MUSICAL STYLE the way in which a composer or performer treats the following elements Melody Harmony Rhythm Tone Color Dynamics Texture Form
MUSICAL STYLE often times outside factors play into the style of a piece or artist TIME PERIOD / LOCATION / WHAT IT WAS MEANT FOR king, under class, ect.. concert hall or dinning room, dance, religious rite, drama, ect…
MUSICAL STYLE Music is not created in vacuum much borrowing and contrast occurs. to better understand music & style we turn to Music History
Overview of Time periods Time periods are tied to World History events Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, Israel had music but nothing survives, JAZZ/R&B/ROCK HISTORY is mostly 20 th /21 st Century....a very small part of world music history
MUSIC HISTORY TIME PERIODS MIDDLE AGES (450 – 1450) RENAISSANCE (1450 – 1600) BAROQUE (1600 – 1750) CLASSICAL ( 1750 – 1820) ROMANTIC (1820 – 1900) 20 th CENTURY to to PRESENT
MUSIC HISTORY TIME PERIODS MIDDLE AGES (450 fall of Rome – 1450 printing press invented) RENAISSANCE (1450 – 1600 Birth of Opera) BAROQUE (1600 – 1750 death of BACH) CLASSICAL ( 1750 – 1820 death of Beethoven) ROMANTIC (1820 – 1900 start of 20 th cen. Industrial rev) 20 th CENTURY to 1945 (end of WWII) 1945 to PRESENT
THE MIDDLE AGES 2 types of music Church & Secular little of manuscript survives & has no tempos dynamics or instrument names singers & instruments in paintings and literary descriptions but not certain exactly how
Gregorian Chant for 1000 years official Roman Catholic Church music Monophonic in LATIN sung to enhance parts of religious services NAMED after POPE Gregory I (the great) who reorganized liturgy
RENAISSANCE ( ) (age of Humanisim) -printing press -“Universal Man” every educated person was expected to be musicians along with other education -Age of Shakespeare and rebirth of the arts -Church continues to be major patron of music but secular attention to courts begins to rise -Musicians enjoy higher status and pay; no longer content to be unknown
BAROQUE ( ) (The Birth of Opera) -Two Giants of the era Handel & Bach -Most other composers forgotten until rediscovered in the 20 th century
THE CLASSICAL PERIOD ( ) CP BACH & JC BACH Pioneers of pre-classical period ( ) shift to simplicity, clarity, and balance in musically style most equate Classical Music title to anything non-pop / rock / jazz because of three greats are the most known & regarded Three greats of this period are MOZART, HAYDN, and BEETHOVEN
THE ROMANTIC PERIOD ( ) Similarities to Classical but… Uses greater range of…. Tone color Dynamics Pitch The harmonies are broader The use of unstable chords
The Early 20 th Century (Age of Musical Diversity) OLD FORMS EXPAND Avant Garde / Atonal (12 Tone Music) NEW FORMS ARISE Blues Jazz Rhythm & Blues Rock & Roll
JAZZ HISTORY TIMELINE The Blues & Ragtime (early 1900’s) New Orleans Jazz / Chicago Jazz (1910’s-1920’s) Swing / Big Band (1930’s-1940’s) Be-Bop (1940’s-1950’s) Cool Jazz (1940’s-1950’s) Hard Bop (1950’s-1960’s) Funky Gospel (1950’s-1970’s) Avant Garde (1950’s-1970’s) Fusion (1970’s) ** WATCH JAZZ HISTORY DVD 1 (0:00-31:30)
The Blues Early blues – Pre-Civil War – Result of slaves singing very sad songs – No chords – No set form – Sung in unison – Songs were performed privately of for groups of slaves only
The Blues Early blues – After Civil war – Music could be performed more openly – Lyric became AAB (2 part form) – Standardized chords – 4 measure groups - 3 lines (12 BARS) – 2 measures lyric, 2 measure fill – Still topics were -usually unhappy situations
Ragtime Originated in Sedalia, MO St. Louis became the Ragtime center around 1901 General Public first exposed to Ragtime at a series of World’s Fairs held in Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo, and the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis
New Orleans Possibly the Birth place of Jazz but… We must keep in mind that slaves were first brought to the America’s in 1619 to Virginia were African & European musical traditions most likely first mixed Also the first recorded instrumental Jazz was produced in New York around Pinning down Jazz music’s exact time & place of birth is somewhat of an Historical mystery New Orleans is certainly a good place to look at
New Orleans DIXELAND JAZZ FLOURISHES BECAUSE… Early New Orleans melting pot of cultures City has rare racial mixing Congo Square Creoles 1 st Opera company and Symphonies in USA Marching bands, Parades, & Mardi Gras Storyville
Chicago Style JAZZ (the roaring 1920s) Chicago was prosperous Many job opportunities Close to Detroit, model T’s and model A Fords Prohibition ( ) Gangsters ruled Chicago Like the Storyville, Chicago provided musicians with many night clubs to play Recording studios mostly in Chicago and New York
SWING THE SWING ERA… Most noteworthy Jazz of all era’s has an element of rhythm or feel that is referred to as swing The Swing Era general refers to…. The period after Boogie-Woogie in the development of Jazz in the 1930’s & early 1940’s. The music of large dance bands that played written arrangements with the occasional improvised solo
ROCK & ROLL HISTORY TIMELINE Boogie Woogie / R&B (late 1940’s/early 1950’s) Elvis / Teen Market (mid 1950’s) Surf Music / Folk Rock (late 1950’s) Motown / Atlantic Records (1950’s / early 1960’s) The British Invasion (mid 1960’s) Soul music / Acid Rock & Woodstock (late 1960’s) Heavy Metal / Punk Rock (1970’s) Disco / Smooth Pop-Rock (1970’s) MTV & Hip Hop (1980’s) Generation X & Boy Bands (1990’s) The New Millennium (2000’s)
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Tracing your favorite bands “Musical History” by tracing their influences Trace backwards from present day to as far as you can go most likely into Jazz or Blues influence