P2Rx Marketing Report Nedra Kline Weinreich Weinreich Communications January 2005
Qualitative Research l In-depth telephone interviews with 14 respondents Approx. half frequent users, half non/low users Mostly state P2 staff, EPA regional staff, environmental organizations
Quantitative Research l Online survey with 497 respondents Approx. 2/3 came from WRPPN, GLRPPR, PPRC Mostly technical assistance providers, state and local government staff Only 7% business/industry Vast majority (73%) have >5 years of experience in the environmental field.
Knowledge/Perceptions of P2Rx l Website for P2 information l Way of sharing information between the centers and not duplicating efforts l Offers ability to network among the centers for answers to questions l Some confusion of P2Rx with NPPR
Relationship between P2Rx & Regional Centers l P2Rx primarily a website connecting topic hubs at each regional center l P2Rx as a network of regional centers, connecting them to share resources and collaborate l Centers seen as where the primary interaction happens with the users in each region
Perceptions of Centers l Centers are seen as partners Users receive TA, regional roundtables, news, etc. Users provide assistance to the centers (e.g., creating topic hubs) l Wholesaler - retailer relationship l Centers are very helpful l May have too much on their plates l Websites have improved
Best Things About P2Rx l One-stop shopping l Efficient information sharing l Entry point to P2 information l Comprehensive l Can find things quickly l Topic hubs - condensed info
Use of P2Rx l Most used resource is topic hubs Easy to use and comprehensive Not detailed enough for many people lMany go to P2Rx first if they know of a topic hub or another resource on their issue of interest. lMany people on a listserve, but don't realize it is a P2Rx-affiliated service.
Why Not Use P2Rx? l They just don't think of it l Most go to their regional center first l P2 is not the primary issue they are working on -- depends upon current projects and priorities l “Old hands” go directly to resources, need more detailed information. l Prefer to search for info themselves
How Found Out about P2Rx/Center l Colleague % l message or listserve % l Internet links - 17% (search engine + link from another website) l Brochures (5.8%), conferences (5.0%), and government assistance providers/referrals (3.8%) l Many aware since their inception
Accessing P2Rx/Centers l 70% use P2Rx or regional center at least once per quarter % quarterly, 23.9% weekly, and 3.4% daily. l About 20% are first time users. l Most access their own regional center rather than P2Rx – 54.5% go to regional center vs. 29.2% to P2Rx.
Where Get P2 Info l EPA website (56.1%) and regional centers (54.5%) were most common l Regional centers varied (by region): PPRC % WRPPN % WRRC % GLRPPR % NEWMOA % Peaks to Prairies % P2RIC % Southwest Network %
Where Get P2 Info, cont. l More than half (52.5%) use a general internet search. l Colleagues provided P2 information to 42.8%. l P2Rx was a usual source of information for almost one-third of the respondents (29.2%), tied with training.
How They Use the Info At least monthly: l Learn more about an issue % l Assist a client in P2/WR % l Provide info to a client % l Assist my org in P % l Collaboration % l Achieve compliance %
P2Rx/Center Websites l Accurate l Mostly easy to use l Some browser problems l Some confusion with differences in topic hubs between centers l News/links need updating l Sometimes hard to find things l Layout/navigation could be improved
How Useful are Resources? 4= very useful, 1=not useful l Topic Hubs l Library l News l P2 Programs Directory l Hg Reduction Progs DB l RFP Database l Homes Across America
How Useful are Services? 4= very useful, 1=not useful l Regional Roundtables l Rapid Response l Listserves
Useful Info Formats 4= very useful, 1=not useful l Fact Sheets l Case Studies l Personal Responses to Qs l Background/Overview l Manuals l Training
Useful Info Formats, cont. l Referrals to Experts/TAPs l Assessment Tools l Biblios/References/Links l Vendor Information
Other Types of Info Formats Needed l In-depth reports/fact sheets on specific topics l Checklists for each sector l Info organized by pollutant sources/SIC codes/state l Tools to measure/report success
Other Types of Info Formats Needed, cont. l Case studies/success stories with cost information l Training curricula/resources l Customizable brochures/fact sheets l Everything in PDF available online
Desired Resources l More staff - P2Rx as assistant? l More subsectors in topic hubs l Updates on news, innovative projects and technologies l Announcements of new resources available, links, regional activities l Input from industry on what they want help with
Desired Resources, cont. l Industry-specific P2 options l Conference proceedings l Regional project publications l Contacts for environmental and industry organizations l Speakers Bureau - recs from others l P2 Activities at Universities l Tribal resources
Topics of Interest l Auto body/paint l Regulatory/compliance info l Mercury reduction l Construction materials l Stormwater and wastewater issues l Alternatives to chemicals/processes l Pharmaceutical waste l Pollutant source reduction
Topics of Interest, cont. l Sources of funding for P2 l Vendor information l Industrial processes l Innovative P2 technologies l Safer cleaning compounds l Solid waste recycling/source reduction
Recommendations Overall Approach l Primary emphasis on individual regional centers, with P2Rx branding l P2Rx as one-stop shopping, entry point to other resources l Focus on primary audience of technical assistance providers and fed/state/local envtal staff - esp. EPA staff l Focus on more in-depth info l Put products with national scope (e.g., listservs) under the P2Rx label
Recommendations Promotion l Focus on interpersonal/ methods - esp. between colleagues l Get better placement on the EPA website P2 homepage l Periodically send out reminders about particular resources l Increase number of websites linking to P2Rx/regional centers l Consider single P2 listserv
Recommendations Website l Make sure works with all browsers l Make sure links are up-to-date l Put something new on the site at least once per quarter - include in newsletter l “ this page” from the website l Standardize topic hub formatting on center websites
Recommendations Resources l Everything should be accessible online (except for copyright) l Extend electronic library l Case studies/success stories l National programs directory needs to be only P2 programs l Materials for trainings l Fact sheets on very specific topics
Recommendations Resources, cont. l Checklists for different sectors l Assess annual state priorities and develop materials to address those l Break topic hubs down more into subsectors l P2Rx as clearinghouse to disseminate regional/national info l Customizable document templates
Recommendations Resources, cont. l Info on pollutant sources that leads to different industry sectors l Assessment of industries interests l Improve Research Projects Database l More compliance and regulatory information for each sector