Remarks on the environmental research carried out in the last quarter of a century in the Himalayas 5 th Third Pole Environment (TPE) Workshop The Dynamics and Global Linkages December 8-9, Berlin, Germany Water Research Institute (IRSA), National Research Council (CNR) of Italy, Brugherio, Italy EvK2CNR Committee, Bergamo, Italy Gianni Tartari and Franco Salerno
Outline The purpose of the presentation A quarter of a century of researches in the high elevations in the framework of EvK2CNR Committee: Time evolution of the research activities The EvK2CNR network in the world Summary of the scientific production The basic approach of the environmental scientific studies and evolution over the time Conclusions and suggestions
The purpose of the presentation The development of research in the environmental sciences at the end of the eighties in the southern part of Mount Everest has required an approach, based more on intuition than on rigorous planning, which has placed as focal points: - The rationalization of economic and human resources, including the formal interaction with local Authorities and their involvement in the research activities. - The development of a structured logistics system (office in Italy and in Nepal, Pakistan etc., organization of travel …), originally based on a group of experienced mountaineers previously involved in expeditions in remote areas, more recently based on a growing collaboration by local Authorities and technicians adequately trained. - The choice of scientific objectives in the short - and long-term primarily identified as: a) descriptive survey of the physical features for the acquisition of the minimum information such as: the geology, the hydromorphology, hydrochemistryl characterization of lakes and rivers, streams, runoff, glaciers, permafrost etc., b)acquisition of elementary characterization of aquatic ecosystems, nutrients circulation, presence of anthropogenic micropollutants in waters, sediments and soils, influence of high altitude on biocenosis (i.e. UV radiation, etc.), b) long term monitoring actions to provide continuity to the studies and justify the creation of Laboratory-Observatory Pyramid. The purpose of the presentation is to reflect on what has changed in a quarter-century of the cultural development of the research.
Time evolution of the research activities
The EvK2CNR network in the world Nepal * * Since 1990, over 550 research missions have been carried out at the Pyramid Laboratory. Hundreds of researchers from around the world have performed studies in the fields of: - Medicine and Physiology - Environmental Sciences - Earth Sciences - Anthropological Sciences - New Technologies
Summary of the scientific production
The basic approach of the environmental scientific studies and evolution over the time Originally, in the field of environmental sciences, has been developed an interdisciplinary approach based on activities closely coordinated each other. In the environmental sciences the interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach is a fundamental method through which it is possible to provide a comprehensive interpretation of abiotic and biotic processes triggered by global changes (both climatic and chemical/ecological). More recently seems to appear on the horizon the paradox of the decreased coordination and consequently the interdisciplinary ability with the growth of the activities
What we have leaned? - The results are closely linked to the determination and the ability to sacrifice for researchers working in the field. - The quality of the results depends on the organizational capacity of the structure that the consistency over time. - The dissemination of results must undoubtedly favor increasingly publication in scientific journals, but should not be overlooked even the modern media channels. Very limited financial investments are dedicated to the long term monitoring in high altitude and remote areas of the world, consequently very limited are the spatial-temporal coverage of the studies at global scale in the high mountains. - Many are the difficulties to create and maintain operational structures active for the entire year in high elevated areas. In particular the extreme conditions affecting the access of remote areas support the increasing use of automated equipment, but the maintenance and calibration of scientific instrumentations is one of the main challenges of the high altitude research activities; - A great effort must be directed to the training and growth of the organizational capacity of local populations. We need a true paradigm shift to help raise awareness of the need for quality measures; - In any case a more consideration of the socio-economic component in high elevation studies is required, with particular attention on the near future “water crisis in quantity and quality” as reported by the International Organizations.
Conclusions and suggestions A quarter of a century is a short time in the life of man. Nevertheless, since the ‘90s to today we have had the opportunity to appreciate a surprising evolution of the environmental studies in the highest mountain areas of the world and in particular in the Himalayas. The main characteristic of the research activities carried out in Himalaya and Karakorum by the Italian projects in the framework of EvK2CNR is the application of a multidisciplinary approaches since the late eighties. This approach requires now to be reviewed considering the numbers of parallel projects recently developed. This is actually a real challenge that will require a particular effort and new solutions (web database, cloud data storage, etc., …, but by first more diffusion of results in the scientific journals). The Third Pole Environment is experiencing, at more wide scale, the same interdisciplinary approach giving an important opportunity to integrate the results of a number of different disciplines. In this sense the annual meeting of TPE seems to increase the space dedicated to ecological disciplines and to the pollutants circulation. Both have the necessity to interact with physical disciplines to base their results interpretation in the contest on changing world in the Anthropocene era. Personally I have supported in the past a better liking between TPE and EvK2CNR and I will recommend yet. In any case me and my Institute (IRSA-CNR) will be honored to continue to cooperate in the future with the TPE and with the whole community of scientists who participate.