Current Activities of Japan Patent Office on Mutual Utilization of Patent Examination Results Japan Patent Office
Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Work-sharing at JPO Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Dossier Access System -AIPN and OPD 1
The Scheme of Patent Prosecution Highway PPH is a framework in which an application determined to be patentable in the Office of Earlier Examination is eligible to have an accelerated examination in the Office of Later Examination with a simple procedure upon an applicant’s request OEE (Office of Earlier Examination) The JPO proposed the patent prosecution highway (PPH) and put it into action with the United States in 2006 for the first time in the world. Since then, the JPO has been working toward expanding the PPH network and enhancing the usability of this framework. Application A Grant Claims correspondence Work Sharing OLE (Office of Later Examination) OLE examination burden can be lighten OEE Examination History Office Merit Corresponding Application A’ PPH Request Accelerated Examination Applicant Merit
Reduced pendency at the office of second filing (OSF) Merits of PPH: High Speed, Cost Saving, High Quality High Speed: Reduced pendency at the office of second filing (OSF) Expeditious examination Cost Saving: Reduction in Number of Office Actions High Quality: High grant rate at the OSF High predictability of examination results at the OSF 3
Expansion of PPH network 32 offices participate in the PPH. As of January 6, 2014 (Japan implements the PPH with 28 offices.) The accumulated total number of requests for PPH filed worldwide is about 50,000. As of December 2013 4
Global PPH Global PPH Before launching Global PPH The launch of a “Global PPH” pilot program within the framework of multiple countries: this program was created by making use of common factors found in the PPH. It commenced on January 6, 2014. Previously, different types of PPH systems were used between two offices, depending on their bilateral agreements. The types include the regular type PPH, the PPH MOTTAINAI, and the PCT-PPH. Having various types of systems made it rather difficult for applicants to understand how to use them. Besides, the systems were not user friendly. On the other hand, this Global PPH pilot program enables participating offices to effectively use all types of PPH systems, enhancing user-friendliness. Seventeen countries/regions are participating in this pilot program. (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Nordic Patent Institute, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, UK, and USA) Global PPH (From January 6, 2014) Before launching Global PPH Types of PPHs available for all participating offices: Regular PPH, PPH MOTTAINAI, and PCT-PPH
What is the AIPN? AIPN: Advanced Industrial Property Network Advanced Industrial Property Network (AIPN) Provision of Japan’application and information Dispatch of Japan’s examination results to foreign IPOs in Spanish (1) Mitigation of examination workload in foreign IPOs (2) An aid for applicants’ smooth obtainment of IP rights AIPN: Advanced Industrial Property Network Provision of domestic examination results via the Internet JPO Japanese to Spanish Machine Translation Filing patent within Japan Applicant
Registered IPOs The AIPN started on 12 October 2004, now it is used more than 60 IPOs all over the world. Austria Croatia Czech Denmark EAPO EPO Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK Ukraine Dossier Information Dossier Information ARIPO Burundi Egypt Ethiopia Gambia Israel Kazakhstan Kenya Kirghiz Mali Morocco Mozambique Nigeria OAPI Rwanda Turkey Uganda Zambia Australia Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China Chinese-Taipei India Indonesia Malaysia Pakistan Philippines Republic of Korea Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam AIPN Japan Patent Office Brazil Canada Chile Mexico US Dossier Information - As of January 2014 -
Search from Document No. Search from JP No. Application No. Priority No. Publication No. Patent No. Search from No. of Foreign Document Application No. Priority No.
Result – Document List
Introduction of New Function Google Translate Screen for File Wrapper information ①Google Translate pulldown list for language selection ② Select language for translation target
Example for Display Screen of Translation Result Selecting Spanish Select Spanish A translation result appears in Spanish
One Portal Dossier OPD( One Portal Dossier) (Mutual Reference to Exam Results) PAIR (Internet-based Service for the Public) J-Eng MT functions K-PION (Internet-based Service for IPOs) USPTO European Patent Register (Internet-based Service for the Public) EPO KIPO AIPN (Advanced IP network) (Internet-based Service for IPOs) CPIS (Internet-based Service for the Public) JPO SIPO IP5 Offices (1) Reduce workload in examination at IPOs (2) Obtain IP rights overseas quickly and properly Enable to mutually refer to results of search and examination in real time among IP5 Offices ↓ Sharing results enables to reduce workload and to quicken examination OPD( One Portal Dossier)
OPD at the JPO EPO Dossier Info. USPTO Dossier Info. Link to Patent Family information Link to Classification & Citation information Link to document reference screen for JP applications Patent Family information at the JPO - Application numbers - Publication numbers - Registration numbers - Filing dates EPO Dossier Info. USPTO Dossier Info. KIPO Dossier Info. SIPO Dossier Info. - Document List - Document Content
Global Dossier Initiative (GDI) Aiming at “ one stop service” for patent application / examination. Image of possible services in GD Examiners Dossier information Dossier information Application filing Dossier information Applicants Dossier information Dossier information Examination results accumulated Public users [※ Dossier information: patent application / examination results information] IP5 Offices and WIPO are cooperating toward realization of GD. 14 14
¡Gracias! 15 15