1 Anita Eide Director of European Programs Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program CLASP: Successfully Promoting Appliance S&L Globally
2 CLASP: A brief overview CLASP’s Mission is to serve as the primary international voice and resource for practitioners of energy efficiency standards and labelling (S&L) worldwide Founded in 1999 Has provided S&L technical assistance with national implementation to over 50 countries Until 2009, has worked only in developing countries and countries in transition
3 CLASP: A brief overview Head Office in Washington, DC Regional offices in: Europe (Presence in Brussels since 15 June; CLASP’s Europe office incorporated under Belgian law 7 August 2009) Latin America (Presence since 1 July, 2009) India (New Director of India Programs starts on 5 October, will be based in New Dehli) China (Director of China Programs is currently being recruited – If you have suggestions for candidates we should consider, please let us know!) CLASP is a Partnership organization and technical studies are carried out external experts - CLASP uses its Call for Partners process to select successful candidates Reports and outputs subject to extensive peer-review process
4 Cross-Cutting Strategic Initiatives Research & Publications: –Topical reports on S&L –Translate CLASP’s Standards & Labeling Guidebook into Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, and Portuguese Product Benchmarking: –Provide international comparison of various levels of appliance energy efficiency –Conduct analysis on MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) and label thresholds –Improve energy efficiency product by product Training: –“Introduction to S&L” courses in target countries –Virtual Learning and Online Training Programs: Overview Course of S&L Implementation; Development of Test Labs & Test Capacity; Techno-economic Analysis ; Label Design & Promotion; Program Evaluation Network Creation: –Convening Stakeholders, as needed, to support the discussion and Governments in setting of stringent S&L requirements
5 Cross-Cutting Strategic Initiatives S&L Building Block Initiatives: –Complement regional work with cross-cutting activities (convening events, publishing studies, launching trainings, etc) –Example: Support IEA in implementing key recommendations: i) publish analysis on enforcement; ii) convene policymakers; iiii) identify next steps; iv) implement Communications & Events: –Brochure & Annual Report; –Added Website Features: Network group coordination mechanisms; General chat rooms; Spanish & Chinese translation –Co-sponsor events –Convene APN, AIL, GPI & Topical Workshops Complementary Policies –Partnership with Top Ten International –Create case studies of DSM (demand-side management) programs –Harness power of government purchasing
6 CLASP’s European Initiative Provide technical expertise to European Commission and Member State Governments to support the setting of the most stringent minimum energy efficiency performance requirements and labelling requirements possible Exact products to be targeted for study will be decided in consultation with the European Climate Foundation and its key grantees in this area, eceee and ECOS Activities: –Conduct technical studies on S&L relevant to the European policy making scene –Bring international best practice on MEPS, label design and threshold setting, S&L policy impact and evaluation results, test methods, and so on to the table –Convene and/or co-sponsor expert workshops, events and stakeholder forums
7 Want to learn more about CLASP? For more information about CLASP or how to become a partner, go to: Or contact Anita Eide directly at: CLASP Europe Rue de Stassart 48, Mailbox 6, Building C 1050 Brussels P: +32 (0) E: