정 0 연 F/ 손의영
Chief Complain Headache Onset : 1 week ago Quality : 뒤통수를 망치로 가격하는 듯한
Present Illness Diagnosis of TB Medication 후 완치 판정 Diagnosis of Spinal stenosis Operation 겨울에 넘어져서 Skull base fracture dura 찢어지고 뇌척수액 샘. 2 주간 입원 치료 후 호전 오른쪽 아래 어금니 충치 발치 발치 후 약물 복용 안 함. 이후 모심기 일정 무리하게 진행
Present Illness Headache with fever 발생 안동 local clinic 에서 manage 증상 지속되어 본원 ER refer Initial V/S, Lab, CSF tapping 시행 PND 및 cough 로 PNS CT 상 Acute rhinosinusitis 의심되어 외래 f/u PO Augmentin 처방 후 퇴실 Blood culture 상 Gram (+) Cocci 동정되어 ER 재내원 R/O infective endocarditis 로 TTE 시행 followed management 위해 입원함
Other Histories Past Medical History HTN(+) DM(–) Hepatitis (–) TB(+) Allergy(–) Family History 특이소견 없음 Social History Occupation : 어렸을 때부터 농사일 ( 경북 안동 ) Alcohol : never Smoking : never
Review of System General weakness / Easy Fatigue ( – / – ) Weight change (–) fever/chill ( + / – ) Headache/dizziness ( + / – ) Rhinorrhea/ cough / sputum ( – / – / – ) Dyspnea (–) Chest pain (–) Palpitation (–)
Review of System anorexia/nausea/vomiting ( – / – / – ) abdominal pain/discomfort ( – / – ) constipation/diarrhea ( – / – ) hematemesis/melena/hematochezia ( – / – / – ) Urinary Sx (–) Arthralgia (–) Myalgia (–)
Physical Exam V/S : :21 BP 154/72 mmHg PR 88 /min RR 21 /min BT 37.7 ℃ G/AAcute ill-looking appearance Mentalityalert & well orientation HEENTpinkish conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae dehydrated tongue(–) JVP(–) Cervical LNE (– / –) Maxillary sinus tenderness (–)
Physical Exam Chestsymmetric expansion, regular heart beat no murmur, clear breathing sound AbdomenSoft & Flat normal bowel sound tenderness / palpable mass (– / –) no shifting dullness Backno CVAT no tenderness Extremity Peripheral embolic phenomenon (–)
Lab test – WBC▲10.3 x10³/μL Neut. 60.6% (seg.) Mono.▲10.4% Hb 12.7 g/dL Hct 37.9% PLT320,000/μL Protein 6.9 g/ ㎗ Albumin 3.7 g/ ㎗ Globulin 3.0 g/ ㎗ CRP▲ 5.66 mg/dL AST31 U/l ALT27 U/l ALP▲ 259 U/l (05.02) BUN8.5 mg/dL Cr 0.74 mg/dL BUN/Cr11.5 Na141 mmol/ℓ K4.2 mmol/ℓ Cl 104 mmol/ℓ
CSF Findings RBC50 /mm 3 WBC1 /mm 3 Protein17.9 mg/dL Glucose70 mg/dL (Serum: 128 mg/dL)
Chest X-ray 내원 당시 (04.27) Follow up (05.02)
Problem List #1.Headache #2.Fever #3. Blood culture – Gram positive cocci in cluster #4. Hypertension #5. Past TB history #6. Postnasal drip, cough
Initial Impression #1, #2, #3 r/o Infective endocarditis r/o partially treated meningitis r/o odontogenic rhinosinusitis #2, #5 r/o TB recur
Diagnostic plan For infective endocarditis Transthoracic echocardiography Transesophageal echocardiography For Meningitis Meningeal irritation sign : kernig, brudzinski sign CSF tapping
Therapeutic plan Infective Endocarditis – 균 종류에 따른 치료 Streptococci : Penicillin 내성 정도에 따라 Penicillin G, Ceftriaxone, Vancomycin, Gentamicin 등을 고려 Enterococci : Penicillin G, Ampicillin, Vancomycin Staphylococci : Methicillin 내성 정도에 따라 Nafcillin, Cefazolin, Vancomycin 등 Harrison's Internal Medicine 17 th Ed. Table 118-4
Therapeutic plan Meningitis (IDSA guidelines, 2004)
Therapeutic plan Meningitis (IDSA guidelines, 2004)