Biomes around the World BY: Cory McCain
Tropical Rainforest Biome There are more species in this biome than in the rest of the world. All continents have Tropical Rainforests accept Europe. The average temperature in the Tropical Rainforest is 26 degrees Celsius. Average rainfall in the Tropical Rainforest is 3 meters a year. One plant in the Tropical Rainforest biome is the Strangler Fig. The Figs are the most important plants to a Rainforest ecosystem. Figs start out as epiphytes on the branch or in the crooks of trees. King Cobras can grow up to feet long. King Cobra venom has the same strength from when born to death. King Cobra venom is specially adapted to paralyze there prey. The king Cobras are carnivores that mainly eat other snakes.
Deciduous forest biome Deciduous forests grow in cooler climates. Use smell, hearing, and eyesight to detect danger. When one deer senses danger it will stick up its tail to warn other deer of danger. In winter the deer will form herds to stay warm. Carpet moss requires constant moisture. They absorb moisture through pores. The pores always stay open. /world_biomes.htm
Grassland Biome Grasslands cover north America from Mexico to Canada. Tall grasses can grow up to two meters tall. This biome has very little trees. The male bobcat will guard its territory. A male bobcat will breed with most of the females in its territory. A bobcat has very sharp teeth. Bobcats can run up to thirty miles an hour. The tumbleweed tumbles around the grasslands to spread seeds. These plants grow in groups. Has spines to defend itself against predators. Tumbleweeds have 3 types of leaves.
Taiga Biome Taiga biomes are found in the northern hemisphere. It is cold and has long dry winters. The wolverine has thick fur to help keep it warm. Very large paws with long claws. Sharp accurate hunting skills. Has a very keen sense of smell. The white spruce has needle like leaves to save water. Needles to help protect itself from predators. biomes.htm
Desert Biome Deserts are on every continent. Are very hot in the day and are cool at night. The banded Gila monster gas great hearing. Warns predators with its coloring. Has very sharp claws. Females lay 3-13 eggs. Desert ironwoods can live as long as 1,500 years. Has 2 types of leaves. Drops leaves to conserve water. orld_biomes.htm
Tundra Biome The tundra has little rain. It is very cold. It is hard for trees to grow. The polar bear has 2 layers of skin. It has black skin to attract sunlight. Polar bears have very sharp teeth and claws. It has a thick layer of blubber about 4.5 inches thick. The bearberry can grow in dry non nutritious. Grows low to stay out of the wind chill. Fine silky hairs help keep this plant warm. ld_biomes.htm
References /world_biomes.htm /world_biomes.htm Clip art was also used.