CARLOTTA-LA SOGNATRICE “I only use the mobile phone to exchange SMS’es with my friends. I keep the ones that I like and when there’s no more room I transcribe them to my diary. I have already filled two of them.”
CARLOTTA-LA SOGNATRICE MOTIVATIONS: SELF Carlotta is fifteen years old and goes to grammar school, focussing on the sciences. She lives with her parents, her older brother and a cat. It is her second cat; when the first one died she couldn’t eat for a week. Getting up in the morning to go to school is the most difficult thing of the day for her. The only way can get up is by playing a cd very loud, but this makes her parents very angry. Her favourite moment is the early afternoon when she’s alone at home and her parents are still at work. She plays her guitar for a while and when she gets bored she turns the TV on and watches a series or a movie on Telepiù. Usually a girlfiend arrives and they close themeselves up in Carlotta’s bedroom to listen to music or to sudy. Her idol is Carmen Consoli; she knows all her songs by heart and she went with her brother to see her play live twice. Carlotta would also like to become a musician, especially to play concerts and travel around the world. She convinced one of her girlfriends to learn playing keyboards, so they can have a band, and start playing live.
CARLOTTA-LA SOGNATRICE MOTIVATIONS: FAMILY During weekends, Carlotta often goes out with her brother and his friends. Her parents feel more secure knowing that she’s with him and she is happy because she can see older people and go to bars with live music with him. Her parents are pretty understanding, because when they were young they their own fun. All in all Carlotta considers herself lucky compared to her girlfriends. MOTIVATIONS: FRIENDS Carlotta doesn’t go out with her classmates, beacuse she doesn’t feel very connected with them. She feels more confortable with a group of boys and girls from her neighborhood. Her best girlfriend is one of them, and she comes to Carlottas house all the time and calls her several times per day. MOTIVATIONS: COMMUNITY Carlotta and her friend talk for hours about the music and films they love. They look forward to be older so thay can to be free to go to concerts, to travel and to meet new people. Most of all, she would like to go to one of those music festivals that last for two or three days to camp with a lot of other people and to see her favourite bands all at the same time...
CARLOTTA-LA SOGNATRICE MOTIVATIONS: WORLD Carlotta never reads the newspaper unless her italian professor assigns students to bring an article to comment in class. Sometimes she hears the news while listening to RadioDj or Radio101. Radio keeps her company when she studies, but she prefers the stereo so she can choose the music herself. Sometimes she connects to Internet, using her father’s computer. She always goes to and then follow links that interest her. Usually she reads music, entertainment, cinema and TV sites. Sometimes she also uses a search engine to do research for school; last time it was about hurdle racing. She also has her account on Virgilio, but she doesn’t use it very often. She mainly uses it to communicate with her classmates about homework. Carlotta likes to read comics and music magazines more than she likes reading books. She has had a subscription to Topolino (Mickey Mouse) since she was a child and she still reads it because she is fond of it. She always buys Tutto, and sometimes Tribe if she knows that there is a story about someone she likes. She watches TV a couple of hours per day. It keeps her company while she eats lunch, because there is no one else at home, and she keeps watching it in the early afternoon. Her favourite programs are Beautiful, Centovetrine and Beverly Hills.
CARLOTTA-LA SOGNATRICE “I like to take the phone to my bedroom and chat while I lie in bed”.
CARLOTTA-LA SOGNATRICE MOTIVATIONS: MEDIA/DIMMITUTTO Carlotta loves talking on the phone and she can spend hours doing it. She uses the home phone to call her friends, because her mother only buys her a 25 euro talk card a mounth and and it would be finished very quickly. During the day shes mainly uses the phone in the living room. It is next to the couch, so she can sit comfortably or lay down while she talks. The phone she likes best is the cordless upstairs, and in the evening she takes it to her bedroom to chat while in bed. She dislikes having to be secretary for her parents while they are out. A lot of people call for them and she has to note down their names. The mobile is good for messages. She gets many of them and she likes to keep her favourite. When the memory on the phone is full, she transcribes them in her diary. She doesn’t take the phone to school because professors always check that they are off and she wouldn’t use it anyway. Sometimes a friend sends her a new ring tone found on the internet, but Carlotta only uses it if she likes the music. She doesn’t care about logos, but she is interested in phone covers. For christmas her friend gave her a very nice Hello Kitti cover as a present. RELATED SERVICES: ViVi DREAM, ViVi IDOLO, ViVi QUIZ