©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Achieving Strategic Procurement University of Hawaii System Discussion and Demonstration May 22, 2008
Page 2 2 ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Introductions University of Hawaii Attendees SciQuest Attendees Mark Garvella - Account Executive Dan Traub - Lead Solutions Engineer John Fabris - Vice President of Higher Education
Page 3 3 ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Today’s Agenda 8:30 – 8:45 Introduction & Brief SciQuest Overview 8:45 – 9:10 Trends, Observations & Results 9:10 – 9:30 SciQuest Solution Overview 9:30 – 11:00 Demonstration 11:00 – 11:15 Building the Business Case 11:15 – 11:30 Final Questions
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential SciQuest Background
Page 5 5 ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential SciQuest is the global leader in helping academic and research-centric organizations realize the potential of strategic procurement. Our specialized knowledge, on-demand software and service-first approach empower organizations to manage spend, drive ROI and advance their critical missions. What we do: Improve existing procurement systems Add value to planned procurement implementations Provide end-to-end procurement solutions How we do it: Combination of software and services Web-based, Software-as-a-Service model Integrations into any existing systems, including Kuali, Banner, SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft and more Connect to your suppliers Capture more transactions Control your spend About SciQuest
Page 6 6 ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential The SciQuest Difference Higher Education focus and experience Recognized leader in academic and research-centric organizations 70+academic and research universities Extensive relationships with Higher Education suppliers Community-driven development approach One stop supplier enablement Critical mass of supplier catalogs Local suppliers, diversity suppliers Automated transaction processing: order delivery and electronic invoicing Research supplier catalog and research specific search tools Proven Return On Investment (ROI) Strategic spend and supplier reporting Aggregate and leverage spend across campuses ROI achieved within one year Client reference cases and results
Page 7 7 ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Iowa State University University of Pennsylvania California Inst. of Technology Yale University Arizona State University University of Notre Dame University of Arizona University California Santa Cruz University of California San Diego University of California Riverside East Carolina University University of Pittsburgh University of Vermont M.I.T Dartmouth College Harvard University West Virginia University Tennessee Board of Regents Joint SciQuest/Kuali KFS Clients Sample SciQuest Higher Education Clients University of Michigan Indiana University Pennsylvania State University University of Illinois (system) University of Texas Health and Sciences Center University of Missouri - System Clemson University University of California Berkeley University of Virginia University of New Mexico University of Louisville Cornell University Rockefeller University Colorado State University Virginia Polytechnic Institute University of Louisville University of Florida Florida State University
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Trends and Observations
Page 9 9 ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Higher Education Priorities Build accountability into purchasing process Leverage buying power across campus and across systems Promote consortium contracts, diversity suppliers Decentralize execution, but centralize sourcing expertise Re-focus procurement staff on strategic priorities Strategic sourcing / analysis Contract management Customer service Risk mitigation
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential The Evolution of Strategic Procurement Traditional ProcurementStrategic Procurement Supplier Integration Leveraged Supplier Strategy ‘The Chasm’ Paper-Based Processes Automated Processes (e-Requisition) Reduction in process costs Req Approval PO Reduction of “maverick spend” Lower Cost of Goods Aggregate actionable data Inadequate Front End “Shopping” Experience Search Req No single platform Poor search process Content = too lean Suppliers = too few Confused, frustrated, and time-pressured end-users go around the system Increase in end-user adoption (More spend under management) Opportunity to direct end-users to preferred suppliers Ability to capture uniform, detailed spend data Complete and integrate the Search PO process Create a single online managed marketplace Enable a critical mass of suppliers & content1 2 3
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Strategic Supplier Management MANAGED SERVICES Supplier connectivity Extensive product taxonomy Centralized eCatalog Price/content management Transaction integrity Transaction tracking Customer support TRANSACTION DATA Purchase Order Advanced Ship Notification Invoicing Receipt notification Contract data Payment data
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential SciQuest Supplier Network * This is a partial list. The full list is available upon request.
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Real Results
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential University of Missouri Sample Savings “We expect to achieve as much as $17.9 million annually at full system maturation. What other “back-office” function at a university can create such a financial impact?” -- Bill Cooper, AVP Management Services and Chief Procurement Officer E-Procurement Objectives One Stop Shopping, Greater visibility into Spend, Capitalize on ERP Investment, University wide cost savings and process efficiencies, Supports Strategic Where the University of Missouri is Today LIVE in Pilot Phase as of October 1, 2007: 175 users 80% catalog purchases going thru SciQuest Renegotiated contracts with top 18 suppliers resulting in savings of 3%-37% per contract Annualized estimated cost savings for 18 vendors is $6,719,715 Realized cost savings to-date: $2,300,000
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Real Results – University of New Mexico About University of New Mexico Research-extensive university 20,000+ employees; 33,000+ enrolled Process ~$180M per year in purchases Goals Streamline purchasing process Improve contract compliance Enhance and improve administrative efficiency Direct spend to preferred suppliers Improve efficiency and compliance with budgetary and policy guidelines Results Time to process a purchasing request reduced from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 minutes Greater accounting control and compliance Finance staff can focus on the strategic instead of clerical work Real-time data integration between SciQuest and SunGard Banner "We have been able to leverage our buying power with more suppliers. We process about $180 million a year in purchases, ranging from pencils to natural gas to health insurance. SciQuest's HigherMarkets solution allows us to monitor purchases more closely, reduce maverick buying, and also monitor contract compliance. Ultimately, it allows us to manage our money better." Bruce Cherrin, Director of Purchasing, University of New Mexico
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Real Results – UTHSC About University of Texas Health Science Center Oldest school of public health in TX National reputation as a leader in education and research 5,000+ faculty and staff; enrolled Goals Ensure consistent and accurate pricing Consolidate spending across the university Obtain high user adoption Achieve better pricing, discounts, and turnaround through aggregated suppliers and automated payment Results Increased on-contract spending and spend visibility User adoption increased by 10% 15 suppliers enabled in 45 days Reduced internal catalog and punch-out costs “SciQuest's solutions have allowed our institution to build strong relationships with our key suppliers, increasing our spend visibility and positively impacting our bottom line.” Jerry Fuller, Assistant VP for Procurement, UTHSC
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Real Results – University of Pennsylvania About UPenn One of the U.S.’s oldest research universities 12,000 employees; 22,000+ enrolled $4.4B operating budget Goals Achieve higher returns from Oracle implementation Enable a critical mass of suppliers Increase campus-wide compliance with financial policies and preferred contract suppliers Reduce the cost of products Eliminate maverick spending Results 484% increase in contract compliance* $77.4 million in total product cost savings* More than 70% of campus spend under management Average cycle time reduced from 18 days to less than one ROI realized in 4 months “Spend Director is a breakthrough solution that will take purchasing at The University of Pennsylvania to the next level. We expect Spend Director to further streamline the buying experience for faculty and staff and increase the utilization of our targeted suppliers resulting in measurable cost savings.” Ralph Maier, Chief Procurement Officer, University of Pennsylvania * From Aberdeen’s Best Practices in e-Procurement, 2006
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential The SciQuest Solution
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential SciQuest Strategic Procurement
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Elements of a Private Marketplace Services Forms Internal Requests Procurement Policies/InfoContract Details Personal Assistance Order Status On-site Inventory Hosted Catalogs Science Catalog Diversity Suppliers E&I, UHC, Provista Punchout Catalogs E&I, UHC, Provista
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Approve & Match Kuali HigherMarkets Log In EH&S Approvals Validate & Budget Check Create PO Financial Approvals Send Via: cXML EDI Fax Portal LoginShop Create Req. Approve Req. Create PO Transmit PO Settle Auto Enhanced Manual Custom Approvals Final Budget Check (optional) Accept E-Invoice: cXML EDI Portal Encumber Funds (Match) & Pay Invoice HigherMarkets Integration Scenario Punchout Catalogs Custom Forms Non-Catalog Items Stockroom Items Hosted Catalogs Outbound Sync: Suppliers, Chart of Accounts, Ship To, Commodity Auth. Interface / LDAP Enter Receipt Create Req.
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Product Demonstration
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential ROI and Building a Business Case
Page ©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential ROI - Business Case Components Savings Drivers: Contract compliance savings Strategic sourcing savings Process savings Supplier savings Payment savings On demand savings Stakeholder Efficiency Researcher Procurement Grant Administrators Risk / Compliance Improvements
©2007 SciQuest, Inc. Confidential Please Contact: Mark Garvella Account Executive Thank You !