Presented By Ali Rıza KONAN Bogazici University


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Presentation transcript:

Fuzzy Logic Arbiters for Multiple-Bus Multiprocessor Systems by Hassan B. Diab, Senior Mem. IEEE Presented By Ali Rıza KONAN Bogazici University Computer Eng. Department Fall 2004

Outline Introduction Implementation Simulation Description Interconnection Networks Fuzzy Logic Implementation System Configuration Assumptions Steps for fuzzy arbiters Simulation Description I/O interface for the simulator Flowchart / Execution steps Comparative Results Conclusions


Introduction: Interconnection Networks (INs) Sharing a set of main memory modules and, possibly I/O devices Sharing capability for INs between the processor and mem. modules between the processor and I/O subsystem Types of INs Single bus architecture Multiple-bus multiprocessor organization Crossbar configuration Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs)

Introduction: Fuzzy Logic Proved to be an innovative and successful design methodology Simplicity Sensitivity Robustness Easy optimization Typical “fuzzy goods” in control systems Washing machines Air conditioners Cameras, camcorders etc. Audio systems Why not use for INs?

Introduction: Fuzzy Logic (Cont’d) Generalization of the classical/crisp set The crisp set dichotomise the individuals into two groups: members and nonmembers sharp, unambigious distinction btw. members and nonmembers The fuzzy set boundaries are vague the transition from member to nonmember appears gradual rather than abrupt

Introduction: Fuzzy Logic (Cont’d) Characteristic function of a crisp set assigns a value of either 1 or 0 discrimination btw. members and nonmembers of the crisp set Characteristic function of a fuzzy set the values assigned to the elements fall within a specified range values indicate the membership grade of an element larger values denote higher degree of set membership

Introduction: Fuzzy Logic (Cont’d) Let X denote a universal set. Then, the membership function by which fuzzy set is usually defined has the form: fA: X  [0,1] For ex., we can define a possible membership function for the fuzzy set of real numbers close to 0 as follows:

Introduction: Fuzzy Logic in Multiproc. Conf. The presented paper introduces a novel methodology in the use of fuzzy logic arbiters for multiple-bus multiprocessor systems Inputs of the arbiters: the requests from the conflicting sources, i.e. Procesors Output: the selected resource appropriate membership func. for fuzzy arbiters such rules to maximize the acceptance probability of the processors regarding fairness


Implementation: System Configuration

Implementation: System Configuration (Cont’d) Two-stage arbitration scheme First stage: memory conflicts are resolved by m 1-of-N arbiters, one for each memory module each arbiter selects one processor from from several requesting processors to the same memory module  fixed priority and fuzzy scheme Second stage: the processor requests selected by the memory arbiters are then allocated a bus by using a b-of-m arbiters

Implementation: System Configuration (Cont’d) Performance metrics of the multiprocessor system: EMBW (Effective Memory Bandwidth): average number of the memory modules (MMs) busy in a cycle Acceptance probability of a processor: the probability that the request from that processor will be accepted in any cycle

Implementation: Assumptions A new memory request is placed at the beginning of each cycle by idle processors with a probability R, where R is the average number of new requests generated per cycle by each processor Processors issue requests at the beginning of a cycle Processors’ requests are uniformly distributed over all MMs Denied processors resubmit their request in the following memory cycle

Implementation: Assumptions (Cont’d) During a cycle, the requests to each MM are resolved on the basis of the processor priority the processor with the highest priority is chosen from those currently requesting the MM priority is dynamic and implemented in the fuzzy arbiters buses are assigned to those selected processors which have higher priorities and the other processors’ requests are resubmitted the next cycle

Implementation: Assumptions (Cont’d) A maximum of three simultaneous requests to the same MM is allowed in a cycle to limit the number of inputs to the Fuzzy Inference (FI) system to reduce the number of rules used any additional requests to the same MM are discarded and a new one is generated in the same memory cycle. It is shown later that this has a negligible effect on the results.

Implementation: Assumptions (Cont’d) The fuzzy logic is implemented in the memory arbiters A fixed priority scheme is implemented in the bus arbiters The current acceptance rate of each processor is calculated in each cycle and used as input to the fuzzy arbiters

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters Step 1.Fuzzify Inputs : The first step is to take the inputs and determine the degree to which they belong to each of the appropriate fuzzy sets via membership functions Membership function a curve that defines how each point in the input space is mapped to a membership value (or degree) Inputs in this case are chosen to be the current acceptance probability of each processor

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters (Cont’d) The input is a crisp numerical value limited to the universe of discourse which is in this case [0,1] Three membership functions are defined for each input; low, medium, and high

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters (Cont’d) Step 2.Apply Fuzzy Operator : Once the inputs have been fuzzified, we know the degree to which each part of the antecedent has been satisfied for each rule A set of rules have been defined for a fuzzy arbiter of two inputs and three inputs For ex., if two processors request the same memory module, then the current acceptance rate is calculated and used as inputs to the fuzzy arbiter The output is then the processor selected

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters (Cont’d) The listing of the rules for a two-input system is shown below: AP1, AP2: current acceptance rates of input 1 and input 2

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters (Cont’d) Any number of well-defined methods can fill in for the AND operation or the OR operation AND operator is used to represent the minimum method (fuzzy membership values are 0.6 and 0.8, respectively)

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters (Cont’d) Step 3. Apply Implication Method : The input for the implication process is a single number given by the antecedent, and the output is a fuzzy set Implication is implemented in each rule Various methods are used and they are the same functions that are used by the AND method: min (minimum), which truncates the output fuzzy set prod (product), which scales the output fuzzy set.

Implementation: Steps for Fuzzy Arbiters (Cont’d) Step 4. Aggregate All Outputs : Includes all the singletons by using the maximum method Step 5. Defuzzify : As the aggregation of a fuzzy set includes many singletons each obtained from the rules, defuzzification is needed to obtain the crisp value from the set The defuzzification method used is Weighted Average Method


Simulation Description: Simulator A simulator for a multiple-bus system was developed using Visual C++ A system with N processors, m memories, and b buses Each processor have a dynamic priority controlled by a fuzzy logic controller

Simulation Description: I/O interface Inputs of the program # of processors, N # memory modules, m # of buses, b Request rate of processors, [0…1] Priority scheme used (fixed or fuzzy) Max. # of simultaneous proc. requests # of cycles to be simulated Outputs of the program Prob. of acceptance of requests for each processor Overall system BW

Simulation Description: Execution Steps 1-) For each processor Pi, select1 and select2 var.s are initialized to 0 select1 & select2 both 1 means that processor has been granted the requested MM and the bus 2-) Check Pi’s state if it’s in the wait state, then check the next. otherwise, generate a random MM request if total # of requests to that is greater than max. # of simultaneous access (MNSA), then regenerate another MM request. after placing the request, change the processor to the wait state and increment the # of MM requests made by this processor (nreq) by 1

Simulation Description: Execution Steps (Cont’d) 3-) For each Mj build a list containing the processor numbers that requesting this MM select the highest priority processor from the list using the fuzzy model and set select1=1 4-) Build a list which contains processor numbers having select1=1, and for each bus select the highest priority processor from the list grant this processor the memory transfer by setting select2=1

Simulation Description: Execution Steps (Cont’d) 5-) For each processor Pi if both select1 & select2 equals 1, then increment EBMW by 1 if the request is accepted in the same cycle, then increment accept by 1 accept: # of accepted processors in the same cycle  used to calculate current acceptance rate later set processor state as idle set select1 and select2 as 0

Simulation Description: Execution Steps (Cont’d) 6-) Increment simulation clock by 1 Go to step 1 in the vase of # cycles simulated is less than the specified # by the user 7-) Calculate perf. metrics as follows


Comparative Results: Tabulated Results 1

Comparative Results: Tabulated Results 2

Comparative Results: Fixed Priority Scheme

Comparative Results: Fuzzy Scheme

Comparative Results: Acceptance Rate for Fixed & Fuzzy Acceptance rate for fixed and fuzzy arbiters (16x16 system, R = 1)


Conclusions Implementation of a fuzzy inference system in the arbiters of multiple-bus multiprocessor system has been introduced Results of simulation runs using fuzzy arbiters are reported and compared to fixed priority schemes It is shown that there is an increase in the average acceptance rate of processors Also, in fuzzy scheme, there is a nearly uniform distribution of the acceptance rate Results show close agreement with already published simulation results in literature

References Diab, H.B., Fuzzy Logic Arbiters for Multiple-Bus Multiprocessor Systems, 2004 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 2004 August K. Hwang and F. Briggs, Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985 L. A. Zadeh, “Fuzzy sets,” Inf. Contr., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 338–353, June 1965

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