NCRR Grant $250, MDI BioLabs, COA, Bates, Bowdoin, Colby MCCS Network Convergence UMFK Centers & Sites UMPI Maine School/Library Network State Library DOE UMS–ITS Collaborative Initiatives (Continued)
MaineStreet Update
18 Pre Go-Live Audit Summary Critical Juncture- Schedule achievable w/ following activities IDP members expanded effort required (24-30 hours a week) Consultants finish set-up by October 31 st Project Management team must set hard milestones and elevate them in visibility. Final decision made December 1 st, after spending November testing Self-assessment of each campus in individual interviews with project staff members yesterday afternoon Audit team was high quality and assessment was conducted in a professional and effective manner
19 Recent Accomplishments Master Course Catalog in Production September 18, 2007 UMS E-Application in Production October 01, 2007 Application Fee Processing for Fall 2008 in Production October 01, 2007 TouchNet Credit Card Processing for Fall 2008 Application Fees in Production October 01, 2007
20 Recent Accomplishments (Continued) General Ledger Interface in Production October 01, 2007 Enrollment Deposit Processing in Production October 01, 2007 Initial Class Schedule for Fall 2008 in Production October 05, 2007
21 Financial Aid Delay Impacts Qualitative Staff time from campuses to continue IDP Further delay in realizing value of student system Minimal Interface to Financier Quantitative (Costs) The risk of student revenue loss is minimized FY08/09 consulting, staff, etc. $850, FY09/10 – delay in Legacy support $700,000.00
22 MAINESTREET Sponsors Discussion
23 Current/Future Outcomes Human Resources Management System…………Tracy Bigney Financial Management System…………………….Joanne Yestramski Student Administration System…………………….Rosa Redonnett