October Environmental Federation of Oklahoma THE STAIN OF SUSTAINABILITY Michael Patton The Metropolitan Environmental Trust
Management of Resources Consumption of Resources Related Effects Transport Air Quality ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS OF SUSTAINABILITY
HOW TO CLEAN THE SHIRT I had to Learn About: Coffee Shirts Cleaning Chemicals
COFFEE STATISTICS COFFEE STATISTICS The U.S. drinks about 400 million cups of coffee per day. Five million people in Brazil are employed by Coffee Trade. 54% of Americans drink coffee daily. 35% drink coffee black.
Organic Shade Grown Fair Trade Transport Packaging SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES
Non-organic coffee is one of the most chemically treated crops in the world. Over the past 40 years, over 2/3 of rainforests in Central America were cleared for coffee farming.
Living Wages National & International Trade SUSTAINABLE JOBS
Market price to coffee farmers is 80 cents a pound. Fair trade farmers receive $2.35 per pound. Workers paid living wage with safe working conditions and no child labor. FAIR LABOR STANDARDS
TRADE STATISTICS Fair trade in the U.S, organic and shade grown coffee, represents 5% of coffee sold. U.S. imports $4 Billion coffee beans per year. Brazil has $4 billion coffee trees.
Coffee Coffee Makers Recyclability, Composting, Durability, & Responsibility Farms to Groceries may include a dozen steps. PACKAGING TRANSPORTATION
Lifestyles Consumerism Fair Trade Trade Balance ALL ABOUT SHIRTS
FASHION QUOTES CLOTHING STATISTICS FASHION QUOTES “The fashion wears out more apperal than the man.” William Shakespeare “Fashions, after all, are only induced epidemics.” George Bernard Shaw
CONSUMERISM STATISTICS 8,000 apparel manufacturers in the U.S. They generate about $14 billion in revenue per year. China controls ½ of the world. Market estimated to be $315 billion per year.
CLEANING CHEMICALS Stain removers – OxiClean, Shout & vinegar Solvents, surfactants & enzymes High phosphates
ENERGY USE $150/year to heat water for laundry. 22 cents per load (cold) (cold) 89 cents per load (hot) (warm) cents per load (electric) 15 – 20 cents per load (gas) WASH DRY
Michael Patton The Metropolitan Environmental Trust MetRecycle.com MetRecycle.com