MISSION STATEMENT The mission of SDHP is to: “…promote self-determination and control in housing for persons with disabilities living in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania”
SDHP HISTORY Creation of SDHP through a 2 year housing coordination grant to Marion Homes from the PA Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) – 11 Homeownership demonstration projects 1998 – SDHP incorporates as a non-profit organization
WHAT DOES SDHP DO? Assists in the development of strategies, programs, and initiatives that increase access to affordable, accessible and integrated housing Works to expand housing choice for all people with all disabilities Advocates for “person-controlled housing” Provides technical assistance, training and education related to housing issues
MODIFICATION, RENOVATION, OR REHABILIATION? Modification- a change made to adapt living spaces to meet the needs of people with physical or sensory limitations so they can continue to live independently and safely in the home. Renovation- a change to the home that updates it’s look or function Rehabilitation- describes activities undertaken to repair the home such as a roof repair, electrical upgrades or window replacement.
SDHP PROGRAMS PA Accessible Housing Program (Home Modification Program) – The purpose of this program is to provide home modifications that will enable low and moderate income persons with permanent disabilities to make their current home more accessible so that they may remain in their home. – This program is funded with state dollars through a grant from the PA Department of Community and Economic Development.
SDHP PROGRAMS Regional Housing Coordination Program Goals: - Provide information to consumers so that there is an increase in the number of people who are enrolled into the Medical Assistance waiver system. The waivers include monies for home modifications, assistive technology, PAS and other services to help meet the needs of consumers. -Reduce barriers to housing for people with disabilities that are associated with lack of information and ineffective marketing of housing units and programs.
Local Housing Option Teams or Housing Coalitions While the focus, mission, and activities of an LHOT/Housing Coalition varies from one community to another, most Coalitions share the following characteristics: – They are groups of key community agencies and individuals that work together. – Area of focus is the county, municipality, or a defined region. – Seek long-term solutions to address the needs of people with disabilities. – Work collaboratively to identify the housing needs of people with disabilities and to take action to respond to those needs.
Collaboration and Partnership Collaboration is critical to the outcomes of the LHOT/Housing Coalition effort and fosters future opportunities to work together. The LHOT/Coalition model values the participation of all stakeholders in the process and actively seeks to maximize inclusion in every locality. The LHOT/Coalition is, inherently, a mechanism where advocates can come together for information sharing, collaboration and collective action, resource sharing, and mutual support. These characteristics can and do facilitate problem solving.
The real Key to Self-Determination in Housing is: INFORMED CHOICE
HOME MODIFICATION RESOURCES Website provides consumer with a good overview of home modifications and guidelines to hiring a contractor. PA Assistive Technology Foundation offers loans at 4.5% interest rate in amounts from $1, to $60, (A consumer can borrow up to $25,000 if the guarantee is needed.) Consumers can borrow these funds for modifications on their homes, adapted vehicles, and other devices.
Resources (continued) The AT Lending Library will loan assistive devices to people who would like to try them, before purchasing, to determine if the device will meet their needs (e.g., switches, environmental control units). Information about recycled equipment (REEP), loan demonstrations and trainings can be found on this website.
SDHP CONTACT INFORMATION Gail Hoffmann, Executive Director Voice: Fax: (toll-free)