by Radim Kolář and Michal Seitl
Contents General information about Baroque Painting Sculpture Architecture Theatre Philosophy Music QUIZ
Vocabulary fugue - fuga billowing dresses - rozevláté šaty impress - ohromit ceiling frescoes - stropní fresky irregular - nepravidelný shape - tvar melodiousness - melodičnost concealed lighting - nepřímé světlo ridiculous - směšný determine - určit, stanovit
B aroque - g eneral information Term Baroque An artistic style prevalent from the late 16th century to the early 18th century in Europe the dominant style of art in Europe between the Mannerist and Rococo eras last universal and consistent artistic style in Europe
Painting Main moti f – human body The most significant element s were the ceiling frescoes or chiaroscuro painting absolutely prevailed contrast of colors, lights and shadows
Peter Paul Rubens
Czech painting Probably the most important baroque painter was Škréta Prague – Temple of Mother of God before Tyn or Church of St. Prokop
Sculpture Characteristic feature – billowing dresses Gian Lorenzo Bernini – create d the baroque form of statues
Czech sculpture Our most important sculptor was Matthias Bernard Braun
Architecture monumental Churches - picture of heaven on Earth Castles and palaces – picture of fortune and power common architectural feature: dome Expensive materials – gold, precious wood, colored marbles
Theatre became a multimedia experience monumentality much of baroque techn iques is used in present
Philosophy two main directions - rationalism and empiricism main theme - epistemology (gnozeologie) leaders: René Descartes, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Baruch Spinoza.
Music - characteristics Main task: focus on a feelings of listeners melodiousness emotional appeal Unity of mood Melody is complex Terraced dynamics – sudden changes Polyphony basso continuo
Composers Georg Friedrich Händel Johann Sebastian Bach Adam Michna z Otradovic Pavel Josef Vejvanovský J an Dismas Zelenka.
New form - OPERA Dramatic connection with music Created in Italy Last 16th century by Jacobo Peri – Dafne In 17th century was expanded to all of west state Composers: R.Wagner, G.Verdi, B.Smetana, L.Janáček
Georg Friedrich Händel Composed 612 songs Synthetic of Baroque – used form in perfection top of opera and oratorio Creation: Opera: Julius Caesar Oratorio: Messiah, Israel in Egypt
Johann Sebastian Bach Composed 1126 songs Master of polyphony Perfection musical form of fugue Creation: Brandenburg concertos Well Tempered Clavier the Mass in B Minor
Quiz Antonio Vivaldi – Čtvero ročních období Johann Sebastian bach – Temperovaný klavír Johann Sebastian bach – Braniborský koncert Georg Friedrich Händel - Messiah, Hallelujah Chorus