NMISTC Report October 25, 2008 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Charles Watson October 25, 2008
NMISTC Report October 25, NMISC actions 3 NMISC motions are on the November ballot for TABARC; TAB in Feb 09: Increase IEEE Young Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award to $1500 Increase The Edward J Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award to $3000 Rename the YI award in honor of Bruce Hasegawa Sub-Committe Chairs/Officers NSS/MIC Oversight: Tom Lewellen to replace Craig Woody AdCom Representative: Tom Lewellen to replace Ron Jaszczak Awards/Fellows: Anna Celler to replace Paul Kinahan Communications: Ron Huesman to remain Secretary/Nominations: Steve Meikle to remain A summary of the Oversight Committee’s work on NSS/MIC site selection for 2012, prepared by Craig Woody and Tom Lewellen, was circulated to NMISC for comment NMISC annual meeting was held Oct 23, 2008; will report on this at next AdCom
NMISTC Report October 25, NMISC elections Five new members have been elected to NMISC (thanks to Steve Meikle) Ron Jaszczak (Duke University) Irene Buvat (CNRS, France) Kris Inewski (Redlen Technologies, Canada) Georges El Fakhri (Massachusetts General Hospital) Ray Muzic (Case Western Reserve University)
NMISTC Report October 25, MIC status 2007, Honolulu (Benjamin Tsui, General Chair; Eric Frey, MIC Program Chair) Defer to Craig Woody for financial status $246k out of $1236k total budget returned to IEEE 2008, Dresden (Uwe Bratzler, General Chair; Wolfgang Enghardt, MIC Program Chair) Defer to Uwe Bratzler for status 2100 abstract submissions (total) from nearly 60 countries, 207 rejected (9.9%) Over 2000 registered 10 special-focus workshops on site 2 satellite workshops with IEEE technical co-sponsorship: Joint Workshop on Detector Development (DESY, Hamburg), Oct 16 – 17 Hybrid Imaging with MR-PET (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich), Oct 27 – 28 2009, Orlando (Richard Lanza, General Chair; Ramsey Badawi, MIC Program Chair) Defer to Dick Lanza for details The MIC deputy chair will be Craig Levin Martin Tornai will be co-chair for MIC workshops. Will submit an R13 to NIBIB for support of MIC 2009, limit is $10,000.
NMISTC Report October 25, MIC status continued 2010, Knoxville (Ron Keyser, General Chair; David Townsend, MIC Program Chair) First meeting of the Organizing Committee was held Thurs Oct 23 Defer to Ron Keyser for details The contract for the convention center and the hotels has been signed and a deposit given The convention center deposit covered by the City of Knoxville – to be repayed with advance from IEEE 2011 (David Townsend, General Chair) Will be in Valencia, Spain (Spain’s third largest city, on the eastern Mediterranean coast) Valencia Conference Center and the neighboring Sorollo and Hilton Hotels Defer to Craig Woody for additional details 2012 (Tom Lewellen, General Chair) Considered several sites on the West coast of North America Albuquerque, Seattle, Vancouver, Spokane, Anaheim, Reno or San Diego Four additional site visits made Anaheim was chosen by vote of Oversight Committee
NMISTC Report October 25, To be done Reconcile RITC and NMISTC bylaws: The term of office of the Chairperson of the Oversight Subcommittee shall be one year, but the Chairperson may be re-appointed to the same position for no more than one additional term. Provide NMISTC guidance to Oversight sub-Committee on location and growth of NSS/MIC