AIGS – PG Department For students PG ( and MFA)
Dear all the students, For your reference, you can meet your external guide with the following topics.
TOPICS FOR PROJECT Human Resource Titles for Project work Recruitment and Selection. Industrial relations. Training and Development Safety health and welfare measures Performance Management System Job satisfaction. (Performance appraisal at different Wages and Salary Administration levels across the organization hierarchy) Compensation Management Absenteeism (Payroll & Salary components) Fringe benefits & Incentives Labor Laws, Labor Relations, Employee welfare Grievance handling Employee relations (For manufacturing units & plants)
Finance Titles for Project work Working Capital Management Capital structure Ratio analysis Liquidity Analysis Comparative Valuation Corporate lending Industry analysis and company analysis on a scenario basis, competitiveness, growth potential and credit analysis Debtor management Research in Risk management, Banking, Derivatives etc International Banking, Foreign Exchange, Monetary Economics, Micro Finance, Rural Finance
Capital budgeting Financial Planning and forecasting Structured Finance Optimization Methods in Finance Dependence on external finance Project Finance as a Tool for Growth Creating Value through Financial Management Cost Reduction and Control New Financial Approaches for the Economic Sustainability in Manufacturing Industry Activity-based costing and management Fundamental Analysis to Assess Earnings Quality EQA Earnings quality Analysis Zero Base Budgeting International business International finance
Marketing Titles for Project work Study on creation of luxury brand Strategies used to build successful Internet based customer services Changing trends in FMCG industry in India Promotion strategies followed in retail sector Study on changing consumer preference towards organized retailing fromun-organized retailing. Study on "impact of advertising in B2B marketing" Distribution network & general insurance industry
Impact of customer relationship management in retail industry“ A study on factors influencing adaptability & usability of consumer electronics" An analysis of possible strategies for successful internet based customer services" Impact of promotional activities on consumer’s behavior at retail outlets“ Impact of buying factors on the sales of chemical goods" Analysis of the effectiveness of branding on luxury products A study of implementation & effectiveness of competence management A study on changing importance of various media vehicles of advertising" Study of factors which influence the location of retail outlet" A study of buyer behavior towards after-sales-service of electronic products”
Brand awareness Channel recruitment & development Brand preference Customer expectations Distribution channel Developing marketing strategies Distribution & promotional strategies Effectiveness of rural distribution Global scenario & market potential Import consolidation Logistics operation Management automation Marketing mix Global supply chain mgt & logistics Customer satisfaction survey Consumer perception survey
Role of HR in TQM. Trade Union Skills management Employee Retention Strategies Talent identification and Management Human resource planning Leadership Development Management development. Job Enrichment. Utility of HR in Change Management Organizational Behavior Motivation Stress Management Promotions and transfers
QUESTIONNAIRE Respected Sir, Sub: Requesting to respond to questions I am a research scholar in Bangalore university preparing the paper on “Investors perception towards commodity market” which is a part of my research work. I would be grateful if you kindly spend your valuable time to answer the queries as it helps to judge the preference level of the investors towards commodity market. This information will be used purely for academic purpose and would be kept confidential. Kindly do the needful and oblige. Thanking you, Yours faithfully