Chemistry is Explosive Mr. Amar Patel – Room 45 First Day Agenda ► Introductions ► Classroom Rules ► Course Description and Grading policy ► Assessments ► Materials ► Helpful Hints
I’m finally finished with school!!! (well for a couple of months) I graduated from Western Kentucky University in May B.S. Chemistry (American Chemical Society certified) B.S. Science and Math Education (SKyTeach) Two minors in the areas of mathematics and biology. I plan to teach chemistry at the high school level. I would like to obtain my Masters in Chemistry and then a Ph.D. in Chemistry or Ed.D. in Educational Leadership.
I also finished a “pre-medicine” program at WKU and was accepted into medical schools for this Fall. Let’s take a look at my training…
IT’S A FROG!!!!...well, it was a frog.
Comparative Anatomy…one of the hardest courses I have ever taken.
But I LOVE teaching! Any moment is an opportunity to learn and teach and I take FULL advantage of this…just ask any of my friends. I try to be in a teaching situation as much as possible. This is why I love summer camps and afterschool/weekend events. I have participated in Super Saturdays (Chemistry), VAMPY (astronomy), Band Camp, Science Olympiad, Odyssey of the Mind, and so much more! Interacting with students (of a certain age…no elementary!!!!!) is incredibly rewarding and so much fun.
Please Help Me Get to Know You 1. What is the most exciting thing you did this summer? 2. Is there anything that you would like me to know about you so that I can help you learn. Would you prefer to sit in the front? 3. What do you hope to learn in this class? 4. What is the last math and science class you took and what grades did you make? 5. List extracurricular activities you are involved in (work, sports, clubs, hobbies).
Rules, Rules, Rules!
Few Topics ► 1. Tardy ► 2. Food and Drink ► 3. Cell Phones and Music Devices ► 4. Cheating and Plagiarism ► 5. Procedures and Infractions ► 6. Be Respectful ► 7. School and District Policies in effect
Course Description- Grading Policy ► Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks. It’s just a matter of how you view them. ► Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.H.W. Beecher
Course Description ► Chemistry is the study of the changes in a material’s properties from the smallest part of the atom to the most complex molecules. Basic concepts, equations, nomenclature, and reactions will be explored. Both, qualitative and quantitative models of instruction will be employed throughout the course. ► Further, demonstrations and laboratory experiments that investigate and reinforce concept will be conducted throughout the course.
Topic Outline ► (1) Intro to Chemistry and Measurement (including Lab and Safety), ► (2) Matter and Change, ► (3) Atomic Structure, ► (4) The Periodic Table, ► (5) Electrons in Atoms, ► (6) Bonding, ► (7) Acid/Base Chemistry and Chemical Reactions, ► (8) Chemical Quantities, ► (9) Stoichiometry, and ► (10) Gases.
Resources ► Textbook ► Webpage ► Internet ► Peers and Instructor
Grading ► Grading in this course will be determined from homework, laboratory assignments, reports, exams, quizzes, writing assignments, and similar forms of evaluation. ► The grades for this course will be determined by the percentage of points earned out of the total number of points possible. ► Rounding of grades is determined by the Infinite Campus Software.
Grading ► A standard ten-point scale will be used: ► GradePercent of Available Points A 90 – 100% B 80 – 89.99% C 70 – 79.99% D 60 – 69.99% F 59% and below
Grading ► At this point, it is anticipated that the semester (about 18 weeks) will contain 8 exams, 8 quizzes, 16 labs, 1 midterm, 1 final, homework assignments, and other assignments. ► This is subject to change at any point by the instructor.
Assessments and Class Work
Exams and Quizzes ► During the semester, the lowest exam and lowest quiz will be dropped. This will be done only if dropping the exam/quiz will improve the student’s letter grade. ► Dropping grades is done only by the instructor’s discretion. ► At the end of the first quarter, the drop will be used if the student’s letter grade will be improved; the student will not have a drop for the second quarter. If the drops are not used during the first quarter, they will be used during the second quarter. ► The midterm and final exams cannot be dropped.
Missed Exams/Quizzes ► If a student has to miss an exam, for any reason¸ the exam or quiz that they miss will be their dropped score. ► If a student knows ahead of time that he or she will miss an exam, the student will need to make arrangements with the instructor to take the exam/quiz before the scheduled date. The student must inform he instructor at least three days in advance to take advantage of this option. ► If a second exam or quiz is missed during the quarter, it will be up to the instructor’s discretion how that missed quiz or exam will be handled.
Homework ► Homework will be assigned and scored at regular intervals during the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to know what is assigned even when absent. ► Due dates for the assignments will be announced in class, posted in the classroom and on the webpage. ► Homework will be spot-checked for completion and accuracy. It is imperative that students complete homework assignments in order to master the material presented in this course.
Homework ► For students who are absent on due dates, the students will be required to turn in the assignment the day that they return. ► Each day that the assignment is late, students will receive a 20% deduction in points.
Other Assignments ► All other assignments include, but are not limited to, lab reports, portfolio pieces, reflections, and bellringers. ► Periodically, notebook checks and “I Can…” Statement checks will be performed. ► It is very important that students maintain a complete and organized binder for this class.
Formatting ► All students will be assigned a student number. ► Each assignment turned in to be graded must be formatted correctly, as discussed in class, and contain the student number. ► Assignments must be turned in on loose-leaf notebook paper. ► The instructor reserves the right to deduct up to 2 points for formatting errors. This will be at teacher discretion.
What You Need The whole is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Materials List for First Week ► 1 Box of tissues ► 4 EXPO dry erase markers ► 1 pack of Post-It Notes ► 2 inch 3-ring binder ► 5 dividers with pockets ► 200 Notecards (3”x5”) ► Highlighters ► Pens (black or blue only) ► Pencils ► Loose leaf paper ► Scientific Calculator [about $10, with exponential key]
Success on Chemistry
Key to Success ► Study nightly ► Work hard in class ► Practice at home ► Rewrite notes ► At least two people to get assignments ► Take exams on time
Key to Success ► Positive Attitude ► Ask questions ► No shame in needing help ► Study groups ► ESS practice or tutoring ► Before and after school practice
What you will get ► Please share all information with your parent/guardian. Course Syllabus Class Expectations – signed and returned Letter to the Parent