New Coordinator’s Workshop
Established 1979 Georgetown University; Fulbright Hays Independent non-profit in 1997 Tuition, room and board exchanges Addition of ISEP-Direct programs Mission: access, diversity and affordability
290 Members and Affiliates United States and 39 countries 31,000 Students
Board of Directors Council of Advisors ISEP Central Office ISEP Coordinators
ISEP-Exchanges ISEP-Direct ISEP-Summer and Short-term ISEP Service Learning Internships in conjunction with study Undergraduate and Graduate
Placement Confirmation Acceptance Process
Program Officers work independently on US and I-to-I Student placements Placement of US Students first Placements made by ISEP Central 2-3 weeks after priority deadline Placements will appear on Status Report Exchange Equivalent: 1.0 for full year 0.5 for semester 0.25 for summer 0.0 for ISEP-Direct
Applications sent to host university for review Host has 3 weeks to review applications and return HIPC (Host Institution Placement Confirmation) Upon receipt of HIPC confirmation, ISEP notifies home coordinator, via , to download the PPAF acceptance packet from ISEP website Student free to initiate direct contact with host institution at this time Please refer to status report on line throughout process to keep track of students’ status
Acceptance process usually begins 6-8 weeks after application arrives at ISEP Upon notification, home coordinator logs into Coordinator’s section of ISEP website to download PPAF packet Click on “PPAF Packets” under “Quick Links” on left side of page
Step 1: Print PPAF – contract for student’s acceptance; contents of packet Step 2: Print IIS – Institutional Information Sheet – contains specific details about host institution and ISEP benefits Step 3: Student Handbook – found online Step 4: Country Handbook – found online Step 5: Student has 3 weeks to sign PPAF and accept ISEP placement
HOST INSTITUTION PLACEMENT CONFIRMATION HIPC Institution: University of Tennessee, Knoxville Date:11/7/2008 Please confirm placement of the nominee listed below by completing this form and returning it to ISEP by mail or fax. Note: once a placement is confirmed by your institution, it cannot be revoked. Upon confirmation, a letter of acceptance from your institution must be sent to the nominee. Nominee Placed: CHOW, Anthony King Home Institution: University of Joensuu Placement Period:SM2 Exchange Equivalent: 0.50 Program Officer Comments: Student needs upper-level business course to satisfy home institution requirements. Student confirmed? (circle one) YES NO Student confirmed as? (circle one) Undergraduate Graduate Päivi Haltilahti 11 / 20 / 08 Coordinator Signature Date Special Conditions of Placement or Reason Placement Not Confirmed: Be sure to indicate any special conditions of placement in the space provided. Special Conditions include unavailability of requested courses for whatever reason (e.g. course filled, not offered, prerequisites not met). Student confirmed, but does not meet pre-requisites for FIN 455. INTB 434 is not offered in Spring semester. Please return this form to ISEP by: 11/28/2008
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