Using ITS Technologies to Address Truck and Bus Security Risks May 4, 2005
Bill Mahorney Director of Safety, Security and Regulatory Programs American Bus Association th Street, NW Suite 575 Washington, D.C
ABA Represents Private Companies Over 3600 members Over 800 Bus Operators (scheduled, charter, tour) Tour Operators Suppliers to industry (manufacturers, etc.) Destinations (CVB’s, Hotels, Motels, Casinos, Museums, etc.)
The Intercity Bus Industry Around 3200 bus operators #1 mover of people (over 860 million in the U.S. and Canada) 200 million more than airlines Exceeds Amtrak’s annual load every 2 weeks Serve over 4000 U.S. Communities in scheduled service, and just about all others
The Industry A network of small businesses 90% have fewer than 25 buses 75% have fewer than 10 buses Every bus supports 5 jobs
9/11: Devastating Effect on Motorcoach Industry New York City, Washington, D.C. Cancelled Trips Insurance Increase Economy Uncertainty/Fear Discretionary Spending
How do we get back our customers? Safety and Security
Security Initiatives $30M for Intercity Bus Security, so far $10M FY 2005 (fixed-route only) ABA/UMA Grants: Operation Secure Transport I ($1.8M) Operation Secure Transport II ($900K)
Eligible Activities-TSA Grants “Hardening” activities (fencing, cameras) Communications (cell phones, etc.) Tracking systems (GPS) Training Vehicle Identification Passenger Screening
Scheduled Service: Open System Charter and Tour: Access to High-Risk Areas Greyhound: GPS, Explosives detection pilot project Trailways: Voyager Eyre Bus Service: Fleetrak Capitol Trailways: Nroute Peter Pan: Nextel
Voyager Vehicle Tracking System All Trailways Companies (80+) No software (web-based) Panic Alert Location Identifier (vehicle speeds, vehicle status, boundary settings)
Other features Weather Mileage Reports Navigate (local traffic cams) Aggravation of Driver
Intercity Bus Industry Security Goals Train all personnel in security awareness techniques Continue to obtain $$ to enhance bus security, and encourage the development and use of security countermeasures Develop Security culture that is as strong as our safety culture.