Reading and Writing 制作者:李响 制作者单位:广东警官学院 高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社.


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Presentation transcript:

Reading and Writing 制作者:李响 制作者单位:广东警官学院 高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社

Unit 1 Introducing a Company Getting Things Ready 1 Things to Do 2 Things to Write 3 More Things to Do 4

Section 1 Getting Things Ready supply the basic information of a company describe the main products and services of a company create a company introduction In this unit, you will learn: next

Section 1 Getting Things Ready corporation n. 公司 distinctive a. 有特色的, 与众不同的 downstream a. 下游 ( 的 ) exploration n. 探查,勘探 headquarters n. ( 机构、企业等的 ) 总部,总店 integrity n. 正直 ; 完善 logo n. 专用标志, 商标 merge vt. & vi. ( 使 ) 混合, ( 使 ) 合并 multinational a. 多国的,跨国的 operation n. 操作;经营 petroleum n. 石油 priority n. 优先权,重点 professionalism n. 职业特征, 专业技巧

Section 1 Getting Things Ready profitable a. 有利可图的,有利润的 representation n. 表现;代表 reputation n. 名声, 名誉 subsidiary n. 附属机构, 子公司 a. 附带的 territory n. 领土,地区 upstream a. 上游 ( 的 ) consist of 由 … 组成 engage in 参与,从事 private sector 私人部分,私有企业 registered office 注册办事处

Section 1 Getting Things Ready ExxonMobil 艾克森美孚公司 Fortune magazine 《财富》杂志 Houston 休斯顿 Netherlands 荷兰 Nigeria 尼日利亚 Plc: Public Limited Company 股份公开有限公司 Royal Dutch Shell Group 英荷皇家壳牌集团 Texas 德克萨斯州 The Hague 海牙 Wal-Mart 沃尔玛

Activity 2: Read the passage in Section 2 and complete the following paragraph. Section 1 Getting Things Ready The Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies was established in February 1) ______. It is the second largest private sector 2) ______ corporation in the world. Shell has a workforce of employees in over 110 countries and territories worldwide. Royal Dutch Shell’s business consists of the 3) ________ businesses of Exploration & Production, Gas & Power; and the downstream businesses of Oil Products, Chemicals and Oil Sands. The company’s core 4) ______ are “honesty, integrity and respect for people” and it’s Logo “Shell” has identified the Shell brand and 5) ______ the corporate reputation energy upstream values promoted back

Section 2 Things to Do Things to Do Activity 2 Listen and Write Read and Think Activity 1 back

priority headquarters logo distinctive reputation corporation upstream operation participate in Section 2 Things to Do Activity 1 Listen and Write consist of back

Section 2 Things to Do Question 3 Are you interested in any company? Say something about it. Question 2 Do you know what kind of company it is? What are its main products and services? Question 1 Look at the logo at the beginning of the text. Do you know which company the logo represents? next

Section 2 Read and Think Royal Dutch Shell The Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies was founded in February 1907 when the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and the “Shell” Transport and Trading Company Ltd. of the United Kingdom merged their operations. The Group, commonly known as Royal Dutch Shell plc, or simply as Shell, is a multinational oil company. The company’s headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, with its registered office in London. Shell is the second largest private sector energy corporation in the world. In 2008 Forbes Global 2000 ranked Shell the sixth largest company in the world. Also in 2008, Fortune magazine ranked Shell as the third-largest corporation in the world, behind Wal-Mart and ExxonMobil. w

Section 2 Read and Think Shell has a workforce of employees in over 110 countries and territories worldwide. Its Shell Oil Company subsidiary in the United States, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas, is one of Shell’s largest businesses. Other subsidiaries of the company include Shell Nigeria and Shell Canada, etc. With its business strategy and priorities for the future “more upstream and profitable downstream”, Royal Dutch Shell’s business consists of the upstream businesses of Exploration & Production, Gas & Power; and the downstream businesses of Oil Products, Chemicals and Oil Sands. The objectives of the company are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in oil, oil products, gas, chemicals and other selected businesses, and to participate w s

Section 2 Read and Think in the search for and development of other sources of energy. Nevertheless, Shell plays a key role in helping to meet the world’s growing demand for energy in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways. The company’s core values are “honesty, integrity and respect for people”, which have formed the basis of Shell’s General Business Principles for 30 years and remain as important as ever. The Logo “Shell” with the distinctive red and yellow colours has identified the Shell brand and promoted the corporate reputation. These symbols have stood not only for the quality of the products and services, but also as very visible representations of professionalism and values in all of the business activities of the company around the world. (345 words) translation next w s

Section 2 Read and Think Task 1 Test your problem-solving ability. What is the Forbes Global 2000? next The Forbes Global 2000 is an annual ranking of the top 2000 public companies in the world by Forbes magazine. The ranking is based on a mix of four metrics: Sales, Profit, Assets and Market value. The list has been published since The Forbes Global 2000 is a useful indicator of which are the leading public companies in the world, but it is only an interpretation, as only public companies are listed. The results are not definitive; any change to the criteria would produce a different list.

Section 2 Read and Think Task 2 Tell whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for True and F for False. 1. The Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies is a multinational oil company. 2. The headquarters and the registered office of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies are in The Hague, Netherlands. 3. Shell is the largest private sector energy corporation in the world. 4. Shell plays a key role in helping to meet the world’s growing demand for energy. 5. The company’s core values of “honesty, integrity and respect for people” have formed the basis of Shell’s General Business Principles. 6. The logo for the company is “shell” with the distinctive red and yellow colours. T T F F T T next

Section 2 Read and Think Task 3 Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. When was the Royal Dutch Shell established?  In February What are the two companies from which the Royal Dutch Shell was established?  The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and the “Shell”Transport and Trading Company Ltd. of the United Kingdom. 3. What is Shell’s business strategy and priorities for the future?  “More upstream and profitable downstream”. next

Section 2 Read and Think 4. Can you name some of its businesses?  Its upstream businesses are Exploration & Production, Gas & Power, and its downstream businesses are Oil Products, Chemicals and Oil Sands. 5. What role does Shell play in the world?  Shell plays a key role in helping to meet the world’s growing demand for energy. 6. What are the company’s core values?  The core values of the company are “honesty, integrity and respect for people”. next

Section 2 Read and Think next Task 4 Match A with B. 1- f 2-g 3-e 4-h 5-b 6-i 7-j 8-c 9-d 10-a

Section 2 Read and Think Task 5 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. 1. With the global economic crisis, many companies are planning to cut their ____________. 2. The logo “Shell” _____________ the Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies. 3. The company ______________ eight departments. 4. The company is very successful and has been _____________ since its foundation in stand for objective workforce consist of rank profitable strategy operation product employee workforce stands for consists of profitable

Section 2 Read and Think 5. In some companies, the _____________ can choose a suitable time for their work. 6. The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the ____________. 7. It is very important to use certain communicative and negotiating _____________ in business negotiation. 8. Many multinational companies have substantial ___________ in this area. 9. They failed to realize their ____________. 10. Motorola is ______________ the third in global mobile phone sales. employees product strategies operations objectives ranked back

Section 2 Read and Think Task 6 Read and translate. 1. 我是 2000 年上大学的,当时 18 岁。 I went to college in 2000, when I was 18. 这所大学成立于 1949 年,当年全国解放。 The university was founded in 1949 when the whole country was liberated.

Section 2 Read and Think Task 6 Read and translate. 2. 诺基亚,现在被普遍认为是世界上移动通信领域 最大的公司,成立于 1865 。 Nokia, now commonly known as the largest corporation in the field of mobile communications in the world, was established in Google ,在中国被称为 “ 谷歌 ” ,是世界上最受欢 迎的搜索引擎。 Google, known as “ 谷歌 ” in China, is the most popular search engine in the world.

Section 2 Read and Think Task 6 Read and translate 年,沃尔玛在《财富》杂志富豪榜中排名世 界第一。 In 2008, Fortune magazine ranked Wal-Mart as the largest corporation in the world 年,花旗银行在《财富》杂志富豪榜中排名 世界第八。 In 2008, Fortune magazine ranked the City Bank as the eighth largest corporation in the world.

Section 2 Read and Think Task 6 Read and translate. 4. 我们公司在全世界各个国家共有员工 30 多万,是 本地最大的跨国公司。 With a workforce of more than employees all over the world, our company is the largest multinational corporation in this area. 这家公司有四个部门,工作效率很高。 With its four departments, the company works efficiently.

Section 2 Read and Think Task 6 Read and translate. 5. 委员会由 5 个专家和 8 个员工构成,是一个专业委 员会。 The committee, which is a professional one, consists of five experts and eight employees. 联合国是一个国际性组织,创建于 1945 年二战之 后。 The United Nations, which was founded in 1945 after the Second World War, is an international organization.

Section 2 Read and Think Task 6 Read and translate. 6. 这家公司今年的目标是要打开一个新的市场并 提高销售额。 The objectives of the company for this year are to open a new market and increase its sales. 他目前的目标是要掌握一门熟练的技术。 His present objective is to master a skilful technique. back

Section 3 Things to Write Things to Write Activity 2: Applied Writing Company introduction Complete company profile Activity 1: Task-based Writing back

Section 3 Things to Write Activity 1: Task-based Writing. Company introduction Task 1 Study the following tips for writing. Task 2 Study the following language for writing. Task 3 Study the following model for writing. Task 4 Write an introduction to a company. back

Section 3 Things to Write When writing a company introduction, usually you should remember to include the following: 1. Founding of the company: year of foundation, how it was founded and so on. 2. Company background: location and headquarters, employees, rank, revenues, etc. 3. Products and services: key features of products and services the company offers. 4. Company culture: objectives, core values and mission, i.e. what the company strives for, how it operates and where it is going. back Task 1 Study the following tips for writing.

Section 3 Things to Write Words and phrases: found 建立 multinational corporation 跨国公司 private enterprise 私营企业 provide 提供 start 成立 subsidiary 子公司 workforce 全体员工 Task 2 Study the following language for writing.

Section 3 Things to Write Sentence patterns: The company was founded/established in Its headquarters is in New York. The company is a multinational corporation. It has a workforce of people. ExxonMobil has employees of more than all over the world. The Adidas Group is a global leader in the sporting goods industry. The company mainly manufactures cars as its products. The official website for the company is back

Section 3 Things to Write Task 3 Study the following model for writing. Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, founded in 1991, has become the world’s specialized air conditioner company integrating R&D, manufacture, sales and service. In 2008 the company’s annual sales revenue reached billion CNY, while the net profit stood at billion CNY. It is one of the “Top 100 Chinese Listed Companies” ranked by Fortune for eight years running. As a specialized air conditioner manufacturer, Gree presents high quality air conditioning products to global consumers. It now possesses six manufacturing bases in Zhuhai (headquarters), Chongqing, Hefei, Brazil, Pakistan and Vietnam, with a total of more than employees. As a

Section 3 Things to Write back model that develops from a “Made-in-China” enterprise into a “Created-in-China” one, Gree has gained worldwide reputation in the international air conditioning industry. “An enterprise without innovation is one without soul; an enterprise without core technology is one without backbone; when one has no backbone, he can never stand up.” Looking forward to the future, Gree insists on the notion of “independent development, independent innovation and original brand development”, and aims to create an international leading air conditioner enterprise. To produce more Created-in-China products, we are ready to contribute more.

Section 3 Things to Write Task 4 Write an introduction of about words to a company you are interested in. back

Section 3 Things to Write next Alexander Bell 贝尔公司 Communications 通信 Entertainment 娱乐 holding company 控股公司

Section 3 Things to Write AT&T is a 1) ________________________ ( 通信控股 公司 ). It was founded by Alexander Graham Bell in ) ________________________ ( 其总部 ) is in Dallas, Texas. 3) ____________________________ ( 主要业务和产品 ) of the company are communications and entertainment services. 4) _____________________ ( 公司提供服务 ) all over the world. The company now 5) _____________________ ( 现有员工约 ) working for it. Task 2 Complete the company profile by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English. back communications holding company Its headquarters The main business and products It provides its services has about employees

Section 4 More Things to Do More Things to Do Activity 2: Reading More Focus on Grammar Activity 1: back

Task 1 Read the passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box below. (1) The Founder of Wal-Mart: Sam Walton If judged by appearance Sam Walton was a very ordinary man. He was raised in the Depression ( 大萧条 ) years, and served in the army during World War II. It was he, who from humble beginnings built the world's most admired retail ( 零售 ) 1) _____________. Section 4 More Things to Do organization quality advanced employers associates principles business worldwide marketing customers private improving organization

Section 4 More Things to Do Sam had a passion to compete and an appetite for adventure ( 冒险 ). He realized that Wal-Mart needed to do more than offer low prices to be successful — it also had to exceed ( 超越 ) customers’ expectations for quality service. Sam devoted his life to expanding and 2) ____________ upon this concept. He remained guided by the old-fashioned principles of hard work, honesty, neighbourliness ( 亲切 ) and thrift ( 节俭 ). Even after his death in 1992, those 3) _____________ continue to guide the company as it expands into other countries and cultures. improving principles

Section 4 More Things to Do (2) A Brief Introduction to Wal-Mart in China Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was founded by American retail ( 零售 ) legend ( 传奇 ) Sam Walton in Arkansas ( 阿肯色州 ) in Forty four years later, Wal-Mart serves more than 176 million 4) ___________ per week. It is the world’s largest 5) ____________ employer and retailer with over 1.9 million staff 6) ____________ and more than stores in 14 countries. The first Wal-Mart supermarket in China was opened in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province in Today, there are 104 Wal-Mart supermarkets in 55 cities in China. Across China Wal-Mart employs over ) ____________. customersprivate worldwide employees

Section 4 More Things to Do In China, as elsewhere, Wal-Mart always follows its tradition of building the business one store and one customer at a time. Wal-Mart strives ( 致力于 ) to provide its customers with friendly service and a wide selection of 8) ____________ products at Every Day Low Prices. Every Wal-Mart store will bring 9) _____________ retail know-how to the local market. By fostering ( 培育 ) a healthy, competitive environment, Wal-Mart hopes to constantly improve its 10) ____________ operations and customer service in order to contribute to ( 贡献 ) the prosperity ( 繁荣 ) of the local economy. quality advanced business next

Section 4 More Things to Do Task 2 Choose the answer that best completes each sentence. 1. The two passages are about _____. A) the founder of Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart in China B) Sam Walton C) the history of Wal-Mart D) Wal-Mart in the United States

Section 4 More Things to Do 2. Sam Walton became successful because _____. A) he grew up in the depression years B) he was luckier than others C) he served in the army the World War II D) he was hard working, honest and thrifty

Section 4 More Things to Do 3. The first Supercenter and SAM’S CLUB in China were opened in _____. A) Guangzhou B) Beijing C) Shenzhen D) Shanghai

Section 4 More Things to Do 4. The word “know-how” in the last paragraph most probably means _________. A) a department store B) the name of a book C) understanding D) basic skills and knowledge

Section 4 More Things to Do 5. From the passage we know that Wal-Mart is __________. A) a successful retail organization B) an electronics company C) a small grocery store D) a car manufacturer back

Section 1 Read and Think Royal Dutch Shell The Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies was founded in February 1907 when the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and the “Shell” Transport and Trading Company Ltd of the United Kingdom merged their operations. The Group, commonly known as Royal Dutch Shell plc, or simply as Shell, is a multinational oil company. The company’s headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, with its registered office in London.foundedmergedoperations known as Shell is the second largest private sector energy corporation in the world. In 2008 Forbes Global 2000 ranked Shell the sixth largest company in the world. Also in 2008, Fortune magazine ranked Shell as the third-largest corporation in the world, behind Wal-Mart and ExxonMobil.ranked back

Section 1 Read and Think Shell has a workforce of employees in over 110 countries and territories worldwide. Its Shell Oil Company subsidiary in the United States, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas, is one of Shell’s largest businesses. Other subsidiaries of the company include Shell Nigeria and Shell Canada, etc.workforce With its business strategy and priorities for the future “more upstream and profitable downstream”, Royal Dutch Shell’s business consists of the upstream businesses of Exploration & Production, Gas & Power; and the downstream businesses of Oil Products, Chemicals and Oil Sands. The objectives of the company are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in oil, oil products, gas, chemicals and other selected businesses, and to participate in the searchstrategyprofitableconsists of objectivesengageinparticipate in back

Section 1 Read and Think Shell has a workforce of employees in over 110 countries and territories worldwide. Its Shell Oil Company subsidiary in the United States, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas, is one of Shell’s largest businesses. Other subsidiaries of the company include Shell Nigeria and Shell Canada, etc.Its Shell Oil Company subsidiary in the United States, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas, is one of Shell’s largest businesses With its business strategy and priorities for the future “more upstream and profitable downstream”, Royal Dutch Shell's business consists of the upstream businesses of Exploration & Production, Gas & Power; and the downstream businesses of Oil Products, Chemicals and Oil Sands. The objectives of the company are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in oil, oil products, gas, chemicals and other selected businesses, and to participate in the searchWith its business strategy and priorities for the future “more upstream and profitable downstream”, back

Section 1 Read and Think for and development of other sources of energy. Nevertheless, Shell plays a key role in helping to meet the world’s growing demand for energy in economically, environmentally and socially responsible ways. The company’s core values are “honesty, integrity and respect for people”, which have formed the basis of Shell’s General Business Principles for 30 years and remain as important as ever. The Logo “Shell” with the distinctive red and yellow colours has identified the Shell brand and promoted the corporate reputation. These symbols have stood not only for the quality of the products and services, but also as very visible representations of professionalism and values in all of the business activities of the company around the world. (345 words)stood not only for back

Section 1 Language Study found: to establish 建立,创建 For example: Microsoft, the worldwide leader in software, was founded in 世界软件巨头微软公司建立于 1975 年。 This business company was founded in 这家企业创建于 1724 年 。 back

Section 1 Language Study merge: (of firms or companies) to join together and become one; to combine 合并 For example: We can merge our two small businesses into a larger one. 我们可 以把我们的两个小企业合并成一个大企业。 It is said that the bank is going to merge with its major rival. 据说 这家银行要与它的主要对手合并。 back

Section 1 Language Study operation: the state of being in action, or operative 运作,操作 For example: To his satisfaction, the operation of his company went smoothly. 令他满意的是,他的公司运转顺利。 When will that plan be brought into operation? 那项计划什么时候开始实施? back

Section 1 Language Study known as: generally recognized as; also publicly called or named 称为 For example: Samuel Clemens, known as Mark Twain, was a famous American writer. 塞缪尔 · 克莱门,人们称之为马克 · 吐温,是一个著 名的美国作家。 The corporate culture, known as the promotion of the soul, has been given more importance in recent years. 被誉为提升灵魂 的企业文化,近年来得到了更多的重视。 back

Section 1 Language Study rank: to grade sb. /sth. according to quality, achievement, etc. 排 名;分等级 For example: Would you rank this film among the best? 你认为这是一部最佳 影片吗? Bill Gates again was ranked as the richest person in the world in March, 年 3 月比尔 · 盖茨又一次被列为世界首富。 back

Section 1 Language Study workforce: total number of workers employed or available for work 劳动力 For example: Because of a shortage of orders, the firm has laid off a quarter of its workforce. 由于订单不足,公司解雇了四分之一人员。 Yes, there is a need to protect the long-term interests of the workforce. 我们需要保障劳工的长远利益,这是毋庸置疑的。 back

Section 1 Language Study Here “which is headquartered in Houston, Texas,” is a non- finite attributive clause, used to give more information or explanation. For example: Nike, which produces mainly sportswear, employs more than people globally. 耐克公司,主要生产运动系列产品,在全球雇有 3 万多员 工。 ExxonMobil, which is the world’s largest oil and gas company, plays an important role in meeting the world’s energy needs. 埃克森美孚公司,世界上最大的石油天然气公司,在满足 世界能源需求方面起着重要作用。 back

Section 1 Language Study strategy: skillful planning 策略,方法 For example: We will discuss our sales strategy this year. 我们将讨论有关今年销售策略的问题。 She is good at using strategy to get what she wants. 她善于使用策略获得她所想要的东西。 back

Section 1 Language Study profitable: bringing profit or advantage; beneficial 有利可图的 ; 有利润的 For example: It was a deal that was profitable to all of us. 这是一宗对我们大家都有利的买卖。 He runs a profitable sideline — selling postcards to tourists. 他在干一个有利润的副业 —— 向游客出售明信片。 back

Section 1 Language Study consist of: be made up of, be composed of 由 ··· 组成 For example: The company consists of nine departments. 这个公司由 9 个部门 组成。 The apartment consisted of two rooms and a kitchen. 公寓有 2 个 房间和 1 个厨房。 back

Section 1 Language Study with…: because of…, having… 有了 ··· ,由于 ··· For example: With his experience in management, Tommy soon found a position in a big company. 由于他有了管理方面的经验,汤 米很快就在一家大公司找到一职。 With its high-quality products and good service, the company soon gained a good reputation. 由于高质量的产品和良好的服务,公司很快赢得了很好的声 誉。 back

Section 1 Language Study objective: goal; purpose of a plan 目标 For example: They failed to carry out their objectives. 他们没有实现自己的目 标。 My objective this summer will be learning some practical skills in a factory. 我今年夏天的目标是到工厂去学一些实践技能 。 back

Section 1 Language Study engage in: to take part in or be occupied in sth. 参加 ; 从事 For example: We engage in both export and import business. 我们进出口业务 都做。 They also engage in various kinds of sideline production. 他们也 从事各种副业生产。 back

Section 1 Language Study participate in: to take part or become involved in 参加 For example: They have asked us to participate in the negotiations. 他们已邀 请我们参加谈判。 How many people participated in the opening ceremony? 多少人 参加了开业典礼 ? back

Section 1 Language Study stand for: represent, mean 代表, 表示 For example: UN stands for the United Nations. UN 是联合国的缩写。 Do you know what “FOB” stands for? 你知道 FOB 表示什么吗? back

Section 1 Translation 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司成立于 1907 年 2 月,由荷兰皇家石油与英 国的壳牌运输贸易有限公司合并而成。该公司通常称之为荷兰皇家 壳牌股份有限公司或壳牌公司,是一家跨国石油公司。公司总部设 于荷兰海牙,其注册办事处在伦敦。 壳牌是世界上第二大私营能源公司。在 2008 年《福布斯》全球 上市公司 2000 强排行榜中壳牌排名第六,而 2008 年财富杂志将壳牌 公司列为世界上第三大公司,仅次于沃尔玛公司和埃克森美孚公司。 壳牌公司在全球 110 多个国家拥有约十万零四百个员工。美国壳 牌石油分公司是壳牌公司最大的分公司,其总部设在得克萨斯州的 休斯敦。另外,壳牌公司还有尼日利亚分公司、加拿大分公司等。 back

Section 1 Translation 壳牌公司的业务包括上游产品和下游产品。上游产品包括如 勘探与生产、天然气及电力等,下游产品包括如石油产品、化工 和油沙等。公司的目标在于有效、有责、有利地经营石油、石油 产品、天然气、化工产品以及其他精选业务,参与寻找和开发其 他能源。无疑,壳牌公司以其对经济、环境和社会负责任的方式 帮助满足世界对能源的日益增长的需求,发挥着重要作用。 壳牌的核心价值观为 “ 诚实、正直和尊重他人 ” 。 30 年来,这个 核心价值观构成了《壳牌商业原则》的基础,并且一直是其重要 的价值观。 壳牌醒目的红黄两色的贝壳商标标志代表着壳牌公司的品牌, 它不仅代表着产品和服务的质量,而且也是公司在全球所有商业 活动中专业与价值的代表。 back

Section 4 Focus on Grammar next

Section 4 Focus on Grammar Task 1 Study the following English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences into English. 1. Zhang Hua said he would ask his secretary to arrange for everything. 经理说他将邀请一些重要客户参加晚会。  The manager said that he would invite some important customers to the party. 2. John was told that their company was going to reduce staff. 王伟昨天告诉我他星期五要去上海参加一个贸易会。  Wang Wei told me yesterday that he was leaving for Shanghai for a trade fair on Friday. next

Section 4 Focus on Grammar 3. The teacher told her students that they would finish their homework before Friday. 经理告诉玛丽她必须在本周内完成这项任务。  The manager told Mary that she was going to finish the task in a week. 4) I didn’t know if he would come and help me prepare for the job interview. 我不知道他是否会申请这个职位。  I didn’t know if he would apply for this position. 5) He said he would do it right away. 她说她下班后直接回家。  She said she was going straight home after work. next

Section 4 Focus on Grammar Task 2 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the verbs given in brackets. back 1. He said he __________________ (visit) China the next year. 2. They were told that they ___________________ (discuss) the matter after a break. 3. They decided that they ________________ (buy) a car when they had enough money. 4. The tour guide told the travellers that they ________________ (gather) at the gate of the park one hour later. 5. She was happy because she ____________________ (get) a promotion next month. was going to visit would/were going to discuss would/were going to buy would/were going to gather would/was going to get