Moving & Copying Web Applications 1
2 Why Do We Need to Copy or Move a Web Application? So you can run someone else’s sample code. So you can backup your work and restore from those backups. So you can deploy your development code to a production server.
3 How to Copy a Web App (3 steps) 1. Create new Web App Suppose you wanted to spin off a copy of one web app, making two web apps that both run on your machine. This might be useful if you have a working web application and you want to try something dangerous on a copy. Suppose the source app is named SampleApp and you want to make a copy called MyApp. In Visual Studio, create a new web app called MyApp. In the Solution Explorer Window, right click on “MyApp” (under “solution MyApp”) and select “Add – Existing Item”. Or you could select Project – Add – Existing Item from the menu.
4 How to Copy a Web App (3 steps) 2. Add Existing Files In the File Open Dialog box, navigate to the folder where you unzipped the original files. Select “all files” from the File Type dropdown list. Using the Control or Shift key, select 3 files for each webform you are trying to copy in. Select every “.cs” file for every class you are trying to copy in. If you need a folder (such as “images”), select that too. Do not select these things: files that have.csproj in their name (there would be several starting with “SampleApp”), folders such as “bin”, files that start with “Global” or “AssemblyInfo” or “Webconfig”. Click Open. Then click Yes – Replace all files. When you get the warning that says “files have been modified outside of Visual Studio – do you want to reload”. Answer “yes”.
5 How to Copy a Web App (3 steps) 3. Set Start Page, Search/Replace In the Solution Explorer window, right click on the webform that should be the start page. (By default Visual Studio assumes that WebForm1 is the start page.) You need to do a global search and replace (whole project) and change “SampleApp” to “MyApp”. There will be MANY places changed. It’s somewhat interesting to see all the places it’s stored – this is one of the reasons why you just can’t move these files around and still be able to run them. Another reason is that when you create a new web application, Visual Studio registers that web application on your machine (& this is also necessary for the application to run). Press F5 and your app should run.
6 How to Move a WebApp (1 of 3) (Create new Web App) Suppose you wanted to install sample code that someone else is giving you (for example sample code from doc sharing). Suppose the sample code is stored in Extract all the files of, say, to your desktop. In Visual Studio, create a new web app called Sample (use the same name as the source project). Select Project – Add – Existing Item from the menu.
7 How to Move a WebApp (2 of 3) (Add Existing Files) In the File Open Dialog box, navigate to the folder where you unzipped the original files. Select “all files” from the File Type dropdown list. Using the Control or Shift key, select 3 files for each webform you are trying to copy in. Select every “.cs” file for every class you are trying to copy in. If you need a folder (such as “images”), select that too. Do not select these things: files that have.csproj in their name (there would be several starting with “SampleApp”), folders such as “bin”, files that start with “Global” or “AssemblyInfo” or “Webconfig”. Click Open. Then click Yes – Replace all files. When you get the warning that says “files have been modified outside of Visual Studio – do you want to reload”. Answer “yes” to this.
8 How to Move a WebApp (3 of 3) (Set Start Page, no Search/Replace) In the Solution Explorer window, right click on the webform that should be the start page. (By default it will think that WebForm1 is the start page.) Because you named your new project the same as the sample project, you don’t need to do a global search and replace (on the whole project) to change the project name. Press F5 and your app should run.