Unification example: a grammar Rule {Satz} S -> NP VP (PP): = =. ;Kongruenz zwischen Subjekt und finitem Verb Rule{NP} NP -> Name / Pron / Det (AP) N (PP): = =. ; Spezifikator-Kopf-Kongruenz Rule{VP intransitiv} VP -> V: = = i. Rule{VP transitiv} VP -> V NP: = = t =. 1/3 psg2.grm + psg2.lex
Rule{VP transitiv mit PP} VP -> V NP PP: = = tp = =. Rule{VP ditransitiv} VP -> V NP_1 NP_2: = = t2 = =. Rule{VP mit PP} VP -> V PP: = = p =. Rule{VP mit Vc} VP -> V {NP / AP / PP}: = = c = =. Rule{AP} AP -> (Adv) A: = =. Rule{PP} PP -> P NP: = =. 2/3 Unification example: a grammar
Parameter: Attribute order is cat subcat lex subj pred spec adj head adj2 obj2 obj pobj predcomp. Let V be[cat: V]. Let Vi be V[subcat: i]. Let Vt be V[subcat: t]. Let Vtp be V[subcat: tp]. Let Vt2 be V[subcat: t2]. Let Vp be V[subcat: p]. Let Vc be V[subcat: c]. Let N be[num: !sg pers: 3]. Let sg be[num: sg]. Let pl be[num: pl]. Let Det be[num: !sg]. Let sg/pl be{[sg] [pl]}. Let 1sg besg [pers: 1]. Let 2sg besg [pers: 2]. Let 3sg besg [pers: 3]. Let 1pl bepl [pers: 1]. Let 2pl bepl [pers: 2]. Let 3pl bepl [pers: 3]. Let 2sg/pl be{[2sg] [pl]}. ;are, were Let 1sg/2sg/pl be{[1sg] [2sg] [pl]}. ;Präsens regelmäßig: sing Let 1sg/3sg be{[1sg] [3sg]}. ;was Let 2per be sg/pl [pers: 2] ;you 3/3 Unification example: a grammar
Unification example S: [ cat: S subj: [ cat: NP spec: [ cat: Det lex: the num: pl ] head: [ cat: N lex: girls num: pl pers: 3 ] ] pred: [ cat: VP head: [ cat: V subcat:t2 lex: gave num: pl pers: 3 ] obj2: [ cat: NP spec: [ cat: Det lex: the num: sg ] head: [ cat: N lex: boy num: sg pers: 3 ] adj2: [ cat: PP head: [ cat: P lex: in ] obj: [ cat: NP spec: [ cat: Det lex: the num: sg ] head: [ cat: N lex: village num: sg pers: 3 ] ] ] ] obj: [ cat: NP spec: [ cat: Det lex: a num: sg ] head: [ cat: N lex: present num: sg pers: 3 ] ] ] ]