Genres Genre means a category, or kind of story. S. Bolmeier/MPS.


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Presentation transcript:

Genres Genre means a category, or kind of story. S. Bolmeier/MPS

All categories of books or stories can be called either fiction or non-fiction. Fiction za made up story zcan tell about things that could happen zis read for fun zcharacters may be like real people or imaginary Non-Fiction z has facts that can be checked and proven z the author is an expert on this information z it IS TRUE!

Realistic fiction zcan be based on a real story zcharacters act like real people zcharacter tries to solve a problem zstory could happen in real life zsome events are historically accurate zcharacter’s feelings and behaviors are like real life

Historical Fiction zForm of fiction zBased on historical events zAuthentic settings zCharacters portrayed in realistic manner zSome characters may be actual people from history zArtistic mix of fiction and historical fact

Science Fiction Form of fiction Contains some sort of scientific element – outer space, medicine, technology Within realm of possibility Characters have some believable traits

Fantasy zAnimal characters may act like people zcharacters may have special powers zcharacters may be imaginary beings zsetting may be in another time (future) zusually has a good vs. evil conflict zmay use scientific principles not yet available or discovered

Mystery zUsually fiction zUsually narrative zThe protagonist is usually an investigator, crime solver, or spy zClues are given throughout the story, but reader usually has to make inferences zSuspense is created by several possible solutions, with the actual solution revealed at the end

Poetry zpage format may look different than other books zmay have rhythm (beat) zmay rhyme zimaginative and creative zuses describing or exciting words ztells a story in verse

Informational zTells facts that can be looked-up or proven ztells about real events zcharacters have really lived zmay have maps, diagrams and illustrations to explain the facts zauthor is an expert on the subject

Biography zStory of a real person’s life zWritten by someone else zAuthor may do research by interviewing the subject or those who knew the subject

Autobiography zStory of a real person’s life zWritten by the person the story is about zAuthor doesn’t need to do research zAuthor shares how he/she feels and what he/she thinks

Traditional Literature ztells about the great deeds of a person who may have lived zmay exaggerate a person’s bravery or powers zprobably a long ago setting zstory may be considered a part of the history and culture of a group of people zmagic may be used to solve a problem za lesson can be learned from the story zCharacters can be human-like animals zExamples – fables, folktales, tall tales