The processor, (also known as a microprocessor or a CPU, which stands for Central Processing Unit), does all of the computing a computer does. In other words, it is like the computer’s brain. Not the part of the brain where memory is stored but the part of the brain which does the thinking
It consists single silicon chip containing CPU, ALU, and some memory It typically consists of miniaturized electronic circuit (consisting mainly of semiconductor devices ) The cuircuit design is comparable to new york city road map drawn on the surface of the small chip. Pins, also known as contact points, are tiny little pieces of metal that connect the processor to the motherboard Modern processors have hundreds or even thousands of pins
The Machine Cycle Fetch - get an instruction from Main Memory Decode - translate it into computer commands Execute - actually process the command Store - write the result to Main Memory
microprocessor's have cache memory memory that is located inside the Central Processing Unit itself known as L1 cache It stores the most frequently used data The Central Processing Unit can access the cache memory much faster than having to access the RAM, because the cache memory is right inside the chip and the RAM is outside the Chip Level 2 cache memory ( on the right side of the processor chip) is located between the RAM (Random Access Memory) and Central Processing Unit . Level 2 cache memory is used when the level 1 cache memory is full or is too small to hold the data Level 1 cache is often smaller and faster than level 2 cache memory In some mordern processors L1 and L2 cache memory are both located inside the CPU
CPUs in general purpose computers dissipate significant power because of their higher complexity and speed. These put an upper limit to clock speed of processor Processors are often as hot as a frying pan ! As a processor model's design matures, smaller transistors, lower- voltage structures, and design experience may reduce power consumption. Heatsink and fan are attached directly upon the processor to prevent it from overheating and melting