Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 1 / 45 “Computer Engineering” Yeditepe University April 19th, 2004 Mustafa Kandemir
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 2 / 45 Outline Introduction Computer Engineering IT Jobs Computers & Its Parts Database Datawarehouse & Datamining Telecommunication Major Types of Systems Conflicts Between Users and IT Person: Q&A
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 3 / 45 My Working Life Graduated from METU(Department Of Computer Engineering) in Completed MS for Informatics(Informatics Institute) in METU in years of working mostly in development(sometimes project management). Unbelivable change in IT industry in that time. First PC' s( 4 PCs ) in 1985 in University, now almost everybody has one in their house or work. Old : PC with 5 Mhz CPU, No disk drive, monocolor screen, 32K pascal compiler with editor, DOS 3.0, 256KB memory Now: 2.x Ghz PCs laptops, with hundreds ob GB of disk, some GB of memory, with big, TFT color monitors. Software sizes up to Gigabytes
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 4 / 45 Facts Glorious times are behind. Try to go with technology. Improve your knowledge all the time. Be patient. Expect more challange by time Supply/Demand gap for IT personal decreased
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 5 / 45 Computer Engineering It is the application of CS. Are we really engineers ? What will you do in the future ? Programming is not everything. It is hard to decide a (job)role in business
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 6 / 45 Jobs (1) Hardware Related(body of computer ) Integrated Circuit Design(CPU, other chips) Robotics
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 7 / 45 Jobs (2) Software Related (soul of computer) System Analyst Software Development(desgn, code, test, deliver and maintain) Project Managament ( resource, budget, time management) Database Administraion (Design, Perf&Tuning, Back Up/Restore ) Application Test & Support(Help Desk) Business Intelligence (DWH, OLAP, Query Tools, Datamining) System Admin ( Operating System Perf&Tuning, Back Up/Restore, Security ) Operations Research
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 8 / 45 Jobs(3) Network related (Vessels) Network Administration Other Jobs: Consultancy for some specific area (Network, Datawarehouse, DBMS, etc.)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 9 / 45 Others to be worked with: Users(Anybody that uses computers in their daily work)(they need everthing !) Business Analysts (conflicts with IT personal) Operators Technicians(Network, PC)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 10 / 45 Management ? ( Müdür in Turkish) Engineering or Management ? What do you prefer ? Both is not possible (My opinion) BS seems to be enogh to cope with engineering needs MS is good for academic life ! MBA is good for management in finance
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 11 / 45 IT & Business BUSINESS Strategy Strategy Rules Rules Procedures Procedures ORGANIZATION INFORMATION SYSTEM HARDWARE SOFTWAREDATABASE TELE- COMMUNICATIONS INTERDEPENDENCE
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 12 / 45 INPUT DEVICES SECONDARY STORAGE PRIMARY STORAGE Hardware CPU OUTPUT DEVICES COMMUNICATIONS DEVICES BUSES
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 13 / 45 Computer Generations 1. Vacuum tubes: Transistors: Integrated circuits: Very large-scale integrated (vlsi) circuits: present
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 15 / 45 Operating System Manages & Controls Activities Allocation & assignment Scheduling Monitoring System residence device: secondary storage device storing operating system *
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 16 / 45 Database(DBMS) Organization’s electronic library Stores & manages data In a convenient form
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 17 / 45 Components Of DBMS : DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE(DDL): –Defines Data Elements in Database DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE(DML): –Manipulates Data for Applications DATA DICTIONARY: –Formal Definitions of all Variables in Database; Controls Variety of Database Contents *
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 18 / 45 Structured Query Language (SQL) Emerging standard Data manipulation language For relational databases *
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 19 / 45 Advantages Of DBMS: Reduces complexity Reduces data redundancy / inconsistency Central control of data creation / definitions Reduces program / data dependence Reduces development / maintenance costs Enhances system flexibility Increases access / availability of information
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 20 / 45 Database trends DATA WAREHOUSE: Organization’s Electronic Library Stores Consolidated Current & Historic Data for Management Reporting & Analysis DATA MART: small data warehouse for special function, e.g., focused marketing based on customer info
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 21 / 45 Datawarehoue (DWH) DWH vs Operatinal Data Store DWH is not a copy of ODS Transformed, Cleansed, historic, huge but easy to query data store
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 22 / 45 Components Of Data Warehouse
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 23 / 45 Ware- housing Engines Ware- housing Engines Data Modeling Oracle Data Mart Designer Data Management Data Extraction Data Access & Analysis Query Tool & Reporting OLTP Engines OLTP Databases DWH Database DBMS SQL Datawarehoue (DWH)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 24 / 45 Dataminig Try to find something not known from data (by using patterns in data) Beer nearby snack, it is obvious ! But, what about beer neraby baby napkin ?
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 25 / 45 Data Mining Flow Host Application Production Data Predict Source Data Source Data Source Data Source Data Decision Support Mart Transform Clean Model Predict Evaluate Deploy Extract Data Mining
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 26 / 45 Business Intelligence Query Tools (Datawarehouse, OLAP, Datamining) Easy to understand data model Esay to use GUI Fast Response Scheduling complex queries
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 27 / 45 Business Intelligence Definitions Knowledge discovery of hidden patterns and insights “Insight and Prediction” Who will buy a mutual fund in the next 6 months? Extraction of detailed and summary data “Information” Who purchased mutual funds in the last 3 years? Summaries, trends and forecasts “Analysis” What is the income distribution of mutual fund buyers? Query and Reporting OLAP Data Mining
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 28 / 45 Telecommunications Communicating information Via electronic means Over some distance
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 29 / 45 Major Types of Information Systems Executive support systems (ESS) Management information systems (MIS) Decision support systems (DSS) Knowledge work systems (KWS) Office automation systems (OAS) Transaction processing systems (TPS) *
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 30 / 45 Typical TPS Applications Scheduling; Purchasing; Shipping / Receiving; Engineering; Operations Materials Resource Planning Systems; Purchase Order Control Systems; Engineering Systems; Quality Control Systems
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 31 / 45 Office Automation Systems (OAS ) Toward a “Paperless” office Redesign of work flow Integrated software Ergonomic design Bright, cheerful work space EXAMPLE: Presentation Graphics
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 32 / 45 Knowledge level Inputs: design specs Processing: modelling Outputs: designs, graphics Users: technical staff EXAMPLE: Engineering Work Station Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 33 / 45 Structured & semi-structured decisions Report control oriented Past & present data Internal orientation Lengthy design process Management Information Systems (MIS)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 34 / 45 Management level Inputs: low volume data Processing: interactive Outputs: decision analysis Users: professionals, staff EXAMPLE: Contract Cost Analysis Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 35 / 45 Decision Support System(DSS)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 36 / 45 TPS: transaction processing system MODEL: representation of a problem OLAP: on-line analytical processing USER INTERFACE: how user enters problem & receives answers DSS DATABASE: current data from applications or groups Decision Support System
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 37 / 45 DATA MINING: technology for finding relationships in large data bases for prediction DSS SOFTWARE SYSTEM: tools for data analysis SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS: “what-if” questions about changes in model factors Decision Support System
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 38 / 45 Strategic Level Inputs: Aggregate Data Processing: Interactive Outputs: Projections Users: Senior Managers EXAMPLE: 5 Year Operating Plan Executive Support Systems (ESS)
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 39 / 45 Interrelationships Among Systems ESS TPS KWS OAS DSSMIS
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 40 / 45 Conflicts Between Users and IT Person: User requires something IT understands it differently The result is somehow hybrid of the understanding of the both sides No one will be happy
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 41 / 45
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 42 / 45 HOW USERS SEES THE PROBLEM HOW IT PERSON SEES THE PROBLEM ACTUALLY THERE IS NO ONE AND ONLY ONE ANSWER
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 43 / 45 Users: Don’t underestimate them Dont’t think you are smarter than them Don’t think you are stronger than them Listen them carefully Otherrwise you will be a cat like in the following picture.....
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 44 / 45 USER IT STAFF
Computer Engineering, Mustafa Kandemir, April 19th 2004, Yeditepe University 45 / 45 Questions & Answers