Elida Board Of Education Meeting Superintendent's Report March 19, 2013
Superintendent’s Report Pay-To-Participate – Schedule H.S. $200.00, M.S. $ Family Plan for H.S. $ first, $ second, $ third, fourth, etc. Middle School Sports Family Plan for M.S. $ first, $ second, $75.00 third, fourth, etc.
P-2-P Continued H.S. Band (only)$50.00 Jazz Band$0.00 M.S. Band$0.00 Musical only H.S. $40.00 M.S. & Elementary. $25.00 Family Plan $40.00 first, second, third, etc.
P-2-P Continued H.S. Quiz Bowl (9–12)only$40.00 M.S. Quiz Bowl (5–8)only$20.00 National Honor Society$0.00 H.S. Student Council$0.00 M.S. Student Council$0.00
Let’s Review a couple of Numbers Total expense per pupil: $8,150 - rank 564 out of 609 Only 45 districts spend less Administrative cost per pupil: $893 - rank 556 out of 609 Only 53 districts spend less Administrative cost per pupil: Lowest in the County 3 years in a row 20 th of 21 Districts in our State Group
A Death by a Thousand Cuts $323, $191, $1,282, $590, $465,569 Total $2,841,044
What is Left to Cut? What are the State Minimum Standards? So what does it mean when I say… “I don’t know what else we can cut?”
Regular Student Population Total ADM2, Open Enrollment (In) , Open Enrollment (Out) , Special Education ,364.66
Regular Student Population 2, Community School , Post Secondary , JVSD 20% Regular Student Population2,223.61
State Minimum Standards State Minimum Standard student to teacher ration is 1 –25 2, ÷ 25 = teachers We have , over SMS
So the question becomes: Where can we cut 14.5 teachers? #/Sect.RatioMax.Cut K201÷ Over 1186÷ No 2209÷ No 3184÷ No 4187÷ No
So the question becomes: Where can we cut 14.5 teachers? #/Sect.RatioMax.Cut 5219÷ Over 6168÷ No 7220÷ Over 8200÷ No
So the question becomes: Where can we cut 14.5 teachers? #/Sect.RatioMax.Cut (41) 12146(38) 699(5x6=30) = (6x6=36) = 19.5
So the questions becomes: Where can we cut 14.5 teachers? H.S. Language Arts1$50,000 H.S. Science1$50,000 H.S. Foreign Language1$50,000 M.S. Foreign Language 1$50,000 H.S. Computers/Tutor1$ Elem. Building Coach1$50,000 Kindergarten5 $250, $550,000
Educational Service Personnel Counselor3 Media Specialist0.5 School Nurse1 Visiting Teacher0 Social Worker1 Elementary Art (K-8)3 Elementary Music (K-8)4.5 Elementary PE (K-8)4 17
Extra Curricular Activities $485,000 Salaries Benefits Athletic Director Athletic Secretary
So, what is on the cut list? All day every day kindergarten, and extra curricular activities? Middle School Language or Music? High School Science, English or Foreign Language Teacher? Is there even a choice?
So what about administrators? SMS – Every school must have the services of a principal. Every school with 15 teachers shall have the services of a full time principal.
So what about administrators? 15 – 1 Ratio What does = More U.M. High School (2 administrators) 40 teachers: 20-1 ratio Middle School (2 administrators) 49 teachers: ratio Elementary School (2 administrators) 55 teachers: ratio
Transportation Cuts not on the table? We are not required to provide transportation for students 9-12 Still running the same areas and have over 700 less riders – Lose $25,000 Closing Gomer cost us about $25,000 K-12, 2 mile walk zone $75,000 2 mile walk zone HS only $25,000
Without the levy Carryover Balance: Counting the Governors $774, $1,503, $1,194, $ 138,946 Without the Governors Proposal? $1,503, $420, $590,054
How do we cut $1,000,000 Core Teachers$363,000 Non-Core$218,750 Athletics$485,000 Cut List$1,066,750
What additional costs are out there? New Charter School(s) Center for Autism and Dyslexia Additional ESC Costs Health Care Staffing for 3 rd Grade Guarantee Additional staff for evaluation?
Extra Curricular Activities Reduce number of activities Fall Football – Volleyball / B&G Soccer Winter Boys and Girls Basketball Spring B & G Track, Softball, Baseball
Extra Curricular Activities Other cuts Middle School Sports Musical Student Council Quiz Bowl Teams
Extra Curricular Activities Cuts Fall X-Country, Golf, Girls Tennis Winter Wrestling Spring Boys Tennis
What about Transportation? Transportation Supervisor Reduced miles traveled, fuel consumption, man hours $1 million dollar a year operation We travel 299,377 miles in FY12 Down from 403,654 miles in ,123 gal ,598 gal Man hours 2001 in 134 in 2012 in 94
Transportation Costs Increase Bus Replacement 18 year plan, 1.5 per year In 2002 we received $48,000 reimbursement on a $56,000 bus. Today we receive $0.0 reimbursement on an $88,000 bus (367% increase). Fuel 2001 $ $350.00
Transportation Bus Fleet 2002 – 36 busses, 34 on daily runs 2012 – 28 buses, 22 on daily runs 2002 – 403,654 miles – 2,293 per day 2012 – 299,377 miles – 1,701 per day
Transportation District 68 square miles, 66% in 14 sq. miles. 22% of students live in the Laurel Oaks, Lobo and Village (6 sq. miles). 44% of students live in Edgewood, Sherwood, and Northland areas (8 sq. miles). Remaining 33% live in 54 sq. miles
Transportation What about outsourcing? “In terms of cost, union staff, your operation truly appears to be one of the best managed I have seen.” “I find it difficult to recommend outsourcing and believe, on the contrary, a congratulations on a well run student transportation department is in order.” – Barry Bryan