Sam Jackson Southeastern Region GIS Efforts University of Tennessee Office of Bioenergy Programs Knoxville, TN Research Assistant Professor
Overall Efforts/Project Continuation literature review for data and information in previously conducted studies Collecting data related new and current feedstock studies in the region (switchgrass, woody biomass, crops, etc) Significant work on woody biomass availability and siting models done
Biofuels Facility Location Analysis Modeling Endeavor Brad Wilson, Burt English Biorefinery site evaluation in 16 southeastern states Combines: Suitability analysis based on geographic features Feedstock supply analysis
Currently focused on switchgrass as the feedstock Uses crop zones derived from SSURGO soils database and county boundaries BIOFLAME
Incorporates: – Transportation networks – roads, rail, barge – Crop yield, budgets, price, and land-use information Model calculates break-even price for crop competition, marginal costs of transportation, and identifies optimal sites BIOFLAME
Input Parameters
Suitability Analysis Showing areas near major roads, railroads, navigable waterways, and major cities
Biorefineries and Feedstock Eight facilities sited across Tennessee with associated feedstock
Site Comparison Output table showing cost breakdown and crop acreages converted to switchgrass production
Expansion to more states and energy feedstocks Increased resolution for crop zones to field level Increased resolution of crop yield information using models like EPIC or ALMANAC Preprocessing/depot collection facilities Addition of: – Policy implication function – Ethanol demand function Ideas for Improvement/Future Plans
BioSAT: A web-based biomass site assessment tool Timothy M. Young, Donald G. Hodges, Timothy G. Rials – UT Robert C. Abt – NCSU James H. Perdue, Andy Hartsell – USFS
Decision Model for Estimating Costs for Biomass Using Facilities
Results – Mill Residues
Results – Ag Residues