Choosing the Right Healthcare Insurance for Church Staff at a Price You Can Afford
Three Questions You Should Ask How will Obama care affect the church insurance scene? What should we provide for our staff? What Should We Expect to Pay?
Obama Care Essentials This provision applies to individuals of all ages, including children and senior citizens There are exceptions Vast majority who qualify must be covered Can apply to missionaries
Obama Care Essentials Does the church have 50 employees? Is the church considered a control group? Part time employees? If you do not 50 or more employees, you do not have to provide insurance to your staff- all part-time, seasonal and variable employees If you think you have 50 employees, go to this link to complete this process
If the calculator found that your ministry is not an applicable large employer, the provision does not apply to your ministry. That means your ministry is not required to offer coverage to its full-time employees
What Constitutes Coverage? An employer-sponsored plan (including COBRA and retiree coverage) A government-sponsored program (such as Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and TRICARE) Coverage purchased in the individual market or on the exchange A grandfathered health plan (GuideStone)
What are My Options? You can keep your current plan You should consider GuideStone if you are currently uninsured Possible better rates, better coverage Kingdom driven Individuals should enroll in a health plan, such as GuideStone’s, by December 15, Benefits-Package Benefits-Package
Insuring Children Based on family size and income Check income guidelines to see if you qualify Download application or apply online Pregnant women use the AIM insurance until 60 days after child is born. Then child is enrolled in healthy families for one year
What Should We Provide? What the budget will allow What does each staff member actually need (spouse or other insurance) Provide in the order of need: health, dental, sight Church needs to provide disability insurance What if all of your staff get their insurance through another source?
How Much Should We Pay? Get a cost comparison are.aspx are.aspx Check with GuideStone yee-Benefits-Package yee-Benefits-Package Low cost insurance for children if you qualify
Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan MERP is the same as HRA It’s a way to give tax free money that can only be spent on medical expenses Church must have a policy; must be specific as to benefit Church sets up MERP and insured buy their own plans Policies may be found at
What Questions Do You Have for Me? Rod Wiltrout Church Finance Specialist (559) direct line (559) cell Questions?