AP Labs – General Experimental Design Identify variables –Independent –Dependent Isolate Variable –Controls CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS (controls)


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Presentation transcript:

AP Labs – General Experimental Design Identify variables –Independent –Dependent Isolate Variable –Controls CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS CONTROLS (controls) Provide numbers (adequate sample size) –Prevent random error Predict Results –Labeled graphs/diagrams

AP Labs – Diffusion and Osmosis Concept –Water potential –Selective permiability Sample Experiment –“Design and experiment to determine the osmolarity (solute concentration) in a given dialysis bag

AP Labs – Enzyme Catalysis Concept –Enzyme functionEnzyme function Active site Substrate Rate Conformation Inhibition –Role of H 2 SO 4, K 2 MnO 4 Sample Experiment –Design an experiment to determine the optimal temperature of vent polymerase…

AP Labs – Mitosis/Meiosis General Concept –Tissue types undergoing mitosis –Identifying stages –Relative time of stages

AP Labs – Plant Pigment – photoAP Labs – Plant Pigment – photo. Concept –Chromatography techniques –Photosynthetic pigments –Determining rate of light reactions Role of DPIP Sample –Determine the number and type of photosynthetic pigments contained in a rutebega leaf…

AP Labs – Cellular Respiration Concept –Factors influencing respiration rate Plants vs. temp Endotherms vs. temp Ectotherms vs. temp –Role of potassium hydroxide Determine the optimal rate of respiration for crickets – how would this compare to mice?

AP Labs – Molecular Biology Concepts –Restriction Enzymes Restriction digest/analysis –Electrophoresis –Transformation –Selective media –Gene cloning Sample#1 – Plasmids are isolated from separate species of bacteria. How would one determine if the plasmids were different? Sample #2 –How would you use rDNA to clone a gene? PCR?

AP Labs – Fruit Fly Genetics Concepts –Mendelian Genetic principles –Terms Wild type = “normal” Experimental = “mutant” F 1 …F n = generation from parents –Crossing over If linked genes don’t follow Mendalian inheritance, then x- over –example

AP Labs – Hardy Weinberg Genetics Hardy Weinberg equation Assumptions –No natural selection –Random mating –Large population –No gene flow (emigration/immigration) Sample Calculation

AP Labs - Transpiration Concept –Transpiration –Guttation –Bulk flow Types of transport involved Water’s influence –Factors affecting –Sample Perform an experiment investigating differences in transpiration between corn (C4)and grass (C3)

AP Labs – Physiology of circulatory Concept –Blood flow Systemic Heart –Blood pressure Factors influencing –Effect of temperature on HR Sample –Design and experiment investigating the relationship between heart rate and temperature in earthworms and humans.

AP Labs – Animal Behavior Concept –Learned vs. Innate behavior –Conditioning You tell me…

AP Labs – Ecology – Dissolved O2 Concept –Primary productivity vs. Dissolved O 2 Primary productivity – rate at which organic molecules are produced and stored (photosyntheis) Sample –Design an experiment which would investigate the relationship between water turbitity and primary productivity.

Other things AlwaysAlways –Read questions carefully –Relate form to function (examples) –Guess surface area –100% till the end Study SuggestionsStudy Suggestions -Practice Tests (website) -Review Guide -AP Biology Free Response - Check Scoring Guidelines