DECADE: Humanities
Basic Info The 1910s was a decade of great change for America. During this decade the US was first considered a world leader. Many of the issues of 1910 were ones we face today: escalation of immigration and poverty, labor and monopoly battles, work safety, and child labor problems. World War I- the first war to end all wars raged
Facts about this Decade Population: 92,407,000 Life Expectancy: Male 48.4 Female 51.8 Average Salary: $750/year Unemployed: 2,150,000 National Debt: $1.15 Billion Union Membership: 2/1 million Strikes 1,204 Attendance: Movies 30 million per week Lynchings: 76 Divorce: 1/1000 Vacation: 12 day cruise $60 Whiskey: $3.50/gallon Milk: $.32/gallon Speeds make automobile safety an issue 25,000 performers tour 4,000 US theaters
Historical Events and Technology The Progressive Era lasted from 1895 until World War I Period of unrest and reform Labor unions continued to grow as the middle classes became more and more unhappy Unsafe working conditions led to fire that killed 145 female workers at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Children were hired to work in factories, mills, and mines for long hours in unsafe and unhealthy conditions. 20% of children living in cities were undernourished, education took second place to hunger and while children worked, only 1/3 enrolled in elementary school and less than 10% graduated from high school. The status of the Negro worsened.
Historical Events and Technology continued… Women were striving for equality The first suffrage parade was held in th Amendment finally ratified in America became the most highly industrialized country. Mass production of cars Popular culture became a lucrative national product for the US. People all over the world were dancing our dance crazed, listening to our jazz tunes, wearing our fashions, falling for our pop fads, and buying our products. Tobacco was Big Business
Historical Events and Technology continued… Sinking of the Titanic April 15, 1912 The first moving assembly line began in In 1915, the one-millionth Model T rolled off the assembly line The National Park Service was founded Prohibition (1919) First parachute jump was made Girl Scouts of America was founded Presidents were: William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson
Art and Architecture Three fundamental concepts concerning art in America were seriously reconsidered between : What is art? Who makes decisions about standards? How is art shared with the viewing public?
Art and Architecture continued… In 1908, the following artists from Ashcan School called “the eight” put on an exhibition of their work. Robert Henri John Sloan William Glackens George Luks Everett Shinn Ernest Lawson Maurice Prendergast Arthur B. Davies
Art and Architecture continued… Artists painted scenes of the less glamorous aspects of modern life. These became known as the Ash Can realists. “The eight” depicted life in gritty New York scenery and lower class residents. Industrialism was also a subject for the realistic art forms. Despite social change, the arts were not yet enlightened. Norman Rockwell painted his first cover for the Saturday Evening Post in 1916.
Video on 20 th Century
Books That Define the Times George Eastman brought photography to the masses The Smart Set by H.L. Mencken The New Republic by Herbert Croly The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man by James Weldon Jackson Uncle Remus by Joel Chandler Harris The Economic Consequences of the Peace by J.M. Keyes The American Language by H.L. Mencken Democracy and Education by John Dewey Family Limitation by Margaret Sanger
Fads and Fashion Women were beginning to think more of comfort. Fell for the hobble skirt Fabrics became lighter, colors are brighter, and styles are looser. Lowered necklines became popular Sales of cold cream and lemon extract escalate The Tea Gown was worn at home. Important years for furs Hemlines inched up to show ankles.
Fads and Fashion Video feature=related feature=related ature=related ature=related
Music The 1910s were called the Ballroom Decade. Many of the trendier restaurants were equipped with dance floors. Black Americans continued to write and perform ragtime, blues, and jazz. Popular Songs of the Decade Alexander’s Ragtime Band Danny Boy You Made Me Love You Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life The Aba Daba Honeymoon
Music continued… eature=related eature=related
Theater, Film, and Radio Teens enjoyed Theda Bera and vamping, a seductive, sexual dance and posturing Americans flocked to the Ziegfeld follies and Vaudeville on Broadway to see such stars as Fannie Brice, Fatty Arbuckle, and bill “Bojangles” Robinson. Popular Movies: Birth of a Nation, The Floorwalker, Daddy Long Legs, Les Miserables, and A Tale of Two Cities.
A Tale of Two Cities
The End!!!!