1 Christine de Pizan (1364?-1430?) EDCI 658 Fall, 2006
2 Christine’s Life and Times Was born in Venice, Italy around 1364 Her father was a lecturer in astrology at the University of Bologna King Charles of France invited her father to give him medical and astrological advice Christine’s family moved to Paris Her mother had the conventional view of her daughter’s role in life Her father was her teacher in French, Italian, and some Latin Christine devoted her book, The Long Road to Learning (1403) to her father
3 Christine’s Life and Times She married twenty-five year old man Etienne de Castel chosen by her father at the age of fifteen They had three children She was widowed at age of 24; her father also died Christine began writing poetry using fixed forms of verse and assembled a collection of 100 ballades by 1402
4 Christine’s Life and Times She was considered the first true feminist by criticizing Jean de Meun’s Romance of the Rose She wrote to the Queen protesting the unjust image of women portrayed by the book She also believed that women could play the roles beyond traditional domestic sphere Her letters were considered as the forerunner of the modern essay Moral Educator: She also wrote Moral Teaching and Moral Proverbs and Mutation of Fortune Biographer: She wrote biography of King Charles V., which was the first “secular biography”
5 Christine’s Life and Times She also wrote The Book of the City of Ladies (Inspired by Augustine’s City of God) The Book of the Three Virtues The Book of the Feats of Arms and Chivalry Lament on the Evils of the Civil War Christine’s sun became a royal secretary later and got married and had three children of his own; however, he had to flee into exile when the English occupied Paris Christine retired to live with her daughter in the abbey of Poissy where she wrote Hours of Meditation on the Lord
6 Christine’s Importance for Education She wrote in a wide range of topics: morality, government, war, peace, history, education She wrote in many genres: poetry, letters, essays, biographies, autobiographies She educational ideas were beyond her time: liberal education for women; learning by doing; using rhyming verse to help them memorize Wrote extensively on moral education In her book The Book of the Three Virtues, she advocated a school for all women to attend including the lower class women
7 Christine’s Importance for Education She encouraged women to dominate their own lives rather than letting life dominating them She also encourage women to develop their talents in order to make contributions to society Another innovative educational idea is to use children’s natural curiosity and treat children with kindness She emphasized that moral education is to serve the purposes of civic responsibility In her Book of the Body Politic, She wrote education in three parts: (1) princes, (2) nobles and knights, (3) scholars, merchants, artisans, and laborers
8 Christine’s Importance for Education Advocated physical education Agreed with Cicero on oratorical skills Emphasized the values of hands-on activities and learning from the examples of the elders Emphasized hat virtue as the basis for ruling Emphasized moral and civic education Believed that knowledge should be shared in order to obtain its full value
9 Example of Christine’s Writings “Son, I have no great treasure to make you rich, but a measure Of good advice, which you may need; I give it hoping you’ll take heed” “If you knowledge would pursue A life of books is then for you So make sure that by your hard work You’re not inferior to any clerk” “Another’s wealth do not envy, The envious in this life may see The flames of Hell and feel its pains A burden heavier than chains” -Citied in Murphy, 2006, p. 135
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