Sustain your business with IT Governance Grow your business with IT Service Management Parry McGill Competitive in our pricing through comparable industry benchmarks Focused on our competencies and core strategic activities Flexible to absorb a variable workload Scalable in our ability to support a growing business Parry McGill IT Governance and Service Management IT Governance & Service Management
This Presentation gives examples of real ‘pain points’ that we have seen in organisations following ITSM and/or Governance project implementations. It gives first steps regarding how to solve those pain points. Following these ‘first steps’ more detailed analysis and work will be required in order to realise exceptional improvements. What are your internal ‘Pain Points’? Parry McGill : Pain Point Consulting IT Governance & Service Management An overall comment: Remember that any IT Service Management or Governance Project is NOT an IT Project, but is a ‘Business Process Change’ Project, and the usual ‘Organisational Change’ parameters must be considered in order to make the project a success and negate as far as is possible any ‘Pain Points’ that you may expect to have.
The Pain Point: The IT Team are implementing ITIL and other Governance processes, but we do not feel that we are being consulted, or listened to enough This means that we may be forced to adhere in the future to a new process set, which may not be the best solution for our business! Points of Action: Talk to your IT Team from a position of strength. Find out what they are doing and agree with them the interfaces between IT and your department Before any processes or workflows are agreed, agree that a ‘joint sign-off’ process must be completed, especially as regards the process interfaces Have your own experts and influence the outcome towards the business as well as IT! Our IT Team are implementing ITIL / New Governance Processes, but we don’t feel involved! IT Governance & Service Management
The Pain Point: We have implemented ITIL successfully within our company, but we are still having conflicts with our internal Project Management System Our Project Management system works for SOX / FDA as it was designed to, but this doesn’t seem to fit into the ITIL Processes Points of Action: Review the ITIL implementation in your organisation. Review your internal Project Management System, they can work together! Don’t do the ITIL implementation ‘from the books’. Remember that the ‘books’ are designed for ALL companies, EVERYWHERE. Take what is good for YOUR company, and YOUR required process set, and integrate. Don’t destroy what you already have if it works! ITIL doesn’t work with our Project Management methodology / system IT Governance & Service Management
Staff are not convinced about ITIL The Pain Point: We have implemented ITIL, but I don’t really see the benefits Staff argue and under the surface are still doing things ‘the old way’ because it’s easier for them It’s just ‘another’ IT Management ‘fashion’ Points of Action: More training!… more publicity, more communication and urgency (See J.P. Kotter, ‘Leading Change’) and remember this is a Business Process Change Project! It is NOT just an ‘IT Infrastructure’ Project. Review and implement the reporting structures that you need, this will then provide valuable input into your Continual Improvement process that will, over time, demonstrate REAL value to your staff. If the process is not easy to follow, then review the implementation as the easiest way of doing things, should be to follow the process IT Governance & Service Management
Its too complicated to work: staff don’t understand or support it (1) The Pain Point: Our Service Management implementation is good, but we still have some issues with it and it causes ‘disagreements’ within the organisation We don’t feel that we are reaping the full benefits as described in the books and it’s too complicated generally,.. Staff don’t understand… We don’t really know what the long term plan is Points of Action: Review your Service Management implementation. If it is good, then it is also flexible. Know and communicate your implementation (see next slide). Decide where to allow, and where to disallow, flexibility in your internal Service Management process actions What benefits did you expect to reap? Was this a case of misled expectations (communication)? IT Governance & Service Management
Its too complicated to work, staff don’t understand or support it (2) IT Governance & Service Management ‘Know’ & communicate your current and planned Governance Landscape ‘As is’ for now.. Improvement actions are……. Review & re-align 3. Target directly the Actions to get there Capacity Mgmt. Availability Mgmt. IT Service. Cont. Mgmt. Financial Management Service Portfolio Mgmt. Demand Management Information Security Mgmt. Supplier Management Measurement & Reporting Architecture 1. Where we are today SLM Capacity Mgmt. Availability Mgmt. IT Service Cont. Mgmt. Incident Mgmt. Config. Mgmt. Release Mgmt. Change Mgmt. r Problem Mgmt. Financial Management Service Portfolio Mgmt. Demand Management Information Security Mgmt. Supplier Management Measurement & Reporting Architecture 2. Where we want to be SLM Incident Mgmt. Config. Mgmt. Release Mgmt. Change Mgmt. Problem Mgmt. Cont. Service Improvement Other ‘ITIL’ and/or Governance processes not considered or implemented Other ‘ITIL’ and/or Governance processes not considered or implemented CSI Service Strategy Service Design Service Transition Service Operation …and include the process integration in the planning!
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