Reporting on a historic religious site. Lead-in: Xixin Si /the Xixin Temple( 息心寺) 100 years old The oldest Buddhist temple in China is the White Horse.


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting on a historic religious site

Lead-in: Xixin Si /the Xixin Temple( 息心寺) 100 years old The oldest Buddhist temple in China is the White Horse Temple.

I. Skim the text and answer the following questions: 1. Where is the temple located? 2. Why is it called the White Horse Temple? 3. What is the temple complex like? 4. Why do we say the White Horse Temple is very important?

1. Where is the temple located? It is located in Luoyang, Henan Province in the central east of China. 2. Why is it called the White Horse Temple? To remind people of the white horse on which the Buddhist readings and images had travelled to China from India.

3. What is the temple complex like? It is centered around a southern-facing courtyard shaped like a rectangle. On both sides of the courtyard are many halls for praying and chanting, receiving guests, and the rooms where the monks live. In the south-east corner of the complex is a 13-storey Pagoda called the Qiyun Pagoda.

4.Why do we say the White Horse Temple is very important? It is the oldest Buddhist temple in China, which is still in use. From here Buddhism spread to other parts of China and Asia and it is also a holy Buddhist site.

II. Task-based reading Read the text carefully and complete the following form.

Paragraph outlines Supporting details 1.________ Luoyang, Henan Province, China 2.The____ behind it ● The idea 3._________ from Emperor Mingdi’s dream of a golden man, the symbol of Buddha from India. ● The officials 4.________by Mingdi travelled westwards and brought 2 Indian monks back. ● When 5.__________ for the monks were completed, it was renamed the White Horse Temple. 6.Varied _____ ● It is centered around a southern-facing courtyard with many different halls on 7.________sides. ● A 13-storey pagoda is in its south-east corner. 8.The____ of it ● It is the 9.___________of Chinese Buddhism. ● Oldest 10.___________it is, it is still in use. ● It remains a popular tourist attraction. ● It is a historic building under special state protection.

Suggested answers: 1.Location 2. story 3. originated/came/arose 4. sent/instructed 5. suites 6. architecture/structure 7. both 8. Importance/Significance 9. birthplace/cradle 10. as/though

III. Look through test points applied in the text A: Non-predicate verbs 1.The Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty dreamt of a golden man ______(fly) over the palace.(L4-6) 2.They travelled on a white horse, _______(carry) their few possessions, some Buddhist readings and image of Buddha.(L17-18) 3.There was a bright light ______(come) from his head that lit the entire palace hall. (L6-7) 4.There are monks _______(study) Buddhist works here and Buddhists ______(come) here to pray to the Buddhas.(L49-50) 5. You will hear the sounds _______(repeat) and __________(multiply) from the roof so that it sounds like frogs _________(croak).(L45-46) flying carrying coming studying repeated multiplied coming croaking

B. Complex sentences 1.The story behind the temple is _______one night in the year AD 64, the Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty dreamt of a golden man flying over the palace. (L4-6) 2.There was a bright light coming from his head _________ lit the entire palace hall.(L6-7) 3. He asked his officials to interpreter his dream and tell him _______ it meant. (L8-9) 4. The emperor invited the monks to stay at the Honglu Si, or the Honglu Temple, _______the emperor used as a guesthouse for…(L20-22) 5. One of the most charming things about the White Horse Temple is _______ it is not only the oldest Buddhist temple in China, but also the oldest one in use.(L47-48) that what which that

C. Inversion/Agreement 1.On both sides of the courtyard _____ a number of different halls for praying and chanting, receive guests, and the rooms where the monks live.(L37-39) 2. In the south-east corner of the complex _____ a 13-storey pagoda.(L39-40) are is

D. Emphatic structure 1. ___ ____ the White Horse Temple _____ first brought the meaning of ‘temple’ to the word ‘si’. (L31-34) 2.The new temple represents the friendship between the two countries and reminds people that ____ ____ from India _____ Buddhism came to China nearly 2000 years ago.(L58-60) It was that it was that

IV. Learn new words: 1.instruct n. __________( 指令 ; 指示;用法说明 ) _________( 教员;指导者 ) adj._________( 有教育意义的 ; 有启发性的 ) instruct sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 他奉命驶往纽约。 He was instructed to set sail for New York. instruction instructor instructive

2. circumstance 情况,境况,常用复数 in/under……~s 在 …… 情况下 In/under normal circumstances, I would have resigned immediately. in/under no circumstances 在任何情况下都不, 决不 置句首时, 句子要倒装. A soldier must in no circumstances leave his post. In/Under no circumstances must a soldier leave his post.

V. Translate the following phrases: 1. 在中国的中东部 2. 迄今为止 3. 解梦 4. 吩咐某人做某事 5. 代表某人 6. 以 … 为中心, 围绕 7. 形状像 8. 完成多次变化 9. 正因为如此 ; 本身 ; 就这一点而论 10. 获得国家特别保护 in the central east of China to this day/to date interpret a dream instruct sb to do sth on one’s behalf=on behalf of center around/round/on/upon be shaped like be/get through (with) many changes as such receive special state protection

VI. Practice: 1.I would like to express my warm welcome to all of you _____________( 代表 )my school. 2. Wealth, ________( 本身 ), doesn’t matter. 3. _________________________( 任何情况都不 ) should you lose heart. 4. Mountain Leshan ______________( 形状像 )a sleeping Buddha. 5. I don’t regret having made that remark even_____________( 迄今为止 ). on behalf of as such In/Under no circumstances is shaped like to this day

位置河南洛阳市 得名汉明帝之梦 建筑 1. 长方院落,坐北朝南,占地约 4 万平方米。 2. 寺内: 2 僧墓, 4 大殿 ( 内有佛像 ) , 4 大院。 3. 东侧 : 齐云塔 (13 层高 ) 。 推荐理由 年历史,中国第一古刹。 2. 我国佛教的发源地。 3. 自拟( …… ) 。 VII. Written work 假如你的美国笔友 Paul 对中国古庙感兴趣,要来中国游 览。请你根据下表写信向他推荐白马寺。 ( 100 词左右, 开头结尾已给,不计入词数 )

Dear Paul , I’m glad to learn that you are interested in Chinese ancient temples and that you are coming for a visit. Now I will recommend you a good temple worth visiting, which is called the White Horse Temple. …… I’m looking forward to your coming.

Components of a good composition: 1. Proper tense 2. Right person 3. All points 4. Clear arrangement of ideas 5. Linking words 6. Varied structures 7. Advanced vocabulary 8. Good handwriting

…… Located in Luoyang, Henan Province, the White Horse temple originated from a dream of the Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It got the name to remind people of the horse on which the Buddhist readings and images had travelled. Covering 40,000 square meters, the temple is centered around a southern-facing courtyard shaped like a rectangle. Inside the temple are 2 monk tombs, 4 palaces and 4 courtyards. Each palace houses many statues. South-east of it stands the famous 13-storey Qiyun Pagoda. With a 2000-year history and known as the oldest Buddhist temple in China, it is considered the birthplace of Chinese Buddhism. Besides, it is a popular sightseeing destination in Luoyang. I’m looking forward to your coming.