Autotuning Large Computational Chemistry Codes PERI Principal Investigators: David H. Bailey (lead)Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jack Dongarra and Shirley MooreUniversity of Tennessee at Knoxville Other Lead Investigators: Samuel WilliamsLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Mark Gordon and Theresa Windus Ames Laboratory Joseph KennySandia National Laboratory Allen Malony and Sameer ShendeUniversity of Oregon 1
Ab initio Chemistry Codes and Applications Codes: GAMESS, NWChem, MPQC – Community codes: >100,000 users DOE Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center (CEFRC) – Emily Carter, Princeton University – Target application and kernel Large-scale simulations of the large hydrocarbons and sulfur-containing hydrocarbons that are components of diesel fuel Linear scaling multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) module Applications – Solar energy cell design – Combustion efficiency – Materials science – Nanoscience and nanoelectronics Broader impact: results applicable to other ab initio chemistry codes 2
Motivation for Autotuning Large-scale complex architectures – Performance tuning requires expertise and is time- intensive – Hand-tuned codes difficult to maintain – Discontinuous GPU performance optimization space Real-world test case for PERI autotuning tools – Feedback from applications helps improve tools – PAPI, TAU, HPCtoolkit, CHILL, Orio, ROSE, GCO, Active Harmony – Also using Open|SpeedShop and PerfExpert 3
PERI Autotuning Workflow original code transformation and code generation optimized code variant execution environment search engine representative input performance feedback transformation recipes developer code triage performance data code outliner outlined code HPCToolkit, TAU, PAPI ROSE compiler CHiLL, LoopTool, POET, Orio ActiveHarmony, GCO optimized code 4
Project Status/Milestones Q1, Q2, Q3 milestones largely achieved – Integration of MRCI code into GAMESS, analysis – Profiling of MPQC integral kernels, autotuning – Setup of PerfDMF database – DAG scheduler not yet implemented Q4 milestones (current work) – Evaluation of integral code autotuning – Parallelization and autotuning of MRCI code – Identification of additional kernels for autotuning 5
Gprof Profile for MPQC Integral Computation GNU gprof flat profile: % cumulative self self total time seconds seconds #calls s/call s/call name ,157, sc::Int2eV3::blockbuildprim_1( ) ,508, sc::Int2eV3::compute_erep( ) ,500, sc::EAVLMMap<>::find( ) ,960, do_sparse_transform2_3new( ) ,392, do_sparse_transform2_1new() ,332, sc::Int2eV3::shiftam_34( ) ,942, do_sparse_transform2_2new( ) ,405, sc::Int2eV3::build_not_using_gcs( ) ,365, sc::Int2eV3::shiftam_12( ) ,2500, sc::Int2eV3::int_have_stored_integral( ) … 6
TAU Analysis of Threaded MPQC Optimized TAU instrumentation using sampling and selective instrumentation Identified blockbuildprim and compute_erep as significant 7
Collected PAPI Data Fflop/Cycle = 0.24 (i.e., CPI = 4.2) L1 cache miss rate = 0.45% L2 cache miss rate = 5.6% TLB miss rate = 0.017% Branch miss prediction rate = 3.7% Cycles stalled = 261 M (21% of total cycles) Question: Is it a memory bound or CPU bound application? – T(n) is between O(n 2 ) and O(n 4 ) 8
A Stand-Alone Kernel void blockbuildprim_1(double* A2, double* B, int amin, int amax, int am34, int size34) { for(am12=amin; am12<=amax; am12++) { for (i12=2; i12<=am12; i12++) { for (k12=0; k12<=am12-i12; k12++) { double *A=&A2[am34+1]; double d = half_ooze; k = 0; for (i34=1; i34<=am34; i34++) { for (k34=0; k34<=am34-i34; k34++) { A[k] += d * B[k]; k++; } d += half_ooze; } A2 += size34; } Lack of ILP 9
Improvement We implemented 7 specializations manually – CHILL required rewrite of code in order to work Variable am34Old CPINew CPI
Further MPQC Integral Computation Autotuning Autotuning parameters set up by code developers (total of 10 parameters, possible combinations) – Swapping order of general contraction loops – Redundant primitives or not – Generated code or not – Compiler optimization of low level routines Wrote GCO scripts to perform exhaustive search 30% performance improvement over default settings Need to try more molecules 11
GAMESS+TigerCI Integration 12
TigerCI Optimization and Parallelization Integrated the TigeCI code into GAMESS and analyzed performance. Significant single core performance optimizations have been made – Replacement of loops over BLAS-1 operations by single BLAS-2 operations Bottlenecks in the serial code have been identified – Cholesky decomposition step and the transformation of the Cholesky matrix from the atomic to the molecular basis – Observation that a loop transformation could accelerate a key part of the code by a factor of three – Perform these transformations using automatic tools (CHILL, Orio) Preliminary work to parallelize the code – BLAS-2 and BLAS-3 operations replaced by multithreaded implementations 13
TAU Analysis of GAMESS+TigerCI Performance data were added to a PerfDMF profile database. Data were collected for experiments on C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, C5H12, C6H14, C8H18 and C9H20 chemistry. Preliminary analysis was conducted, comparing all trials with respect to input complexity. 14
Runtime Breakdown of Significant Events The two most significant routines, __wrap__gfortran_matmul_r8 and EXT_3_4_SEG_LOOPS_VEC_LMO_RES_2 exhibit poor scaling with respect to input complexity If these routines are amenable to parallelization, dividing computation between multiple cores could significantly improve performance 15
Runtime Scaling Note the inflection point at C6H14, beyond this level of input complexity the runtime increases rapidly. 16
Continuing Work Currently focusing on collecting more significant profile data from GAMES+TigerCI PAPI Hardware Counter Data Callpath Profiling Sampling Collecting data in profile database for extensive analysis across multiple trials Comparison of parallelization strategies for Tiger CI 17
Exploring further GPU optimizations of GAMESS modules Current GPU implementations of kernels yield 4-17x speedup compared to GAMESS on CPU Model and predict optimal GPU performance – Hardware counter data from PAPI GPU component – TAU – PerfExpert and MACPO from TACC Additional optimizations for Fermi architecture – Resource usage Registers and memory Optimal use of special functional units (SFUs) Optimal partitioning of shared memory/L1 cache – Increase compute to memory access ratio Unroll and jam – Combinations of optimizations Discontinuous optimization space! 18