Reptile & Bird Jeopardy General Reptilia & Dinosaurs Testudines & Sphenodontia SquamataCrocodiliaGeneral Aves Final Jeopardy
What two adaptations allowed reptiles to completely free themselves from living in water during certain stages of their lifecycles? 2
Scales and the amniotic egg 3
4 What type of skulls do reptiles have? What type do mammals have?
5 Reptiles – Anapsid & diapsid Mammals - Synapsid
6 What are the two main groups of dinosaurs and what is the basis for the distinction between the two groups?
7 Saurischians & Ornithischians Based on the orientation of the hips
8 Compare & contrast sauropods vs. theropods on the basis of body shape, diet, and their relationship to birds
9 Sauropods – giant quadrapedal herbivores with long necks and small heads Theropods – large bipedal carnivores with relatively large heads. A small branch of theropods evolved into the birds (Archaeopteryx)
10 What killed the dinosaurs, how long ago did it occur, where did it occur, what is the name of the extinction event, and what evidence of this event exists today?
11 What – An asteroid When – 65 mya Where – Yucatan Peninsula Name – K-T Extinction Event Evidence – Crater can be seen by satellite and rare asteroid element can be found around the world in 65 my old rock
12 What is the name of the top and bottom pieces of a turtle shell?
13 Top – Carapace Bottom - Plastron
14 What is the common name of the only member of Order Sphenodontia?
15 The tuatara
16 What are three characteristics of the sphenodon that lead one to conclude that it is not a lizard?
17 Two rows of upper teeth No external ear openings A parietal third eye that senses heat
Distinguish between the common and alligator snapping turtle and describe how the alligator snapping turtle feeds. 18
19 Common Snapping – smaller & more aggressive Alligator Snapping – larger and less aggressive Feeds by using tongue as a lure
Distinguish between the four types of turtles: Turtles/Sliders Terrapins Sea Turtles Tortoises 20
21 Turtles/Sliders – amphibious freshwater turtles Terrapins – brackish water turtles Sea Turtles – marine turtles Tortoises – land turtles
22 The Order Squamata is broken down into three suborders: Lacertilia, Serpentes, & Amphisbaena What type of organisms are in each suborder?
23 Lacertilia - Lizards Serpentes - Snakes Amphisbaena - Worm Lizards
24 By what rhyme can one tell the difference between the beneficial king snake and the harmful coral snake?
25 Red on black is good for Jack Red on yellow will kill a fellow
26 In general, describe the difference between poisonous snakes and constrictors.
27 Usually, poisonous snakes will have a triangular head, raised eyebrows, and cat-like pupils. Usually, constrictors will have a less pronounced jaw, no raised eyebrows, and a circular pupil
28 Compare & contrast the fangs & toxins of rattlesnakes, cottonmouths and copperheads with that of cobras, puff adders, & coral snakes.
29 Rattlesnake group – large, hinged fangs with a hemotoxin Cobra group – smaller, fixed fangs with a neurotoxin
30 Name something unique about the following lizards: Chameleons, geckos, glass lizards, & Gila monsters
31 Chameleons – change colors/eyes move independently Geckos – no eyelids/feet attract to surfaces using Van der Waals forces Glass lizards – no legs/tail shatters like glass Gila monsters – poisonous
32 What is temperature- dependent sex determination?
33 The temperature of the eggs will determine the sex of the resulting baby
34 Where are the only two places in the world where one can find alligators?
35 Southeastern US and the Yangtze River in China
36 What is the nictitating membrane and the tapedum lucidum?
37Nictitating membrane – A protective cover over the eye that allows the animal to see underwater Tapedum lucidum – A reflective layer beneath the eye that enhances night vision and also causes the eyes to glow in the dark
38 Why do crocodiles have a wider distribution than alligators, gavials, or caimans?
39 Crocodiles can tolerate higher amounts of salt in their water and were thus able to transverse large areas of the ocean to get to many places around the world.
40 Label the organisms in the following pictures
42 Define sexual dimorphism
37 When males & female look quite different from one another
44 Sexual selection and natural selection are often at odds with each other. What does this statement mean?
45 Sexual selection may cause an animal to develop features or attributes that only enhance its attractiveness to the opposite sex. However these features may cause the organism to be less able to find food or avoid predation.
46 What is the difference between Altricial and Precocial chicks?
47 Altricial – Born featherless & blind. Develop into smarter birds like the carnivores and passerines Precocial – Born with feathers & sight. Common in herbivorous, non-passerine birds
48 How does the airfoil design of a wing allow it to achieve aerodynamic lift?
49 The air molecules have to travel a greater distance above the wing than below & thus travel faster. This causes the molecules to spread out leaving a low pressure zone above the wing. The relative high pressure below the wing then pushes upwards creating lift
50 Describe the purpose of the following 5 types of feathers: Tail/flight Semiplume Filoplume Bristle Downy
51 Tail/flight – flying & soaring Semiplume – provides shape and color Filoplume – connected to nerve endings Bristle – borders the eyes & beak Downy – provides insulation
52 Describe the functions of the following parts of the amniotic egg: Amnion, Chorion, Allantois, & Yolk
53 Amnion – protective sac around embryo Chorion – Allows O2 to absorb into embryo Allantois – Stores waste Yolk – Food source for developing embryo